You’re gonna be okay, all right? you’re gonna be okay.
你会没事的 你会没事的
okay. hang on to me. oh, my god.
好的 抓紧我 天啦
okay, okay. oh, my god.
好了 好了 上帝啊
Oh, shit. man, this is unbelievable.
该死 真难以置信
are you okay? just don’t look down, okay?
你还好吗? 别往下看 好吗?
I can’t help it. you’re all right. you’re all right.
我控制不了 没事的 没事的
Oh, my god.
Oh, god!
okay, let’s go. keep moving, just go.
快走 别停 快走
Go, just go. just go, go, go. go. just get to the other side.
快走 快走 快 到那边去
Come on, just keep moving.
加油 继续走
Oh, my god.
oh, shit! oh, my god!
该死 天啦
oh, my god. did you see that? okay, come on.
天啦 你看到那个了吗? 快点
get inside. okay. come on, come on.
快进去 快点 快点
oh, god. go! go!
天啦 快走 快走
Run! run! hurry!
跑 跑 快点
Rob, come on! oh, my god.
罗伯 快点 天啦
Oh, my god.
what the hell was that? I don’t know.
那是什么鬼东西? 我不知道
Something else also terrible.
Rob, what time do the choppers take off?
罗伯 直升机什么时候起飞?
0600. what time is that?
6点 现在几点?
6:00, hud. yeah, okay. I knew that.
6点 好的 我就知道
come on, come on. okay.
快点 快点 好的
Wait up!
did we make it? we want to get out of here, come on.
我们赶上了吗? 我们要离开这里 快点
Let’s go! let’s go!
走吧 走吧
Keep your heads down.
Come on! come on!
快点 快点
You guys are on the next chopper.
no! clear this area. clear this area.
不 离开这里 离开这里
no, no, wait. wait. Lily!
不 不 等等 等等 莉莉
We’ll be right behind you, okay?
我们紧随其后 好吗?
Wait for us. wait for us. we’ll be right behind you.
等我们 等我们 我们紧随其后
We’re gonna be okay. all right? we’re gonna be all right, you hear me?
我们会没事的 我们会没事的 你听见了吗?
Oh, god! jesus christ!
天啦 上帝啊
Stay low. stay low. come on, come on, come on.
埋头 埋头 快点 快点 快点
Thank you.
they’re starting the bomb run. get them out of here. get going.
他们启动了引爆装置 带他们离开 快走
Oh, shit. oh, my god.
该死 天啦
Oh, my god. are you guys seeing this right now?
天啦 你们看到那个怪物了吗?
Are you seeing this right now? look, look, look.
你们看到那个怪物了吗? 快看 快看 快看
Are you seeing this shit right now? oh, my god. oh, god. oh, god.
你们看到那个怪物了吗? 天啦 天啦
Oh, god. those aren’t gonna hit us, are they?
天啦 他们不会射到我们吧 对吧?
Oh, my god. they hit it! they just hit it right now!
天啦 他们击中它了 他们刚刚击中它了
Look, you guys, they just hit it! they hit it with… oh, my god!
快看 伙计们 他们刚刚击中它了 天啦
yeah, they hit it, you guys! they hit it! oh, he’s going down.
太好了 击中了 大家 他们击中了 它倒下了
Target down. target down. target down. he’s down.
目标击毁 目标击毁 目标击毁 它倒下了
I think they got him.
Yeah, yeah, yeah! that’s the shit right there!
太好了 太好了 怪物倒下了
That’s what I’m talking about… oh, my god! oh, no, no, no!
就要这样对付它 老天啊 不 不 不
Oh, my god. oh my god. god, please, god.
老天啊 上帝啊 上帝啊
Please, god. please. please, god and jesus.
求你了 上帝啊 上帝啊
Jesus christ, I’m sorry.
上帝啊 我忏悔
I’m so sorry, god. please, no.
我忏悔 上帝啊
Help me, Rob!
救救我 罗伯
Rob. oh, shit. oh, shit.
罗伯 该死 该死
This is hawkeye 6. target still active.
这是鹰眼6号♥ 目标还在活动
Initiating hammer down. to t, 15 minutes.
实行摧毁计划 计时 15分钟
Sirens will sound two minutes out.
If you can hear those sirens, you’re in the blasting zone.
如果你听到这些警报 说明你仍在重灾区
Come on. come on. Hud. Hud, are you okay?
用力 用力 哈德 哈德 你还好吗?
yeah, all right. I guess. I think so. I can’t move my arm.
