
complaisant (com PLAZE unt) This near-twin of the word above has taken on an equally negative meaning of its own: it describes a person who is overly eager to please or who calmly accepts mistreatment. The noun form is “complaisance.”

  • Patricia’s well-meaning complaisance was annoying to her hosts: instead of expressing some preference when asked how she would like to spend the day, she routinely said, “Whatever you want to do.”
  • The subplot of the French play focused on the complaisant husband; why didn’t he care that his wife was consistently unfaithful?

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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complaisant(com PLAZE unt)上面这个词的双胞胎也有同样负面的含义:它描述了一个过度渴望取悦或平静地接受虐待的人。名词形式是“complaiance”

  • Patricia善意的彬彬有礼让主持人很恼火:当被问及她想如何度过一天时,她没有表达自己的偏好,而是经常说:“你想做什么就做什么。”
  • 这部法国戏剧的次要情节集中在彬彬有礼的丈夫身上;为什么他不在乎他的妻子一直不忠

