Come on, Jason. we’re not going up to the roof.
得了吧 杰森 我们才不去楼顶
yeah, let’s go up there. I don’t think we should.
我们上去吧 我不认为该上去
no! that was really…
不 那真是
What do you think? think it’s another terrorist attack?
你怎么想 另一起恐怖袭击
it’s insane, man. watch your step.
别乱想 注意脚下
It was shaking everywhere, man. just like tremors.
所有东西都在晃动 就像在颤抖
yeah, it’s on the news downstairs. is this the only lights that went out?
是的 楼下的新闻有说 就这么点灯灭了
I think they blew up the trains. no, a couple did.
我想地铁爆♥炸♥了 是的 有一些是爆♥炸♥了
some stayed on. oh, man. what is going on?
一些还亮着 到底怎么了
Maybe you should’ve left town a little bit earlier, right?
也许你该早点离开这市镇的 不是吗?
Shut up.
Oh, my god!
No, no, no.
不 不 不
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
快跑 跑 跑
Hud. move. Hud!
哈德 跑! 跑!
Oh, god.
哦 天啊
Rob, you got a set of keys? get out of here!
罗伯 你是不是有一串钥匙? 快离开这!
Right, did you look back? did anybody get hurt?
好了 你刚才有没有回头看? 有没有人受伤?
did anybody see Jason or not? I don’t know.
有没有看见杰森? 我不知道
Did anybody see Jason? has anybody seen Jason?
有没有人看见杰森? 有没有人见过杰森?
did anybody see Jason? is he inside?
有没有人见过杰森? 他在里面吗?
Oh, my god! oh! oh, shit!
噢 我的天啊! 噢 噢 见鬼!
Oh, jesus christ!
噢 天啊!
oh, god! oh, god! oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god!
噢 天啊! 噢 天啊!
Oh, my god!
噢 我的天呐!
You gotta take your stuff and we gotta get out of here, man!
你去拿你的定西 我们得离开这儿!
I’m telling you!
I’m so sorry. where were you?
对不起 你去哪了?
Hey, did you guys see that? did you guys just see that?
哎 你们大家看见没有? 你们看见了吗?
Go! let’s go!
走! 我们走!
hey, get down! get down! you all right? you all right?
哎 蹲下来! 蹲下来! 你还好吧? 你还好吗?
Yeah, did you guys see that?
我还好 你们看见了吗?
did you guys see that? you all right?
你们看见没有? 你还好吧?
There are people still out there.
Rob! Rob! hey, Rob, I saw it! Rob!
是罗伯! 罗伯! 我看见它了! 罗伯!
Rob. what?
罗伯 什么事?
Rob, I saw it! what?
罗伯 我看见它了 看见什么了?
what’s he saying? it’s alive.
他在说什么? 它还活着
Stay down, Lily! get back!
莉莉 趴下! 回来!
He’s going away now.
Jason, what are you doing? Jason, where are you going?
杰森 你在干什么? 杰森 你去哪里?
Lily, just wait.
莉莉 等一下
Jason, don’t go out… Jason, don’t!
杰森 别出去… 杰森 别出去!
Lily, just wait here!
莉莉 等等!
Hey, Rob! Rob! where’s he going, dude?
嘿 罗伯! 罗伯! 哎 兄弟 他要去哪里?
Jason! Rob. Rob!
杰森! 罗伯 罗伯!
oh, my god. Marlena? oh, god.
噢 天啊 玛莲娜? 噢 天呀
Are you okay? wait, come here. come here. sit down.
你还好吗? 等一下 到这里来 过来 坐下
It walked right through that street over there.
That’s what I’m trying to tell you. it walked right over my head.
我就是想告诉你这个 它就从我的头顶上走过去
what? that’s the sound it’s making.
什么? 这就是它发出的声音
You said you saw something, right? so what did you see?
你说过你看见了 是吧? 那你看见什么了?
you said it was alive? what was it? who cares what it…
你说它没死? 它是什么东西? 管它是什么东西…
I don’t know, man. I don’t know. I mean, I was taping. I can show you.
我不知道 兄弟 但我把它拍下来了 我可以给你看看
Hey, you guys! I have it on tape!
嘿 大伙! 我把它拍下来了!
well, then rewind it. rewind it. yeah. here, here. let me rewind it…
那好 倒带 快倒带 是 这里 让我来倒带
It’s gonna be a great opportunity for you.
Yeah, but I don’t even speak the language.
是啊 但是我连他们的语言都不会
Oh, come on. how hard could it be?
什么嘛 那有什么难的?
It’s japanese. it’s japanese-hard.
是日语 日语很难的
it’ll be fine. do you really think I should go?
没事的 你真的觉得我应该去?
oh, my god. that makes no sense.
哦 天啊 一点用都没有
that makes no sense. did you see it?
一点用都没有 你看见没?
I don’t know what it was, of course! it was giant.
我当然不知道它是什么! 它好大
It was like… did you see that thing?
就像是… 你看见那个东西没有?
I’m not yelling at you, all right? yes, you are!
我不是在吼你 好不好? 不 你就是在吼我!
