Hey, did you know that I’m going around
The party and I’m… do you know Rob’s leaving?
晚会上而且 你知道罗伯要走了吗
like it’s his goingaway party. yeah. yeah.
这是他的欢送晚会 是的
Cool. hey, so we’re taping, I think, people talking about him.
既然我们在录像 有什么想说的
Oh, no, thank you. I barely even know Rob.
谢了 我和罗伯不是很熟
I’m just coming to say hi to Lily, so it’s a little weird,
我只是来和莉莉打个招呼 我出现
If I’m even on it, I think, but thanks.
在镜头里就有点怪怪的 谢拉
Okay, cool, except I’m supposed to get everybody.
好吧 但是我要拍到所有人
So have you ever been to a wedding?
No, I get what you’re doing. I just… I don’t want to do it, but thank you.
没有 不过我知道你在干什么 我不想拍 谢谢
Okay, cool. we’ll just do a short one real quick.
Hey, Rob, Marlena.
嘿 罗伯 玛莲娜
I think we’ve met, like, probably three times before, total,
And every one of those times I was really drunk,
So I don’t really even know what to say.
But you have a cool job! that’s something!
like you’re president of something! vice president!
是主席什么的 副♥主♥席♥
Also really cool.
So good luck with that and we’re gonna be here
祝你好运 我们会在这里
Keeping new york really safe and fun for you when you come back.
cool, that was a really good one. yeah?
这段很好 是吗
Yeah, we can do another one if you want.
Do you actually have, like a card or something?
Well, my agency… we’re leaving. we’re going on this stupid retreat
我代理 我们要走了 我们要去一个傻兮兮的度假村
And they like all this video,
like, bonding crap. oh, yeah. I’m actually…
像自我介绍这种 我其实
I’m not a professional. what?
我不是很专业 什么
I’m not a professional. I’m Hud. hug?
我不是很专业 我叫哈德 hug?
No, no, no, Hud. I’m Rob and Lily’s friend.
不是 是哈德 我是罗伯和莉莉的朋友
we met, like, several times before. oh, yeah, yeah.
我们之前见过几面的 是的
Yeah, you have the camera in front of your face,
it’s probably why I didn’t… okay, here. if I move it?
这可能是我没认出你来的原因 好的 我拿开他
oh, yeah. what’s going on? totally. yeah.
最近好吗 很好
Yeah, cool. it’s nice to see you again.
really good to see you. really good. so what have you been up to?
非常非常高兴见到你 最近要干什么
I actually… I’m gonna just go grab some food,
But good luck with the…
I could still do your agency’s retreat if you wanted…
He’s coming up the stairs right now. everybody get ready. get ready.
大家准备好 他上楼了
Can someone turn down the music, please?
Surprise! surprise!
惊喜 惊喜
No, no, no, no, no, no!
不 不 不
How did you guys plan all this?
Easy, you’re naive. let’s go.
很简单 你很天真啊 来吧
hey. how are you? take this. take this.
好啊 拿着这个
I’m sorry. yes. thank you. what’s up?
不好意思 谢谢 最近怎么样啊
Oh, hey. yes. good.
what’s up, man? speech!
好啊 发言
yeah, speech! speech! speech! speech!
发言 发言 发言
oh, this is very surprising… I hope so.
实在很惊喜 希望如此
obviously. it’s a surprise party.
明显时的 这是个令人惊喜的晚会
But it’s very sweet. so thank you. Lily?
这很贴心 谢谢你 莉莉
It was everyone. it was everyone.
No, thank you, everyone. thank you. it’s…
谢谢你们所有人 谢谢
Oh, it means a lot, so… that’s it. that’s all I got. I don’t know.
这对我来说很重要 就这样了 我无法表达
have a good time! yeah, party!
玩的开心 晚会开始罗

hey, man. were you surprised? yo. I was, like, not even surprised.
你吃惊吗 我一点都不吃惊
No? can you describe your current emotions right now?
I don’t know. I would say blase. like, I’m a little… I’m just a little bored.
我不知道 可能我厌烦于享乐了 有点厌倦了
no, you’re not. well, congrats. no, man, that was awesome, dude.
不 你不是 恭喜你 不是的 这很棒
What are you doing with the video camera by the way?
I’m documenting the night
So that you can take it to japan with you.
Oh, can I watch it every night when I get there.
Jason asked if i…
yeah, you could. oh, good.
是的 你可以 好的
All right, thank you. cool.
