Looks like it hurts.
What do you mean? you’re saying this isn’t attractive, like, at all?
你是什么意思? 你是说一点都不吸引人?
A little bit.
here. here, here. you can wash it off. thanks.
这里 这里 你可以把它洗掉 谢谢
Here. did it get you, Hud? did it bite you, man?
哈德 它抓到你了吗? 它咬你没有?
No, it didn’t get me.
Okay. okay.
好 好
Hey. hey.
嘿 嘿
So those things came out of nowhere, right?
那么这些东西不知道从哪里来的 是吗?
yeah. oh, man.
是 噢 不要
That one that grabbed me, it was trying to drag me away.
那个抓住我的 想把我拖走
What’s up with that?
maybe it liked you, Hud. yeah.
也许它喜欢你 哈德 是啊
Maybe it was trying to make me its queen.
Hey, thanks for coming back and helping me out, you know?
嘿 谢谢你回来救我出去 你知道的
What? you think that I’m the kind of person that wouldn’t do that?
什么? 难道你认为我是那种不会回来救你的人?
No. no. I know you aren’t.
不 不 我知道你不是
I was just saying, like, I’m glad you did.
我只是说 我很高兴 你这么做了
Otherwise, I would have been totally dead.
不然的话 我就死定了
It’s okay. you just got bit.
还好 你只是被咬了一下

Marlena’s hurt pretty bad, you know?
玛莲娜伤的很重 你知道吗?
Well, we could wait here for a little bit, I guess,
And just hope those things don’t make it through the door.
yeah, okay. what’s the next option? well.
但愿 下一步是什么?
Okay, we could see what’s out through this way.
maybe find another tunnel. no, no more tunnels.
也许能通到别的隧♥道♥ 不 不能再走隧♥道♥
Then, I don’t know. we try our luck up top.
那我就不清楚了 要不我们试试运气走上面
Okay, just to be clear, so our options are
好了 直说了吧 我们的选择就是
Die here, die in the tunnels, or die in the streets. is that…
死在这里 要么死在隧♥道♥ 或者死在街上 那…
yeah, pretty much. …pretty much the summing up of it?
基本上… 基本上都是殊途同归
But wait, we don’t even know where we are, right?
但等等 我们甚至不知道自己身处何方 对吧?
So, let’s just go up and look around. see if we recognize anything.
所以说 要不上去查看一下 看是不是我们熟悉的地方
Do you think you’ll be okay to walk?
no, I’m fine. I’m fine. here, I’ll help you.
是的 我还好 还行 来 我帮你
we’re at 59th. we’re at 59th.
我们在59大街 我们在59大街
yeah. we’re at 59th.
是的 我们在59大街
That’s weird.
what’s wrong? are you okay?
怎么呢? 你还好吗?
I’m really… I’m dizzy.
Yeah. do you wanna sit down for a second?
no, I’m fine. she needs a doctor.
不用了 我没事 她需要看医生
you sure? I’m totally fine.
你确定吗? 我真没事
You know, ’cause we could sit down if you want to.
你要知道 如果你想休息我们可以坐会儿
No, I’m fine, I’m fine.
不用了 我没事 没事
We’ve got civilians! are there any more of you?
我们发现了平民! 还有别人吗?
no, just us four. it’s just us.
没有 只有我们四个 只是我们几个
We got four civilians here.
okay, bring them in. roger.
好的 把他们带走 收到
let’s go, move. move it. okay, okay.
走吧 快走 快走 好的 好的
let’s go! okay, okay.
快走 好的 好的
Excuse me, sir? sir? excuse me.
打扰一下 长官? 长官? 打扰一下
Listen, we need your help. our friend, she’s hurt. she’s trapped
听着 我们需要帮助 我们的朋友她受伤了
In her building right by here, at columbus circle.
她被困在她的房♥子里 就在哥伦布区
That is not where you wanna be right now.
Do you guys know what it is? out there? do you know what that thing is?
你们知道那是什么东西吗? 在外面的 你知道那是什么吗?
Do you guys know what it is? out there? do you know what that thing is?
你们知道那是什么东西吗? 在外面的 你知道那是什么吗?
If they know, they ain’t telling me. whatever it is, it’s winning.
就是他们知道 也不会告诉我 不管它是什么 它都要得逞了
what’s up? we got another bite here.
情况怎样? 这又有个咬伤者
Don’t look at that. gross.
别看 太恶心了
please, we can’t stay here. we have… hey, not now.
