
定义: “Compos mentis” 是拉丁语,常用于英语中,表示一个人具备健全的心智和理智,能够正常思考和做出决策。


  • 心智健全:
    • “Compos mentis” 描述一个人具备清晰、健全的心智和理智。
    • 例句:”Even at the age of 90, she remained compos mentis and made important decisions for her business.”(即使在90岁的时候,她仍然心智健全,为自己的企业做出重要决策。)
  • 正常思考和决策:
    • “Compos mentis” 强调一个人能够进行正常的思考、理性的判断和做出明智的决策。
    • 例句:”The judge ruled that the defendant was compos mentis during the time of the crime and fully responsible for his actions.”(法官裁定被告在犯罪期间心智健全,对自己的行为负有完全责任。)
  • 法律和医学用语:
    • “Compos mentis” 通常在法律和医学领域中使用,以描述一个人的心智状态和能力。
    • 例句:”The patient signed the consent form while still compos mentis, indicating his willingness to undergo the surgery.”(患者在心智健全的状态下签署了同意书,表示愿意接受手术。)



  1. compos mentis – 心智清醒的
  2. of sound compos mentis – 心智清醒的
  3. in a compos mentis state – 心智清醒的状态
  4. remain compos mentis – 保持心智清醒
  5. fully compos mentis – 完全心智清醒的
  6. be deemed compos mentis – 被认为心智清醒
  7. compos mentis and capable – 心智清醒和有能力的
  8. mentally compos mentis – 心智清醒的
  9. compos mentis at all times – 始终保持心智清醒
  10. compos mentis condition – 心智清醒的状态
  11. compos mentis assessment – 心智清醒评估
  12. compos mentis declaration – 心智清醒声明
  13. compos mentis examination – 心智清醒检查
  14. compos mentis report – 心智清醒报告
  15. compos mentis requirement – 心智清醒要求
  16. be considered compos mentis – 被视为心智清醒
  17. compos mentis status – 心智清醒状态
  18. compos mentis test – 心智清醒测试
  19. compos mentis verification – 心智清醒验证
  20. compos mentis witness – 心智清醒证人
  21. remain legally compos mentis – 保持法律上心智清醒



compos mentis (KOM pohs MEN tis) Originally a legal term for “a sound mind,” this phrase and its opposite, non compos mentis, have drifted into more casual use, often with a humorous edge.

  • The big blowout party for his graduation left Brandon feeling a tad non compos mentis the next day.
  • When Jerome, who easily becomes seasick, was invited on a Caribbean cruise, he declined, saying, “Not so long as I’m compos mentis.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
composit mentis(KOM pohs MEN tis)最初是“健全的头脑”的一个法律术语,这个短语和它的对立面,非composit ment,已经被更多地随意使用,通常带有幽默的边缘。

  • 第二天,布兰登举行了一场盛大的毕业派对,这让他感到有点不安
  • 杰罗姆很容易晕船,当他被邀请去加勒比海巡航时,他拒绝了,说:“只要我能平静下来就好了。”


下一篇文章de facto, de jure
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