我想还好吧 我的胳膊动不了了
this is duncancharlie, return to base. help me, you got to help me.
我是邓肯查理 返回基地 帮我 你得帮帮我
god help us. okay. okay, okay.
上帝帮帮我们 好的 好的 好的
Come on, help me.
快点 帮帮我
I know, I know. we’re gonna get you out of here. come on.
我知道 我知道 我们得把你弄出来 快走
Hud, come over to the other side.
哈德 到这边来
You’ve got to pull him up. come on, come on.
你得把他拉出来 用力 用力
okay, okay. I don’t think I can move.
好的 好的 我认为我动不了了
Yes, you can. don’t say that.
你行 你能动 别那样说
Copy your last, we’re on the move.
最后通知 我们要离开了
here, take his hand. take his hand. good luck.
这里 拉住他的手 拉住他的手 祝你好运
Hold on, I got it. I got it. I got it. come on, come on.
坚持一下 我抓住了 我抓住了 我抓住了 用力
I got his legs, go!
我抓住他的腿了 走
my leg! I know. I know, I know. I know.
我的腿 我知道 我知道 我知道
It’s okay, you’re fine. you’re good. you’re okay. you’re okay.
没事的 你会没事的 你会没事的 你会没事的
I’m gonna have to stop the bleeding, okay? okay?
我要给你止血 好吗? 好吗?
I’m not okay. I’m not gonna be able to walk.
我一点也不好 我不能再行走了
You are going to be able to walk.
Don’t do it.
Okay. all right, listen, we got to get out of here, okay?
好了 听着 我们得离开这里 好吗?
Well, which way do we go?
We have to get away from here, because I think it’s gonna explode.
我们必须离开这里 因为这里要爆♥炸♥了
okay, okay. okay. all right? come on. let’s go.
好的 好的 好的 好点没? 快点 我们走
Let’s go this way. come on. come on, you can walk. okay.
我们走这边吧 加油 加油 你能走
Come on. hold on, wait a second.
等一下 等等
Hud! Hud!
哈德 哈德
What? oh! oh, no!
什么? 不 不
Hud! Hud! Hud, what are you doing?
哈德 哈德 哈德 你在做什么?
Hud! Hud!
哈德 哈德
Hud! Hud!
哈德 哈德
Hud! Hud!
哈德 哈德
He’s gone.
He’s gone.
they’re all gone. I know.
他们都走了 我知道
We gotta go. we gotta go. we gotta get out of here.
我们走 我们走 我们得离开这里
Where? there’s nowhere to go to.
去哪? 我们没有地方可去
We got to go. he’s coming towards us.
我们得离开 他朝我们来了
No, we should just wait here. just wait here.
不 我们得呆在这里 呆在这里
Listen, we wait here, they’ll find us, all right?
听着 我们在这等 他们会找到我们的 对吧?
They’re fighting him right now. if we wait here, they’ll find us.
现在他们正在对付他 如果我们呆在这 他们会找到我们的
No, we can’t stay.
不 我们不能呆在这
It’s okay. it’s okay.
没事的 没事的
I’m so scared. I know. I know. I know.
我好怕 我知道 我知道
My name is Robert Hawkins.
It’s 6:42 a.m. on saturday, may 23.
现在是5月23号♥ 星期四 上午6点42分
Approximately seven hours ago, something attacked the city.
大约7小时前 有东西袭击了这座城市
I don’t know what it is.
If you found this tape… I mean, if you’re watching this right now,
如果你捡到这卷带子 也就是说你正在看的话
Then you probably know more about it than I do.
Whatever it is, it killed my brother, Jason Hawkins.
不管它是什么 它杀死了我的兄弟 杰森·霍金斯
It killed my best friend, Hudson Platt, and Marlena Diamond,
它杀死了我最好的朋友 哈德森·普拉特和玛莲娜·戴门特
And many, many others.
We’ve crashed here in central park and taken shelter under this bridge.
我们坠机落在中心公园 正在一座桥下避难
The military has begun bombing the creature
And we’re caught in the middle.
Okay. ready?
好了 该你了?
It’s okay.
Beth, look at me. I don’t know what to say.
贝丝 看着我 我不知道该说什么
Well, just tell them who you are.
My name is Elizabeth Mclntyre. I don’t know why this is happening.
我叫伊丽莎白·麦金瑞特 我不知道这一切为什么会发生
But we’re gonna wait here until this passes.
