
adj. 可传达的;会传染的;爱说话的


1、com- “together” + mun- + -ic + -able. 这里主要指:share about information.
2、字面含义:people together to use or share services or duties. => make services or duties publicly. => literally “that which is common”. => make common, share.
3、解读:大家一起使用、享用各种服务、职能。也就是使各种服务、职能公共化。所以,由此,引申为:公社、社区;包括分享、共享想法、心得等;=> 谈心、亲密交谈。
4、people together to use or share services or duties. => make services or duties publicly. => 大家一起使用、享用各种服务、职能。也就是使各种服务、职能公共化。
6、=> commun-: make common, share. 包括:share about information.


communicable 可传染的
来自communicate, 交流,传播。


communicable 是一个形容词,指的是可以传播或传染的,通常用于描述疾病或信息的传播性质。以下是包含这个单词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. communicable disease – 传染病
  2. Highly communicable – 极易传播的
  3. communicable virus – 传染性病毒
  4. Non-communicable disease – 非传染性疾病
  5. communicable illness – 可传播的疾病
  6. communicable infection – 传染性感染
  7. Easily communicable – 容易传播的
  8. Rapidly communicable – 迅速传播的
  9. communicable through contact – 通过接触传播
  10. communicable through the air – 通过空气传播
  11. Person-to-person communicable – 人传人传播的
  12. communicable through bodily fluids – 通过体液传播
  13. Highly communicable disease outbreak – 高度传染性疫情爆发
  14. Localized communicable outbreak – 局部传染爆发
  15. Preventing communicable diseases – 预防传染病
  16. Controlling communicable infections – 控制传染性感染
  17. Global communicable disease surveillance – 全球传染病监测
  18. communicable disease prevention measures – 传染病预防措施
  19. Vaccination against communicable diseases – 预防传染病的疫苗接种
  20. Spreading communicable awareness – 传播传染意识
  21. communicable disease transmission routes – 传染病传播途径
  22. Early detection of communicable diseases – 早期发现传染病
  23. Quarantine for communicable disease control – 隔离以控制传染病
  24. communicable disease research – 传染病研究
  25. communicable disease prevention strategies – 传染病预防策略
  26. communicable disease surveillance program – 传染病监测计划
  27. communicable disease control measures – 传染病控制措施
  28. communicable disease outbreak response – 传染病爆发应对
  29. communicable disease prevention and control guidelines – 传染病预防和控制指南
  30. communicable disease monitoring and reporting – 传染病监测和报告
  31. communicable disease transmission dynamics – 传染病传播动态
  32. communicable disease risk assessment – 传染病风险评估
  33. communicable disease control policies – 传染病控制政策
  34. communicable disease awareness campaigns – 传染病意识宣传活动
  35. communicable disease prevention education – 传染病预防教育
  36. communicable disease outbreak investigation – 传染病爆发调查
  37. communicable disease control efforts – 传染病控制工作
  38. communicable disease emergency response – 传染病应急响应
  39. communicable disease transmission patterns – 传染病传播模式
  40. communicable disease surveillance data – 传染病监测数据
  41. communicable disease prevention initiatives – 传染病预防倡议
  42. communicable disease transmission prevention – 防止传染病传播
  43. communicable disease outbreak containment – 传染病爆发控制
  44. communicable disease prevention measures – 传染病预防措施
  45. communicable disease control strategies – 传染病控制策略
  46. communicable disease risk management – 传染病风险管理
  47. communicable disease prevention programs – 传染病预防计划
  48. communicable disease prevention guidelines – 传染病预防指南
  49. communicable disease response coordination – 传染病响应协调
  50. communicable disease surveillance systems – 传染病监测系统


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
