complacent 英[kəmˈpleɪsnt] 美[kəmˈpleɪsnt]



  • Far from growing complacent and fat, they seem impressively muscular.
  • We’re saying let’s not be complacent, that these are metals known to affect health.


[adjective] feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder
[形容词] 对自己的能力或处境感到非常满意,以至于觉得自己不需要再努力了


complacent源自于拉丁语complacentem(非常令人高兴),主要表示“自满的、沾沾自喜的”,常搭配about接sb/sth。除此之外,complacent还可以指“满不在乎的、漠不关心的”,比如一种满不在乎的态度,就可以说“a complacent attitude”。

另外值得注意的是,complacent与单词complaisant的发音(英[kəmˈpleɪzənt] 美[kəmˈpleɪzənt])非常接近,后者主要指“顺从的、殷勤的”,要注意区分。


In this new, hyper competitive age, none of us, none of us can afford to be complacent.

出自贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama,1961年8月4日-),美国政治人物,2009年至2017年任第44任美国总统。他是首位拥有非裔血统的美国总统。


complacent (com PLACE unt) While the literal meaning of this word derived from Latin is “pleased with,” today it always carries the negative sense of being unpleasantly self-satisfied, smug. The noun form is “complacency.”

  • When Roger was hungry for success as an artist, he was a stimulating person; now that he has won blue ribbons in a number of art competitions he has grown complacent and dull.
  • The married couple’s sense of complacency about having a life partner was sometimes irritating to their singleton friends.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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自满(com PLACE unt)虽然这个源自拉丁语的词的字面意思是“满意”,但今天它总是带有一种令人不快的自我满足和自鸣得意的负面感觉。名词形式是“自满”

  • 当罗杰渴望成为一名成功的艺术家时,他是一个令人振奋的人;现在他已经在许多艺术比赛中获得了蓝丝带,他变得自满和迟钝
  • 这对已婚夫妇对有生活伴侣的自满情绪有时会激怒他们的单身朋友



complacent” 通常用来表示自满的、沾沾自喜的或得意的。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. complacent attitude – 自满的态度
  2. complacent behavior – 得意的行为
  3. complacent mindset – 自满的心态
  4. complacent outlook – 沾沾自喜的观点
  5. complacent approach – 得意的方法
  6. complacent response – 自满的回应
  7. complacent satisfaction – 满足的得意
  8. complacent demeanor – 自得的举止
  9. complacent self-assessment – 自我评估的沾沾自喜
  10. complacent disposition – 得意的性情
  11. complacent view of success – 成功的沾沾自喜态度
  12. complacent attitude toward challenges – 对挑战的自满态度
  13. complacent behavior in the face of criticism – 面对批评的得意行为
  14. complacent confidence – 沾沾自喜的信心
  15. complacent reaction to failure – 对失败的自满反应
  16. complacent demeanor despite setbacks – 尽管遭遇挫折仍自得的举止
  17. complacent approach to improvement – 对改进的得意方法
  18. complacent self-assurance – 自信的沾沾自喜
  19. complacent view of one’s achievements – 对自己成就的自满看法
  20. complacent response to constructive criticism – 对建设性批评的自满回应
  21. complacent outlook on personal growth – 对个人成长的沾沾自喜态度
  22. complacent attitude toward learning – 对学习的自满态度
  23. complacent behavior in the midst of challenges – 在挑战中自得的行为
  24. complacent mindset about potential risks – 对潜在风险的自满心态
  25. complacent approach to innovation – 对创新的得意方法
  26. complacent satisfaction with status quo – 对现状的满足感
  27. complacent reaction to warnings – 对警告的自满反应
  28. complacent demeanor in the absence of competition – 在没有竞争的情况下自得的举止
  29. complacent view of long-term goals – 对长期目标的沾沾自喜看法
  30. complacent attitude toward challenges – 对挑战的自满态度
  31. complacent behavior in the face of adversity – 面对逆境的自得行为
  32. complacent mindset about future prospects – 对未来前景的自满心态
  33. complacent response to feedback – 对反馈的自满回应
  34. complacent outlook on one’s skills – 对个人技能的沾沾自喜态度
  35. complacent approach to problem-solving – 解决问题的自满方法
  36. complacent satisfaction with limited achievements – 对有限成就的满足感
  37. complacent attitude toward improvement – 对改进的自满态度
  38. complacent behavior despite warnings – 尽管有警告也自得的行为
  39. complacent mindset about potential challenges – 对潜在挑战的自满心态
  40. complacent response to setbacks – 对挫折的自满回应
  41. complacent demeanor during success – 在成功时自得的举止
  42. complacent view of accomplishments – 对成就的得意看法
  43. complacent attitude toward criticism – 对批评的自满态度
  44. complacent behavior in times of prosperity – 在繁荣时自得的行为
  45. complacent mindset about future success – 对未来成功的自满心态
  46. complacent approach to challenges – 对挑战的得意方法
  47. complacent satisfaction with minor achievements – 对小成就的满足感
  48. complacent attitude toward learning – 对学习的自满态度
  49. complacent behavior in the absence of competition – 在没有竞争的情况下自得的行为
  50. complacent mindset about potential opportunities – 对潜在机会的自满心态


  • smug: too pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something you know
  • self-satisfied: very pleased with yourself and showing no criticism of yourself
  • conceited: too proud of yourself and your actions and abilities
