see if somebody else can get there? yeah, I tried!
看看有没有其他人能去那里 是 我试过了
Okay, well. I mean, what about police? fire department?
那好 警♥察♥呢? 火警呢?
I couldn’t get through! I tried, i… okay, it just seems a little…
打不通 我试过了 我… 它好像…
oh, shit. oh, my god!
噢 见鬼 噢 天啊
Oh! oh, my god.
噢 噢 天啊
Oh, my god! oh, my god!
噢 天啊! 噢 天啊!
Rob! Rob! hey, Rob!
罗伯! 罗伯! 嘿 罗伯!
Hud! we’re gonna go this way! I can’t hear you!
哈德! 我们走这条路! 我听不见你说什么!
subway! what? what?
地铁! 什么? 什么?
oh, shit! oh, shit! come on! come on!
噢 该死! 噢 该死! 快啊 快啊
This shit is crazy, dude!
哥们 这太疯狂了
Oh, rob, dude. there’s like…
噢 rub 哥们 这像是…
Hud! Hud!
哈德! 哈德!
Are you okay, man? you all right?
你好好吗? 你还好吗?
yeah. yeah, I’m all right. come on.
是 是 我很好 快
okay. okay. oh, god damn. oh, shit.
好 好 噢 天啊 见鬼 噢 该死
What the hell was that?
oh, shit. oh, shit. did you see that?
噢 该死 噢 该死 你看见了吗?
oh, my god. oh, god. did you see that?
噢 天啊 噢 天啊 你看见了吗?
Hey, look. we can just cross… we can just cross to the other platform,
嘿 听着 我们可以..我们可以穿过那个平台
Then go up the stairs and see if the other side of the street…
Rob, the other side of the street looks the same as this side!
罗伯 街的另一边和这边一模一样!
We can wait for there to be a lull, and then make a break for it!
Rob, the air caught on fire! okay? there’s not gonna be a lull!
罗伯 到处都是紧张的 明白吗? 混乱不会结束的
But if we wait on the other…
Listen to me, man, I am with you, okay? I really, really am.
听着 我和你一起 好吗? 我是认真的
I’m just saying, you gotta listen to what’s going on up there.
我是说 你要知道上面是什么情况
we can’t… Rob, he’s right, okay?
我们不能… 罗伯 他是对的 好吗?
We have to wait. we have to wait.
我们必须等待 我们必须等待
This is insane.
oh, god. what? Rob, what?
噢 天啊 什么? 罗伯 怎么啦?
Hey, mom.
嘿 妈
Yeah, no. I’m okay. okay, yeah, we are.
是的 我很好 是的 是的 我们是
We’re being evacuated right now. the army’s here.
我们现在是在撤退 这里有军队
We’re being evacuated, so don’t worry. okay, but mom… mom, listen.
我们现在是在撤退 所以别担心 好的 但是 妈妈..
We tried to get out of the city, and we took the brooklyn bridge,
我们试着逃出城去 我们从布鲁克林大桥走
And we were right there when it hit.
Jason’s dead. Jason’s dead, mom.
杰森死了 妈妈 杰森死了
I don’t know what to say to him.
You know?
Like, I feel like I should say something,
But I don’t know what to say.
I’m not even supposed to be here.
You didn’t have to be. I mean,
我是说 你不需要的
You had your chance in the alley.
You could’ve left us.
Yeah, you were supposed to meet up with some friends or something, right?
是啊 你本该是和你的朋友或其他什么会合的 是吗?
I’m sorry.
this isn’t a bad idea. just walk.
这不是个坏注意 就走走
wait, so then… what’s going on?
等等 那么… 怎么了?
I don’t know.
…just go across here. – that’s good.
就从这里过去 很好
Yeah. this is the six.
是 这里是第六站
Rob, I don’t think the trains are running right now, man.
罗伯 我不认为现在这个时候地铁还会运行
no, we can just walk the track, see? yeah.
是不运行 我们只能走完这段路程了 明白吗? 明白
Look. Beth lives here, columbus circle.
看 贝丝就住在这里 columbus circle
We can just walk down the six to lexington and then walk down
central park south. you want us to walk in the tunnels?
中♥央♥公园的南部 你想让我们在隧♥道♥里走?
It’s either that or stay here.
要么走 要么留
I’ll walk the tunnels.
