If you can make it there, then they’ll get you out.
如果到时你能赶上 他们会带你离开
okay. okay, thank you. 58th street’s right there.
好的 好的 谢谢 58大街就在这边
now, go. move, move, move. let’s go.
快去吧 快走 我们走吧
let’s go. go, go, go.
走吧 快 快 快
this is like a nightmare, you know. it all happened so fast,
这真是场噩梦 你懂吧 发生的太快了
I couldn’t even really see what happened to her.
I mean, did you see it? could you see what happened, Hud?
我是说你看到了吗? 你看到什么了吗 哈德?
No, her eyes started bleeding, and then they were screaming she was bitten.
没有 她的眼睛开始出血 接着他们大叫说她被咬伤了
And then she wouldn’t stop bleeding. and then…
然后她血流不止 再然后…
you okay? yeah, I’m okay. I’m okay.
你还好吗? 我还好 还好
Look, guys, I don’t mean to be… but we don’t have a lot of time.
大家听着 我不想打断你们 但我们没有时间了
Okay, so maybe you guys should just stay here, and I’ll go.
也许你们应该呆在这里 我自己去
All right?
I’m sorry. I just… no, no, we’re coming. we’re coming.
抱歉 我只是… 不 不 我们要去 我们要去
Are you sure?
No, no, man. no, we have to do this, okay?
是的 兄弟 我们得去救她
We’re with you. let’s go. let’s go. let’s go right now.
大家一起 走吧 快走
oh, my god. oh, my god. what?
天啦 天啦 怎么呢?
oh, my god. what is it? what?
上帝啊 那是什么? 什么?
shit. that’s not Beth’s place, is it?
该死 那不是贝丝的公♥寓♥吧 是吧?
oh, my god. is that Beth’s apartment?
上帝啊 那是贝丝的公♥寓♥吗?
oh, my god. Rob. is that her place?
天啦 罗伯 是她住的地方吗?
tell me that’s not her place. that’s her place, yeah.
告诉我那不是 是她住的地方 是的
Oh, shit. I don’t suppose she lives on the ground floor.
该死 我猜她不会住在一楼吧
No, 39th.
是的 她住在39楼
oh, great. how do we even get up there?
太好了 我们要怎么上去了?
I don’t know. we just go inside and then see how high we can get.
我不知道 我们进去 看看我们能到几楼
I don’t know if I can do that.
Well, maybe we could try going up the other building,
And then see if there’s a place to cross over onto her roof.
And then we could find some way down to her place.
Wait. no, never mind. no, that’s a bad idea.
等等 当我没说 是个糟主意
Hey, that’s a bad idea. I take that back.
是个糟主意 我收回
No one ever listens to me, ever. and now, of course, they listen to me.
过去没有人听我的 从没有 而现在 他们都听我的了
Shit. shit.
该死 该死
Probably not working.
what’s going on? not working.
怎么了? 电梯坏了
Wait, wait. let’s just… maybe…
等等 等等 我们…可以…
no? no? shit.
坏的吗? 坏的吗? 该死
Well, why don’t you take the stairs?
You guys see that guy’s face when Lily asked him what it was?
当莉莉问他那怪物是什么的时候 你们看到他的表情吗?
I mean, they have no idea.
我是说 他们不知道
unless they’re, like, in on it. jesus, Hud.
除非他们感觉与它有关 天啦 哈德
I don’t read the papers.
maybe our government made this thing. oh, yeah.
没准是我们的政♥府♥搞的鬼 是的
I mean, you know, maybe it was an accident,
我的意思是 也许是场意外
or maybe it was on purpose… sure, maybe they did.
也许是蓄意的 当然 可能是他们干的
does it really matter right now? yeah.
现在那还重要吗? 是的
It matters because I need to talk about something.
它很重要 因为我必须说点什么
Otherwise, I’m actually probably going to shit my pants in this stairwell.
不然 我爬楼爬的我要拉裤子了
I’m sorry.
Hey, wait, wait. you guys hear that? you guys hear that?
等等 等等 你们听到了吗? 听到了吗?
yes. yeah.
是的 是的
Yeah, I think we’re getting close.
Hud, I’m gonna check this floor.
Okay, like, I think it’s like, two more up, I think.
好了 我想还有两层楼
Guys, guys, guys.
大家 大家 大家
This one, it’s got to be. it’s got to be this one.
应该是这边 这边
Oh, god.
I don’t think there’s anybody here. no.