Hey, Hud, do you know if Beth’s coming tonight?
哈德 你知道今晚贝丝来吗
Yeah, I guess. I’m sure Lily invited her. why wouldn’t she be here?
来的吧 我猜 我肯定莉莉请她的 她怎么会不来啊
So how are you gonna survive without Rob?
he’s like your main dude. yeah, I know.
他就像绝配 是的 我知道
Hey, how am I gonna survive without you?
I don’t know. I’m like your main dude. straight up.
我不知道 我就是你的绝配 确实是
as I make my… I’m not here. hi, Hud.
我不在这里 嗨 哈德
I’m just documenting. not here.
我只是在录像 我不在这里
That was my biggest problem is that she picked him…
You know what. no, but when he said my fair lady…
知道吗 当他说我美丽的女士
I love my fair lady. I was like, “really?”
我爱我美丽的女士 我的反应是”真的吗”
That was wonderful. but, I mean, it worked out, right?
那很好 不过这有用的吧
Beth, hey! you made it.
贝丝 你来了
It doesn’t matter, dude, you’re here. all is well.
没关系 你来了那就好了
Oh, no, it’s good. it’s good.
很好 很好
enjoy it. have fun. oh, I will. I’m just gonna go say…
享受吧 会的我会过去说
who is that guy? I don’t know. he’s random.
那个男的是谁 不知道 陌生人
Here, I’m gonna go check it out. look out, documenting.
我去看看 小心点 录像呢
Oh, thanks.
I missed your surprise. oh, that’s okay.
我错过你惊讶的样子 没关系
I’m sorry. no, we had cab problems. I’m really sorry.
不好意思 我们打不到车 实在不好意思
that’s fine. decorating’s mine.
没关系 我装饰的
no, that’s fantastic. Rob, this is travis.
装饰的很好 罗伯 这是travis
hi. hi. oh, pleasure.
你好 好啊
I’ve heard a lot about you.
congratulations, by the way. thank you.
恭喜啦 谢谢
vice president. that’s fantastic. I love your dress.
副♥主♥席♥ 太棒了 衣服很不错啊
thank you. I love yours. yeah, thank you.
谢谢 你的也不错 谢谢
That’s really amazing.
should we… yeah, there’s a buffet.
能吃东西吗 自助餐在那里
Hey, I’m documenting the night. I’m Hud.
我在录像 我是哈德
okay. so, there’s tons of sake.
好的 那里有很多酒
Yeah, just help yourselves, enjoy.
是的 别客气
enjoy, everybody. it’s good to meet you.
大家别客气 很高兴建到你
have a good one, yeah. thanks for coming.
玩得开心 谢谢光临
I think he just said I was cute. are they dating?
我认为他说我可爱 他们在约会吗
hey, is everything cool, man? yeah, everything’s cool.
你还好吧 好的
Okay, because… I don’t know, because you been over here kind of…
Is that my camera?
I don’t know. your brother gave it to me.
我不知道 你弟弟给我的
Did you switch the tape? because I had a tape in there.
你换过带子了吗 我在里面有带子的
I don’t know. was…
Roller-coasters are fun, but, like, any kind of tea-cuppy thing…
过山车很好玩 但是有点像旋转杯
Tape was in here when I got it. why?
我拿到的时候就有带子了 怎么了
Rob, why? no, it doesn’t matter.
罗伯 怎么了 算了
It doesn’t… it’s stupid.
Okay, are you sure you’re cool? because you’re really weirding me out.
你确定你没事吗 你看起来
Like, we haven’t been hanging out or anything.
here. here, man. come on. all right, cool. that’s more like it.
来这里 好吧 像这样就好了
Excuse me. sorry. excuse me.
不好意思 不好意思
what’s wrong with you? hey, Beth! Beth. Beth. Beth.
你怎么了 贝丝 贝丝 贝丝
Hey, I’m filming goodbyes for Rob. do you want to say something?
我在拍对罗伯的告别感言 想说点什么吗
Hey, I’m filming goodbyes for Rob. do you want to say something?
我在拍对罗伯的告别感言 想说点什么吗
Oh, Hud, I don’t know. it’s not a really good time right now.
哈德 我不知道 现在不行
Come on, he’s leaving.
说吧 他要走了
I mean, can we… I know.
我是说 我们能 我知道
You’re not gonna be able to talk to him for a while.
Isn’t there something you wanna say?
You know what? travis, can you get me a drink?
塔夫斯 帮我那个饮料好吗
