It’s 6:42 a.m.
Beth’s dad’s place.
He’s out of town.
And it’s already a good day.
Rob, what are you doing? nothing.
罗伯 你在干什么 没什么
well, then stop. nothing.
别 别拍了 没关系的
that’s… stop it.
没关系 别拍了
She’s shy.
I could just see this ending up on the internet.
Well, fine, cover up. see if I care.
好吧 穿上衣服 看看我在不在意
I’m interested in other things. like what?
我对其他事感兴趣 比如说?
Like you.
oh, man. that was close.
哦哟 就差一点
Do it really… I’m scared of it.
准一点 我怕这个
it’s only 30 minutes out. shut up. I’ve never been.
才30分钟的路程 闭嘴 我没去过
You’ve never been to coney island?
Oh, how have you never been to coney island?
I don’t know, I just… I’ve never been.
我不知道 我就是没去过
Oh, that’s… it’s so much fun. I’m taking you. we’re going.
那里很好玩的 我带你去 一起去
Oh, my god. you’re so excited about this.
天啊 你怎么这么兴奋啊
yeah, I can’t wait to… give me this.
是的 都等不及了 给我摄像机
What are you doing? what?
Oh, all right. well, then from the neck up, okay?
好吧 只拍脖子以上 好吗
That’s the only way I consent to this.
Oh, please, Rob, nobody’s paying for that online.
得了吧 罗伯 没人会在网上花钱看你的
You’ve never been to twelve-chest-hairs. com, have you?
那你肯定没去过twelve-chest-hairs. com
okay. what else? what else, what?
好吧 还有什么 什么还有什么
Other than cotton candy and tilt-a-whirls?
what do you want to do today? lf I answer that…
今天你还想干什么 如果我说
all right, is this thing on? look out!
好的 开始录了吗 小心
Babe, it’s not my camera.
宝贝 这不是我的摄像机
I don’t know if it’s the on button or the zoom button.
All right. here, here, here. I think I got it. is this on?
好了 这里 搞定了吧 录了吗
Oh, perfect. and now we can have a nice record of you getting run over.
很好 现在我们可以拍到你被碾过的镜头了
Is that funny?
What time is everybody starting to show up?
it’s getting late here. a couple hours.
这里比较晚的 几小时吧
that’s why we have to hurry. where are we going?
这就是我们要赶快的原因 我们去哪里啊
We’re going… we’re just going around the corner to the store!
I want you to go around with your brother’s camera
And get testimonials from everyone.
Why? I mean, it’s not like this is a wedding.
为什么 我是说 这不是一场婚礼啊
I know it’s not a wedding. I said like a wedding.
我知道不是 我说像一场婚礼
I can’t get this.
I don’t get… I mean, I don’t understand why I have to do it.
Cause, I mean, I don’t… I don’t even know how to work this…
that’s what I think is gonna happen. no, I’m not!
我就知道会这样 不 我不是
you totally are. you… you have no clue!
你就是 -你又不知道的
Okay, well, let me ask you a question.
好吧 我来问你个问题
Can you see me through the viewfinder?
Yeah. got you.
是的 能看到
Good. now can you see me trying to carry these bags all by myself?
很好 那你能看到我一个人拿着这么多袋子吗
You’re doing a great job.
Here, practice doing two things at once.
给你 练习一下同时干两件事
that’s good! that was good. thank you.
好的 很好 谢谢
I’m not lugging this thing around all night long
he is your brother.
This is important. stop freaking out.
这很重要 别大惊小怪的
I understand that, Lily, but it’s a shit job!
我知道 莉莉 但这是个烂工作
no, it isn’t. yes, it is! I’m not doing it!
不 那不是 是的 那是 我不会干的
Jason, I have been planning this for two weeks!
杰森 我都计划两周了
all I want you to do is help me. okay, babe, babe.
我只想让你帮我 好吧 宝贝 宝贝
Okay. all right? I’ll do it. it’s fine.