我不认为会有人在这 不会
oh, jesus. oh, my god.
上帝啊 天啦
oh, my god. okay.
天啊 好了
Okay, now, we can do this. we can totally do this.
没事 我们能做到 我们很在行
I don’t know, Rob. look, it’s a straight shot.
我不知道 罗伯 听着 这是捷径
I don’t know. I’m sorry. Lily, Lily, it’s a straight shot.
我不行 抱歉 莉莉 莉莉 这是捷径
Look, it’s a straight shot. we could use… there’s pipes there.
看这是捷径 我们可以沿着这些管道
We could use the air conditioners. okay?
还有空调过去 行吗?
Come on. we came this far. we can do it. I’ll go first.
来吧 我们已经到这了 我们能做到的 我先走
okay, okay, okay. yes. all right? okay.
好的 好的 好的 行吗? 好的
okay, I’ll document it. be careful, okay?
好了 我来录影 小心点
come on. come on. okay. okay.
慢慢来 好的 好的
Okay. Hud, come on! put the camera down! come on!
好的 哈德 拜托 把摄像机关了 快点
Oh, jesus.
okay. all right. okay. I’ll go first.
好了 我先来
All right. if this is the last thing you see, that means I died.
如果这是你们最后一次看见我 就表示我死了
Hud, come on! okay.
哈德 快点 来了
Look out! oh, shit…
小心 该死
okay. okay. shit.
好的 好的 该死
okay. okay. oh, god.
好的 好的 天啦
yes. okay. you all right? yeah.
你没事吧? 没事
We’re almost there, come on.
我们快到了 快点
Come on, Hud.
快点 哈德
Beth! Beth! Beth!
贝丝 贝丝 贝丝
can you get it? do you need help?
你能踹开吗? 需要帮忙吗?
Do you need help? or…
需要帮忙吗? 或者…
Beth? Beth?
贝丝 贝丝
Beth? oh, my god. oh, my god.
贝丝 天啦 天啦
what? shit.
怎么呢? 该死
Oh, my god. oh, my god. Beth.
上帝 天啦 贝丝
Beth. what?
贝丝 怎么了?
Oh, my god. oh, my god.
天啦 天啦
Can you hear me? Beth.
能听到我说话吗? 贝丝

are you really here? yeah, I’m really here.
你真的在这里吗? 是的 我在
You came back for me.
Of course I came back for you.
I’m sorry it took me so long. no, it’s okay.
原谅我这么久才赶来 没关系
Okay, okay, okay. you’re okay. we’re gonna get you out of here, okay?
放心 放心 放心 你没事了 我们会把你从这弄出来 懂吗?
We’ll get you out, all right? Hud, put the camera down
弄你出来 好吗? 哈德 把摄像机放下
and help me, okay? okay, okay.
来帮我 好吗? 好的 好的
it’ll be okay. okay, here we go.
一切都会没事的 我们开始了
lf we all just lift at the same time. hold on, okay. we got you.
我们得同时抬起来 坚持住 我们来帮你
all right? we have to. don’t do that, Rob.
好吗? 我们必须这样做 别这样 罗伯
please don’t do that. it’s gonna be over in a second.
求你别这样 一秒钟就能结束
all right? okay. ready, guys?
好吗? 好的 大家准备好了吗?
no, please. no. slowly. it’s okay.
不 拜托 不 慢点 就没事了
We’re gonna do it real slow.
easy, easy, just wait. no, don’t.
放轻松 一下就好了 不
Oh, god.
okay, now, sit down. sit down. I know. I know. here.
好了 坐下 坐下 我知道 我知道 这里
I know. I know. you’re gonna be okay. you’re gonna be okay.
我知道你会没事的 你会没事的
you’re gonna be fine. no, no, no.
你会没事的 不 不 不
I know, I know, I know it hurts. I know it hurts.
我知道 我知道 这很疼 我知道这很疼
What is that?
god. it’s a terrible thing.
天啦 是可怕的怪物
okay. we gotta go. we gotta go. okay. let’s go.
好了 我们得走了 我们得走了 好的 走吧
I got you. oh, god.
抓住我 天啦
oh, god. all right. all right. go, go, go.
天啦 好了 快走 快
go. okay. I got you.
快走 好了 抓住我
You’re gonna be okay. you’re gonna be okay, all right?
你会没事的 你会没事的
Just hold on to me. you’re gonna be all right.
抓紧我 你会没事的
