cloak and dagger间谍活动
She was reputed to have been involved in some cloak and dagger work for British Intelligence during the war.
该表达方式源自法语。19世纪早期,有关剑客的戏剧是广受欢迎的剧场娱乐节目,这种戏剧被归类为“斗篷与剑”,即comédies de cape et d’épée,相当于英文的of cape and sword,而comédies de cape et d’épée又源自西班牙戏剧comedias de capa y espada。后来在英语中,剑(sword)成了匕首(dagger)。我们可以在查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的《巴纳比·拉奇》(Barnaby Rudge )中找到早期人们使用该表达方式的例子:
‘Where in the name of the Gunpowder Plot did you pick up this?’ said his master.
It was given him by a person then waiting at the door, the man replied.
‘With a cloak and dagger?’ said Mr Chester.