I can’t see.
it’s kind of freaking me out, you know? I think there’s a light on the camera.
你知道吗 这有点吓人 我认为这相机上应该有灯
let me see. there is?
让我看看 有吗?
Yeah, right here. see?
有 就在这里 看见没?

Ocean is big, dude.
海洋是浩瀚的的 哥们
All I’m saying is a couple of years ago,
They found a fish in madagascar that they thought
他们在马达加斯加发现了一条鱼 认为那是
had been extinct for centuries. so what?
灭绝了还几个世纪的物种 -然后呢?
It’s been down there this whole time, and nobody noticed?
它一直在这里 大家却没有发现?
Sure. maybe it erupted from an ocean trench, you know?
是啊 也许它是从海沟里面蹦出来的
Or a crevasse. crevice. it’s just a theory.
或者是裂缝里 只是推测而已
I mean, for all we know, it’s from another planet and it flew here.
我是说 就我们知道的 它来自其他星球然后飞来这里
like superman? yeah, exactly like…
像超人一样? 对 就像…
Wait. you know who superman is?
等等 你知道谁是超人吗?
Oh, my god. you know who superman is?
噢 天啊 你知道?
okay, I’m not… I’m, like, feeling something.
好了 我不知道 我感觉像…..
are you aware of garfield? a lot of people think
你知道加菲尔德? 很多人都认为
He’s from a planet that he’s not actually from.
I just can’t stop thinking about how the last thing I said to her was,
我总是忍♥不住回想 我最后对她说的是
“good luck tonight, travis.”
祝你今晚好运 特拉维斯
She knows you didn’t mean that.
When I think of some of the things I said to Jason…
no, that’s different. why?
不 那不一样 为什么?
Jason knew you loved him.
Hey, do you guys remember a couple of years ago, when that guy
嘿 你们还记得几年前
Was lighting homeless people on fire in the subways?
jesus, Hud. what?
天啊 哈德 怎么了?
It’s maybe not the best topic for conversation down here.

I just can’t stop thinking how scary it would be if a flaming homeless guy
我没办法想象 现在如果一个燃烧着的流浪汉
came out of the dark right now. Hud, seriously.
从黑暗中跑出来该有多么恐怖 -哈德 我是认真的
seriously. I’m just saying. sorry.
认真的 对不起 我只是说说
what was that? let’s just keep moving.
那是什么? 让我们接着走
what was that? let’s just keep moving.
那是什么? 让我们接着走
Holy shit! oh, god, this is nasty.
活见鬼! 噢 天啊 真是恶心
Holy shit! oh, god, this is nasty.
活见鬼! 噢 天啊 真是恶心
This is disgusting.
They’re all running in the same direction.
yeah, like they’re running away. from what?
是 就像他们逃跑一样 为什么逃跑?
Hey, how much farther?
嘿 还有多远?
I don’t know. let’s get out at the next station.
我不知道 我们到了下一站就出去
okay? yeah.
可以吗? 好
Did you guys hear that?
what is that? just listen.
是什么? 听
I don’t see anything. do you guys?
我什么都没听见 你们呢?
oh, man, this is the worst. will you be quiet for five seconds?
噢 天 太糟糕了 你能不能安静几秒钟?
oh, turn on the night vision. what?
打开夜视灯 什么?
what do you mean? it’s right here.
你是什么意思? 就在那里
I got it. it’s right here. there.
找到了 就在这里 这里
Is it on?
oh, shit. what? what?
该死 什么? 怎么了?
run. okay, run. okay, run. what?
跑 跑 快跑 什么?
Hey, let’s start running! just run! just run! just start running right now!
开始跑! 跑就是了! 现在开始跑!
Start running now! run, run, run! run! just run!
现在开始跑! 跑! 跑! 跑! 跑!
Lily! you guys!
莉莉! 大家
Oh, god! help! please help! you guys, help!
噢 天啊! 救命! 救救我!
Marlena! here!
玛莲娜! 这里!
Come on. let’s go! let’s go! let’s go! let’s go!
快点 我们走! 我们走! 我们走! 我们走!
…there you go. – totally not what I was thinking…
…你在这里 -完全不是我想的那样
…there you go. – totally not what I was thinking…
…你在这里 -完全不是我想的那样
How are you doing over there, Marlena?
玛莲娜 你在那里怎么样?
You okay?
You tell me.
How does it look?
