No, I can’t get over there!
不 我到不了那里
I can’t… I can’t see anything! can you see it?
我看不见…我什么都看不见! 你能看见吗?
why did you stop? Jason!
你问什么停下来? 杰森!
what? Jason, watch out!
什么? 杰森 小心
Jason! no, Jason! no!
杰森! 不 杰森! 不!
no, no! god! no, Jason! Jason! Lily, come on!
不 不要 天! 不 杰森! 杰森! 莉莉 快!
Jason! no!
杰森! 不要啊!
Go, go, go, go!
快走 快走 快走 快走!
Go, go, go, go!
快走 快走 快走!
Lily. Lily, wait. stop! turn around and listen to me right now.
莉莉 莉莉 等一下 停下来! 转过身 听我说
Would somebody please, please tell me what just happened?
I don’t know. I mean, it came out of nowhere!
我不知道 我是说 不知道它是从哪里来的!
And he was there and then he was gone!
他本来在那里的 现在不见了
my god! Jason! Jason! Lily, I’m so, so sorry.
天啊! 杰森! 杰森! 莉莉 对不起 对不起
my god! Jason! Jason! Lily, I’m so, so sorry.
天啊! 杰森! 杰森! 莉莉 对不起 对不起
Rob. you got to listen to me, man. I am so sorry about your brother.
罗伯 你必须得听我说 我对你兄弟的事很遗憾
I’m sorry, man. I’m so sorry. are you okay? Rob?
对不起 兄弟 对不起 你还好吗? 罗伯?
Oh, shit. oh, shit!
噢 该死 噢 该死!
Rob. Rob, dude. we can’t stay here.
罗伯 罗伯 罗伯 我们不能待在这里
we can’t. Rob. we got to get out of here, man.
不能 罗伯 我们得从这里出去
Listen to me. we got… we got to get moving, man.
听我说 我们要…要继续走
We go to the manhattan bridge, you know?
我们要去曼哈顿大桥那里 你知道的!
We got to get out of here. it’s not safe here.
我们要离开这里 这里不安全
Okay, we can go to the other side. we can try and get
好的 让我们去另外一边 我们可以试着去到
To the lincoln tunnel. I don’t know, man. I don’t know, but…
林肯隧♥道♥里 我也不清楚 我不清楚 但是…
Dude, we got to get out of here. it’s not safe here.
哥们 我们得离开这里 这里不安全
What are we gonna do, rob? what are we gonna do?
我们该怎么办 rub? 我们该怎么办?
Do you know? hey!
你知道吗? 嘿!
Look… hey, jesus. Rob. hey, Rob?
听着 嘿 神啊 罗伯 嘿 罗伯?
no. Rob!
不 罗伯!
my battery’s dead. yeah, dude, i…
我的电池没电了 是 哥们 我…
Well, listen, we got to get out of here, man. you know?
好的 听着 我们要离开这里 明白吗?
Rob! Rob! well, where’s he going?
罗伯! 罗伯! 他去哪里了?
Where are you going?
Oh, god. I’ll go get him. hey, Rob!
噢 天啊 我要去找他 嘿 罗伯!
Rob! dude! I can’t take all this running, man!
罗伯! 哥们! 我不能一直这样跑!
Hey, Rob.
嘿 罗伯
Excuse me. hey, Rob! the store’s closed, man!
抱歉 嘿 罗伯! 商店关门了!
Rob, Rob! …burning right now.
罗伯, 罗伯! …正在燃烧
The bridge was filled with pedestrians traveling across.
it has collapsed. holy shit.
桥塌了 真是活见鬼
No word on injuries yet, but…
现在还没有人员伤亡 但是
Oh, god.
噢 天啊
We continue now with our breaking news story in lower manhattan.
We are getting some truly extraordinary live images here in the studio.
For those of you just joining us,
Lower manhattan is in an absolute state of siege
In what has been…
This is a mandatory evacuation.
Proceed south immediately.
Get out of the city in an orderly fashion.
This is a mandatory evacuation! we need everyone out of this area now!
这里是曼哈顿撤离现场! 所有人都离开 现在!
Rob? Rob! hey, dude!
罗伯? 罗伯! 嘿 哥们!
Actually, I think we need to get out of here, like, right now!
事实上 我认为我们得离开这儿 现在!
Do you know what I’m saying? because there’s some
你知道我在说什么吗? 因为这里
Serious shit going on outside! Rob? no, like, you know what I mean?
马上就要发生严重的情况了! 罗伯? 不 你知道我在说什么吗?
Rob, like, there’s some strange shit going on! Rob?
罗伯 马上就要发生严重的情况了! 罗伯?
Donna martel is near the scene at city hall.
堂娜 马帝尔离市政厅很近了
What’s going on?
Can you tell us what it looks like on the ground there?