拜托 我们不能呆在这里 没空
copy that. sir, we have two f18s
收到 长官 我们有2架f18战机
On route from selfridge. four more are arming up,
正从空军基地赶来 还有4架正在装备
maybe 30 minutes out. roger that.
大概30分钟到位 收到
Listen up, people. rack them and pack them.
大家 听着 收拾一下
we’re phantoms in 15. sir.
我们于15分钟后撤离 长官
where the hell did you find them? they were in the tunnels.
你到底在哪发现他们的? 在隧♥道♥里
Yeah, we had to walk all the way from spring street.
Get them ready for transport,put them on the evac chopper.
让他们准备撤离 运上直升飞机
yes, sir. let’s move. move, move. no, wait. wait.
是的 长官 行动 行动 行动 不 等等
listen, our friend is very badly hurt. move it.
听着 我们的朋友伤的很严重 快走
move. move. we have to get to her.
快走 快走 我们必须去救她
Sorry, son, can’t help you. get them on the chopper.
抱歉 孩子 帮不了你 把他们运上直升飞机
No, but, please, listen to me. let go! just listen for a second, please!
不 求你 听我说 放开我 请听我说一句话
Turn that goddamned camera…
we’ve been trying to get to her all… make our own way.
我们试着帮她… 用我们自己的方式
no, do you have a… I am not jeopardizing this operation,
不 你有一个… 我和我的部下不能为此行动
or my men. I don’t want your help.
而冒险 我不需要你的帮助
You are getting on that chopper now.
I just need you to listen to me for one second, sir.
我只需要你听我说一句话 长官
you have no idea what’s out there. I don’t care what’s out there.
你根本不清楚外面那是什么? 我不在乎外面的是什么?
Listen to me. she’s dying.
听我说 她要死了
There is nothing I can do about that now.
The girl that I love more than anything is dying and it’s my fault.
我最深爱的女孩要死了 这是我的错
She should have been with me tonight, and I let her go and…
今晚她应该和我在一起的 但是我却让她走了
And I get it, okay? you have your hands full. I get that.
我知道 你很忙 我知道
I get that, but we’re gonna go after her, and if you wanna stop me,
我知道 但现在我们要去救她 如果你要阻止我的话
then you’re gonna have to shoot me. Hud.
你得先杀了我 哈德
I don’t feel so good. oh, shit.
我很不舒服 天啦
bite! we’ve got a bite! Marlena.
这有一个咬伤者 玛莲娜
hold on a second. get her moving.
等下 把她带走
Keep moving!
Hey, Marlena, are you okay? hey, what are you guys doing?
玛莲娜 你还好吗? 你们在做什么?
Hold on a second. where are you taking her?
等等 你们要带她去哪?
Hold on a second. wait! oh my god, wait!
等等 等等 天啦 等等
Marlena, stop! just wait a second! let me go.
玛莲娜 停下来 等等 放开我
just wait a second. please. let me go.
请等一下 放开我
wait! Marlena! get out of the way.
等等 玛莲娜 让开
Marlena! hold on a second!
玛莲娜 等下
just wait a… let go of me! stop it! no.
等等 放开我 住手 不
God! please, god! where are you taking Marlena?
天啦 你们要带玛莲娜去哪?
Wait a second.
It’s over. there is nothing you can do.
结束了 你无能为力
There is nothing you can do for her now. it is over. it’s over.
现在你无能为力了 结束了
rogers, clear out of here. you sure?
收到命令 离开这里 你确定
I’ll get them to the choppers from here.
let’s move out. oh, my god.
走吧 天啦
What just happened?
Let’s go. I shouldn’t be doing this shit.
我们走吧 我不应该干这蠢事
come on. come on. okay.
走吧 走吧 好的
let’s go. move. okay, okay.
快走 好的 好的
Let’s go, move. come on.
走吧 快点
You gotta listen to me.
This girl, her building, it’s at columbus circle?
yeah? lf you wanna go out in this,
是的 如果你执意要去找她
I ain’t gonna stop you. but you gotta know something.
我不会阻止你的 但你必须了解
The government’s considering the hammer down protocol,
Which means they’re willing to let this whole area go.
you mean midtown? no, I mean manhattan.
你是说市中心吗? 不 是整个曼哈顿
Come on. we’re taking one last shot at this thing.
听着 我们准备再给那怪物最后一击
oh, god. lf that doesn’t work,
天啦 如果不成功
They’re leveling the whole goddamned city.
your watch is still working? yeah?
你的表还能走吧 是的
All right. the airlifts are leaving from 40th and park.
听着 运输飞机将从40大街和公园起飞
Last chopper’s wheels-up at exactly 0600.
