
vt. 评论;解说;注释
vi. 评论时事;实况报道



commentate 是一个动词,指的是用评论或解说的方式来描述或说明事件、比赛或节目。以下是包含这个单词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. commentate on the game – 对比赛进行解说
  2. commentate on the news – 对新闻进行评论
  3. commentate live – 现场解说
  4. commentate for television – 为电视进行解说
  5. commentate for radio – 为广播进行评论
  6. commentate on sports events – 对体育赛事进行解说
  7. commentate on political debates – 对政治辩论进行评论
  8. commentate on cultural events – 对文化活动进行解说
  9. commentate on celebrity interviews – 对名人访谈进行评论
  10. commentate on a documentary – 对纪录片进行解说
  11. commentate in real-time – 实时评论
  12. commentate on the weather – 对天气进行解说
  13. commentate on a live concert – 对现场音乐会进行评论
  14. commentate on historical events – 对历史事件进行解说
  15. commentate on a fashion show – 对时装秀进行评论
  16. commentate on a cooking show – 对烹饪节目进行解说
  17. commentate on a reality TV show – 对真人秀进行评论
  18. commentate on a talk show – 对脱口秀进行解说
  19. commentate on a game show – 对游戏秀进行评论
  20. commentate on a political rally – 对政治集会进行解说
  21. commentate on an awards ceremony – 对颁奖典礼进行评论
  22. commentate on a wildlife documentary – 对野生动物纪录片进行解说
  23. commentate on a scientific discovery – 对科学发现进行评论
  24. commentate on a technology conference – 对技术会议进行解说
  25. commentate on a fashion runway show – 对时装秀台展示进行评论
  26. commentate on a charity event – 对慈善活动进行解说
  27. commentate on a political speech – 对政治演讲进行评论
  28. commentate on a product launch – 对产品发布会进行解说
  29. commentate on a movie premiere – 对电影首映式进行评论
  30. commentate on a scientific experiment – 对科学实验进行解说
  31. commentate on a space mission – 对太空任务进行评论
  32. commentate on a historical reenactment – 对历史再现活动进行解说
  33. commentate on a charity fundraiser – 对慈善筹款活动进行评论
  34. commentate on a book launch event – 对书籍发布活动进行解说
  35. commentate on a cultural festival – 对文化节庆进行评论
  36. commentate on a fashion industry event – 对时尚行业活动进行解说
  37. commentate on a gaming tournament – 对游戏比赛进行评论
  38. commentate on a science exhibition – 对科学展览进行解说
  39. commentate on a political convention – 对政治大会进行评论
  40. commentate on a sports championship – 对体育锦标赛进行解说
  41. commentate on a celebrity wedding – 对名人婚礼进行评论
  42. commentate on a historical reenactment – 对历史再现活动进行解说
  43. commentate on a cultural festival – 对文化节庆进行评论
  44. commentate on a fashion industry event – 对时尚行业活动进行解说
  45. commentate on a gaming tournament – 对游戏比赛进行评论
  46. commentate on a science exhibition – 对科学展览进行解说
  47. commentate on a political convention – 对政治大会进行评论
  48. commentate on a sports championship – 对体育锦标赛进行解说
  49. commentate on a celebrity wedding – 对名人婚礼进行评论
  50. commentate on a product unveiling – 对产品发布进行解说