Hey, guys, guys, come on! everybody just calm down!
嗨嗨 大家不要吵! 都冷静下来!
quiet, guys. all right. come on, just shut up!
大家都安静 好啦 都闭嘴!
All right? we don’t know what we saw! the point is it’s still here!
行了! 我们都不知道我们看见的是什么! 重点是它还在这里!
All right? so we need to get the hell out of manhattan!
对吧? 所以我们得离开曼哈顿这个鬼地方!
now. yeah, yeah.
就是现在 是
And out to the brooklyn bridge. I think it’s the best plan.
it’s a straight shot to delancey. just take the williamsburg.
那是去delancey的捷径 就走威廉斯堡
No. do you know how far that is? brooklyn is right there.
不 你知道那离这里有多远吗? 布鲁克林就在就这里
No, no, no, dude. it’s so much closer. it’s right here.
不是 不是 兄弟 很近的 就在这附近
center street’s like a block away. what’s going on?
中心街道离这有一个街区远 发生什么事了?
I think we’re gonna get out of here. is she okay to…
我想我们要离开这里了 她还好吗
Okay, yeah. yeah, okay. Marlena, we’re gonna get out of here, okay?
还好 是 还好 玛莲娜 我们离开这里 好吗?
It was eating people. it was eating everyone.
那个怪物在吃人 它会吃掉所有的人的
We gotta go! go! let’s go!
我们要走了! 快走! 我们走!
Okay, come here.
好的 过来
go, go, go, go, go. I don’t think… don’t even look.
快走 快走 走 走 我想都没想…看也没看
is anyone’s phone working? what?
有没有谁的手♥机♥还能用的? 什么?
Hud, is your phone working? what?
哈德 你的手♥机♥现在能用吗? 什么?
no… shit! I left it in the apartment.
不行 该死!我把它忘在家里了
there’s no signal. you’re not getting a signal either?
这里没有信♥号♥♥ 你的也没有信♥号♥♥吗?
No, no, come on.
没有 拜托
Hud, come on! what? okay.
哈德 快过来! 什么事? 来了
It’s all right.
Let’s go.
We need an iv.
calm down, please. let’s go, people.
请冷静下来 我们走
let’s go. let’s go. excuse me, officer.
走 我们走 请原谅 警官
Do you know… what was that thing? what was it?
你知道那是什么吗? 那是什么?
Look, if you’re not injured, you got to keep moving, man.
听着 如果你没有受伤 就继续向前不要走停下来
Let’s go! let’s go, people! let’s go!
快走! 快走! 大家快走!
Yeah, once we get to the bridge, we’ll be safe.
只要我们到了桥那里 我们就安全了
Hey, how are you? is she doing better?
嘿 你还好吗? 她怎么样了?
She’s okay. she’s gonna be fine.
她还好 她会好起来的
Marlena, you saw it. what was that? not now, Hud.
玛莲娜 你见过它了 知道是什么吗? 哈德 现在我还不知道
Please go in an orderly manner.
Continue moving south towards brooklyn.
just keep going. yeah, I don’t know. it got hit.
一直走不要停 我不知道………
Once we get over there, I’ll go to my cousin’s house.
只要我们一到那里 我就去我堂妹家
She has a condo. she’s out of town.
她有个公♥寓♥ 她现在不在这里
I repeat, do not stop. keep moving.
我再说一遍 一直走 不要停
There will be instructions on the brooklyn side…
Get across the bridge. move in a quick and orderly fashion.
过桥之后 请有序快速的离开
you still filming? yeah.
你还在拍? 是啊
People are gonna wanna know how it all went down.
Well, you can just tell them how it all went down, Hud.
那么哈德 你就可以告诉大家它是怎么落败的
No, that wouldn’t work.
不 那没用
People need to see this, you know? this is gonna be important.
大家需要看这个 你知道吗 这个将来会非常重要的
I mean, people are gonna watch this.
Beth? Beth? Rob!
贝丝? 贝丝? 罗伯!
Beth, I’ve been trying to reach you. are you okay? hello?
贝丝 我一直都在找你 你还好吗? 喂?
Wait a second, you guys! look, hey! Lily, stop!
你们大家等我一下! 听着 嘿! 莉莉 停下来!
I’m sorry. it’s really loud here. can you speak up?
不好意思 这里实在太吵了 你能不能大点声?
what? Rob got a hold of Beth.
什么? 罗伯找到贝丝了
Wait! Jason, wait!
等一等杰森 等等!
Rob’s got Beth on the phone! what’d you say?
罗伯通过手♥机♥联♥系♥到贝丝了! 你说什么?
what? hey, y’all, come on.
什么? 嘿 大伙
Rob’s got Beth on the phone!
Okay, Beth, you’re gonna have to calm down, okay?
好的 贝丝 你必须要使自己冷静下来 好吗?
Where are you? what do you mean, you can’t move?
你在哪里? 你说你动不了是什么意思?
what? I repeat, no panicking.
什么? 我再说一遍 别慌
Did you see it?
Jason! can you see anything?
杰森! 你能看见什么吗?
