oh, yeah. yeah. yeah, of course. is that… okay.
好的 当然 好吗
Cool, thanks.
Okay, let’s… right here? I don’t…
好吧 开始吧 就在这 我不
no, we can do it in the kitchen. okay, perfect.
不 到厨房♥拍吧 好的
I didn’t want to do this on camera.
But, I just… I just want you to know how happy I am for you,
Because I know how hard you’ve worked for this job
And I know how much it means to you and…
And I’m really gonna miss you.
Hey. can I talk to you for a second?
Jason? there’s something totally weird going on with Rob and Beth.
杰森 罗伯和贝丝之间怪怪的
what are you talking about? I’m serious. they’re right outside.
你在说什么 我是认真的 他们就在外面
Hud! not now. okay. I’ll check it out.
哈德 别打扰我 好吧 我去看看
You never even called me, Rob!
你都不打电♥话♥给我 罗伯
You go and bring some guy to my party?
Hold on! you haven’t talked to me in weeks!
慢着 你好几个星期没和我说过话了
Hud, man! come on! sorry!
哈德 别这样 不好意思
what? what? I got it. I got it. Hud, get back inside.
怎么了 我搞定了 哈德 进来
but I’m documenting! not this.
我在录像啊 别拍那个
Lily, do you know what they were fighting about?
莉莉 你知道他们在吵什么吗
Lily, if you know, you have to tell me. Lily.
莉莉 如果你知道一定要告诉我 莉莉
I’m not telling you.
I really should know, as the guy documenting this.
我应该知道的 我是录像的啊
She was the one who brought me back inside.
okay, fine. we’ll go find out. I’m positive. I promise.
没事 我们会知道的 我很乐观的
we’ll ask her. we’ll go find out. she’s in the kitchen.
我们就问她好了 他在厨房♥
what? lil!
什么 莉莉
Lil, do you have something to tell us?
莉莉 你有什么要告诉我们的吗
no. you do, don’t you?
没有 有的吧
what? no. Hud, you’re a genius.
没有 哈德 你真是个天才
you’re dodging the question right now. there is nothing to tell you.
你在逃避问题 没有什么可以告诉你
nothing. liar.
一点都没有 骗子
Lily, if you know something, you have to tell us.
莉莉 你应该把你知道的告诉我们
no. look at me.
不行 看着我
Lily. I know you. babe.
莉莉 我知道 宝贝
Okay, fine, but not on camera. I’m not telling you on camera.
好吧 但是不能拍下来 不然我不说
Okay, that’s not a problem. all right, no problem.
好的 没问题
Why would we say anything?
we won’t say anything. Rob and Beth slept together.
我们什么都不会说的 罗伯和贝丝睡过了
are you serious? it happened a few weeks ago.
真的吗 几个星期之前的事
Beth made me promise not to say anything.
Are you kidding me, Lily?
耍我吧 莉莉
Rob and Beth sleep together, you’re not gonna tell me?
罗伯和贝丝睡过了 你竟然没告诉我
why wouldn’t you tell me? why wouldn’t I tell you?
为什么不告诉我 为什么不告诉你
Okay, you guys, don’t ask me where I heard this.
好吧 别问我在哪里听到的
Rob and Beth totally had sex together.
I knew it. are you kidding me?
我知道 不会吧
No, I’m not kidding. this is extremely serious.
是真的 我很确定
Hey, Marlena.
嘿 玛莲娜
it’s me, Hud, from before. hi. right.
是我 哈德 哦 知道
Did you know that Rob and Beth had sex?
no. yeah, isn’t that crazy?
不知道 很疯狂吧
they’ve been friends forever. crazy.
他们一直是朋友啊 疯狂吧
I mean, Rob’s been in love with her since college.
Well, maybe it was like a going-away present, you know?
Yeah. wait, were we supposed to get presents?
等等 那我们要送礼物吗
they did. they had sexual intercourse. what?
他们做♥爱♥了 什么
Lily told me. no way.
莉莉告诉我的 -不可能
no, you are so… no, I promise.
你太 我是认真的
Why do you make up stuff like that?
no, I do not. I have a nice car. you make shit up.
我没有 我有辆好车 你闭嘴
I didn’t say what kind…

good luck in japan, Rob. good luck tonight, travis.
在日本交好运 罗伯 今晚交好运
Hey, dude. dude, dude, dude. are you all right, man?
hey. come on. this is not the time, Hud.