Well, bob, the military will not let us get too close,
勃伯 军方不会让我们接近地面的
But from what we can see, there’s clearly a sizable mobilization
但是从我们可以看到的 是军队和机械的
Of troops and equipment,
And they’re trying to get everyone to leave the area…
To be honest, tom, your guess is as good as mine at this point.
老实说 汤姆 在这点上你的猜想和我的一样
There appears to be something coming off of it.
And the ground seems to be covered in debris…
It looks like there’s something falling of it, doesn’t it?
看起来就像是什么东西在坠落 是吗?
Yes. yes. yes, it does.
是 是 是
There are pieces falling all over the street.
oh, my god. whatever they are, they are moving.
噢 我的天 不管是什么 他们在移♥动♥
oh, my god! they’re… donna!
噢 天啊 他们是… 堂娜!
they’re right there! oh, shit.
他们就在那里! 噢 见鬼
donna, can you hear us? hey!
堂娜 你能听见我们说话吗? 嘿!
What are you doing? we got to get out of here! where is he?
你在干什么? 我们得离开这里! 他在哪里?
I know, that’s what I’ve been telling him.
我知道 那就是我告诉他的
Rob! Rob! I’ve been trying to do that!
罗伯! 罗伯! 我一直都在尝试那样做!
Rob. Rob. we gotta go right now, okay?
罗伯 罗伯 我们现在得离开 好吗?
the military’s evacuating everyone. hey, Rob, listen to me, okay?
军方在疏散所有人 嘿 罗伯 听我说 好吗?
We gotta get out of here.
it’s time to leave the electronics store. Rob, come on. we got to go.
现在是时候离开……… 罗伯 快点 我们要走了
just come on. let’s go… just stop it!
快走 我们走 停下来 行不行!
Okay? stop, wait!
行不行? 停下来 等等!
To listen to your messages…
Rob! Rob! I can’t… oh, god! I can’t move.
罗伯! 罗伯! 我不能 噢 天啊 我动不了
It fell. my apartment… the whole wall fell on me!
它塌了 我的房♥子…塌下来砸在我身上了
I’m bleeding! I’m bleeding. I can’t move.
我在流血! 我在流血! 我动不了
Oh, my god.
噢 天啊
Help me, Rob.
救救我 罗伯
To delete this message…
Rob, wait up! Rob!
罗伯 等等 罗伯!
I got your message, and I’m on my way there, okay?
我听到你的留言了 我现在就去你那里 好吗?
Hey, Rob, listen. you got to think this through, man.
嘿 罗伯 听着 你好仔细想清楚了 兄弟
Okay? Beth lives in midtown. midtown is that way.
贝丝住在市中心 去市中心是那条路 明白吗?
guess what else is that way? will you wait up?
那条路上还有什么你知道吗? 你要不要等我?
some horrific shit is in midtown! this is insane, okay?
市中心有该死的怪物! 你疯了 你知道吗?
We’re not gonna go near that thing, okay?
我们是不会靠近那怪物的 明白吗?
We’re not gonna go to the middle of the city!
No, we’re not. you’re not coming with me.
不 我们不会 你们不和我一起去
Look. fall in with the military. fall in with the crowd.
听着 你加入军队中 和人们一起
Let them escort you out of here.
Rob! I’m sorry. I got to go.
罗伯! 对不起 我得走了
Rob! listen! Rob, wait a minute!
罗伯! 听着! 罗伯! 等一等!
One of us is gonna have to tackle you,
And that’s gonna be very uncomfortable for everybody involved!
Listen, you can’t talk me out of it, okay?
听着 你不能说服我的 明白吗?
Look at me. this is not me crazy. all right? I know what I’m doing.
看着我 我没有发疯 好吗? 我知道我在干什么
And you can’t talk me out of it.
so turn around, go… I’m coming.
所以 转身离开吧 走… 我来
I’m coming with you.
I’m coming with you.
Lily, you don’t have to do that.
莉莉 你没必要这么做的
no, I want to. I’m coming. guys, did you not hear her message?
不 我愿意 我来了 你们没听到她的留言吗?
I mean, even if we get to Beth’s, there’s a chance
我是说 即使我们去找贝丝 她很有可能
that she’s already… shut up.
已经… 闭嘴
Guys, this is insane.
Rob! you know what I’m talking about, right?
罗伯! 你知道我在说什么 对吧?
You can’t possibly think that this is a good idea.
Rob! Rob!
罗伯! 罗伯!
Rob! hey… hold…
罗伯! 嘿 等…
I’m sorry, I don’t understand you.
对不起 我不明白
Yeah, but I don’t understand you. Rob, hold up!
是 我不明白 罗伯 等等!
Look, I’m sorry. hey, listen to me. man.
听着 我很抱歉 听我说 兄弟
Hud! I’m so sorry.
哈德! 对不起
Hey, Rob! wait up, please!
嘿 罗伯! 请等等!
Rob! have you tried maybe calling 911,
罗伯! 你有没有试过拨♥打♥911?
