
adj. 相称的;同量的;同样大小的



commensurate 相匹配的
com-, 强调。-mens,测量,词源同mode, measure.


commensurate 是一个形容词,表示与某事物或情况相称或成比例的。以下是包含这个单词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. commensurate with experience – 与经验相符
  2. Salary commensurate with skills – 与技能相匹配的薪水
  3. Responsibility commensurate with rank – 与职位相称的责任
  4. Benefits commensurate with performance – 与表现相称的福利
  5. Effort commensurate with results – 与结果相称的努力
  6. Risk commensurate with reward – 与回报相称的风险
  7. Expectations commensurate with abilities – 与能力相符的期望
  8. Achievements commensurate with goals – 与目标相称的成就
  9. Investment commensurate with potential returns – 与潜在回报相称的投资
  10. Expenses commensurate with income – 与收入相称的开销
  11. Efficiency commensurate with resources – 与资源相称的效率
  12. Contribution commensurate with impact – 与影响力相符的贡献
  13. Size commensurate with capacity – 与容量相称的尺寸
  14. Rewards commensurate with effort – 与努力相称的奖励
  15. Complexity commensurate with skill level – 与技能水平相称的复杂性
  16. Workload commensurate with staffing – 与人员配备相称的工作量
  17. Knowledge commensurate with expertise – 与专业知识相符的专业知识
  18. Expectations commensurate with performance – 与表现相称的期望
  19. Skills commensurate with requirements – 与要求相称的技能
  20. Experience commensurate with qualifications – 与资格相称的经验
  21. Quality commensurate with standards – 与标准相称的质量
  22. Size commensurate with importance – 与重要性相称的规模
  23. Challenges commensurate with abilities – 与能力相称的挑战
  24. Responsibility commensurate with authority – 与权威相称的责任
  25. Risk commensurate with investment – 与投资相称的风险
  26. Compensation commensurate with performance – 与表现相称的补偿
  27. Benefits commensurate with tenure – 与任期相称的福利
  28. Effort commensurate with goals – 与目标相称的努力
  29. Resources commensurate with needs – 与需求相称的资源
  30. Price commensurate with value – 与价值相称的价格
  31. Commitment commensurate with dedication – 与奉献精神相称的承诺
  32. Expectations commensurate with potential – 与潜力相符的期望
  33. Responsibilities commensurate with position – 与职位相称的职责
  34. Investment commensurate with benefits – 与利益相称的投资
  35. Challenges commensurate with skills – 与技能相符的挑战
  36. Size commensurate with demand – 与需求相称的规模
  37. Opportunities commensurate with qualifications – 与资格相称的机会
  38. Salary commensurate with market rates – 与市场价格相称的薪水
  39. Growth commensurate with expansion – 与扩展相称的增长
  40. Decisions commensurate with authority – 与权力相称的决策
  41. Complexity commensurate with capacity – 与容量相称的复杂性
  42. Expectations commensurate with experience – 与经验相符的期望
  43. Contribution commensurate with need – 与需求相称的贡献
  44. Performance commensurate with training – 与培训相符的表现
  45. Benefits commensurate with contributions – 与贡献相称的福利
  46. Opportunities commensurate with skills – 与技能相符的机会
  47. Responsibilities commensurate with skills – 与技能相称的职责
  48. Investment commensurate with growth – 与增长相称的投资
  49. Compensation commensurate with effort – 与努力相符的补偿
  50. Workload commensurate with staffing levels – 与人员配备水平相称的工作量


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