说一下吧 我不想说 哈德
what is it, man? let him go.
怎么了 让他走吧
we should talk to him. we’re not talking to him.
我们应该劝劝他 我们别去劝他
I could talk to him now.
Dude, you already talked to the whole party!
…have to do something. – no. everyone needs to just calm down
必须的事啊 任何人都要冷静一下
and give him space. he’s just gonna stay
给他点空间 他只想
iocked in his room all night? Lily, look at you.
整晚呆在自己的房♥间里? 莉莉 看看你
it’s fine, trust me. it is not fine.
没事的 相信我 这怎么会没事
it is fine. you are his brother.
没事的 你是他的兄弟
You are his best friend. go and make him happy.
你是他最好的朋友 去让他开心点
So, how do you wanna do this? do you wanna do most of the talking,
你准备怎么办 你想多说点
Or do you want me to do most of the talking?
you’re not doing any talking. okay, cool.
你不准说话 好吧
We got to talk.
You don’t know what you’re talking about,
okay, well, then tell me.
好吧 就告诉我吧
It was just a spur-of-the-moment thing.
Yeah, well, Beth told lori that after you guys got together,
you totally blew her off. I didn’t blow her off!
你就不理她了 我没有不理他
She said you never called her.
Look, I’m leaving, all right? so what am I supposed to do?
我要走了 好吗 我该怎么办
I don’t know, man. she was heartbroken.
我不知道 她心都碎了
Look, there’s no “together.” it’s just her and me, two separate things.
现在不是一对了 只是分开的两个人罢了
It’s better if we just stay friends.
…not that I feel like I’m not good enough for her!
不是的 我觉得我配不上她
No, stop, stop! I didn’t say “feel,” Rob.
打住 打住 我没说凭感觉 罗伯
You’re not good enough for her.
That’s it. that’s fact. that’s science.
就这样 是事实 是科学
Beth Mclntyre is, like, from a whole ‘nother planet, man.
贝丝 麦金瑞特像是另一个星球的人
She’s beautiful. she’s charming. and you… I love you,
她漂亮 迷人 而你 我爱你
But let’s face it, you’re kind of a douchebag.
面对现实吧 你就像个冤大头
And going to japan is not gonna fix that. she’s crazy about you, bro.
去日本也不能修复这段感情 她很迷你的
like, right now, as you are. and you’re in love with her.
就像现在的你一样 你还是爱着她
but you got to go after her. it’s not that simple.
但是你要去追她 这不简单
no, it is that simple, Rob. come on, man. don’t be scared.
不 这很简单 罗伯 别害怕
It’s about moments, man. that’s all that…
You got to learn to say, “forget the world,”
And hang on to the people that you care about the most.
Oh, god. oh, god. oh, my god. what the hell was that?
天啊 那是什么
That scared the shit out of me.
Lil! lil!
莉莉 莉莉
Did you feel that? it was like an earthquake.
你感觉到了吗 好像地震了
you guys… lil, where are you?
大家 莉莉 你在哪里
what was that? what was that?
怎么了 怎么了
hey. are you all right? oh, my god.
你还好吗 -天啊
yeah, that was really scary. did you see anything?
这真可怕 你看到什么了吗
Hey, Marlena! Marlena, are you okay?
玛莲娜 玛莲娜 你还好吗
Guys, look out!
伙计们 小心
okay. it was like a bomb.
好的 这就像个炸♥弹♥
All right, here we go. here we go. here we go. here we go.
好吧 我们走 这边 这边 这边
Wait. everyone quiet down. all right?
等等 没动静了
but now, just approximately… shut up, shut up.
但是现在 好像 闭嘴
…15 minutes after word… – guys! come on.
15分钟后 -伙计们 这边
…of a possible earthquake in lower manhattan.
Nearby, in new york harbor, we’re getting word of an oil tanker capsizing
在附近的纽约港 一艘油轮翻船了
In the middle of the harbor near the statue of liberty.
once again… dude, that’s really close.
再一次 就差一点
…there’s no way to know if any… – that’s really, really close.
这根本不可能知道 这真的只差一点点
That’s true. do you think we could see something from the roof?
真的 你认为我们在楼顶能看到什么
I don’t know. maybe. j, wanna go to the roof?
我不知道 j 想去楼顶看看吗
Let’s go see if we can see something on the roof.