好吧 我会干的 行了吧
I really pissed her off.
Babe, come on. I was just kidding! come on!
宝贝 我只是开开玩笑
Hud? Hud, listen to me. I got a job for you.
哈德 哈德 听着 我给你个差事
I already have got a job.
I’m doing the sign, so… yeah, no. I see that
我在贴横幅 我知道
But this is more important than the sign. you know how, like, at weddings,
但是这比横幅更重要 你知道在婚礼上
People give testimonials to the camera, right?
All right. you’re gonna take the camera and just, you know, go around the party
好吧 你只要拿着照相机在晚会里转上一圈
And film people wishing Rob good luck.
I don’t know, man.
that’s a lot of responsibility. this is important.
这责任很大的 这很重要
And then you have to do it the whole night…
And Marlena’s gonna be here.
she is? oh, yeah. she is.
是吗 是的 她会来
so you’re gonna take that. oh, hold on.
拿着 等等
and you’re gonna talk to her… I didn’t…
你会和她聊天 我没
for Rob. I didn’t say I would do it.
为罗伯 我没说我会干这事
just try it out. all right, I’ll do a few.
就试一下 好吧 我就干一会
You can, just do mine…
are you ready? yeah, go.
好了吗 好了 开始
All right.
Rob, I don’t even know what to say, bro.
罗伯 我根本不知道要说什么
Best of luck in japan. I love you so much,
祝你在日本交好运 我这么爱你
And I’m proud of you.
that’s it. that’s it?
就这样 就这样?
yeah. easy enough. yeah. it’s actually kind of fun.
是的 简洁明了 是的 还蛮好玩的
you enjoy it, Hud. thanks, man.
好好干吧 哈德 谢啦
Yeah, I’m doing…
Hey, what’s up, man?
Hey, guys? hey.
what do we say? anything.
我们该说什么 随便的
Bon voyage, Rob. or however you say that in japanese.
一帆风顺 罗伯 用日文怎么说
Hud, what are you doing? I’m documenting the night.
哈德 你在干什么 我在记录今晚
But I thought I asked Jason to do that.
Oh, yeah, well, Jason asked me to do it, so I’ve been doing it.
杰森让我拍 所以我就在拍了
I’ve been doing it really well.
Well, are you gonna take it seriously, though?
Because it’s really important.
No, of course. I’ve been taking it really, really seriously.
当然 我非常非常认真啊
very seriously. you promise?
十分认真 说到做到?
Yeah, you wanna do your testimonial now?
okay. yeah, do it right now.
好的 现在就开始吧
Okay, just open up to him, cause this is gonna be
畅所欲言吧 这是
the last thing he sees you… okay, Hud, I got it.
他最后一次看到你 够了 哈德 知道了
Robert hawkins,
I can’t believe you’re leaving me to look after your brother by myself.
Oh! easy, easy. I mean I’m obviously standing right here…
冷静 冷静 我可就在这里
And I know we’re not officially family, yet, but…
not fair, ’cause I’m gonna… dude.
不公平 我只是要 别捣乱
okay. I’ll cut him out later.
好吧 呆会我会把他剪掉的
But I think of you as my brother, and I hope you think of me as a sister.
但是我把你当作我哥哥 希望你也把我当作妹妹
So, you better call us.
Now that you have this job, you can afford to call us, so…
现在你有工作了 付得起电♥话♥费了 所以
Hud? yeah.
哈德 怎么
Yeah, sorry. no, you’re good. you’re good. you’re good.
不好意思 你表现得很好
that was good! that’s it?
你表现得很好 是吗
I thought that was really, really good.
Yeah, but you weren’t even paying attention for…
Okay. okay, you can do this.
Yeah. you got this, man. you got this.
是的 你能行的 你能行的
what’s up, man? hey, what’s up, dude?
好啊 好啊
What’s up?
Excuse me! hey, Marlena?
不好意思 好啊 玛莲娜
hey, what’s up? hi. hi.
好啊 嗨
