比她高些? 苗条的身材?
A little taller than her ? Gorgeous body ?
-是的 -你是Dante Hicks
-Yeah. -And you’re Dante Hicks.
你们是同一所学校 你还玩曲棍球呢
You went to the same school. You played hockey.
-是的 你怎么知道? -你还和她拍拖吗?
-Yeah. How did you know that ? -You still goin’ out with her ?
-没有了 她要结婚了 -和你?
-No, she’s getting married. -To you ?
No. To an Asian design major.
喔 他妈的!
Aw, shit !
不要嫁错人了 但是 呃 我以前还操过她呢
Don’t take this the wrong way, but, uh, I used to fuck her.
-什么? -是的 大约两三年前
-What ? -Yeah, about two, three years ago.
While you two were dating.
那时我还在开一辆黑色的Trans Am
I drove a black Trans Am.
-你是Rick Daress? -是啊
-You’re Rick Daress ? -Yeah.
- 你认识他? -是的
-You know him ? -Yeah.
-Caitlin以前经常提起他 -是吗?
-Caitlin used to talk about him all the time. -Really ?
等等你以前在 我和Caitlin Bree拍拖的时候就操过她了?
Wait a second. You used to fuck Caitlin Bree while I was dating her ?
不 伙计 别放在心上 那是好久以前的事情了
Nah, man, don’t let it bother you. That was a long time ago.
你居然不知道这事 真让我吃惊 Dante
I’m surprised you didn’t know about it, Dante.
学校每个人都知道 甚至我们班上都知道
Everybody in school knew about it. Even in my class.
上帝! 然后呢?
Jesus Christ ! What next ?
-给 -什么?
-Here you go. -What’s this ?
-罚款500 -什么?
-A fine for $500. -What ?
500元? 为什么?
Five hundred bucks ? For what ?
违反了New Jersey法令 第2A章 第170/51条
For violation of New Jersey Statute, Section 2A, Number 170/51.
Any person who sells or makes available tobacco,
or tobacco-related products, to persons under the age of 18,
is regarded as disorderly.
-What are you talkin’ about ?
-An angry mother called the state division of taxation…
and claimed that a Quick Stop employee…
sold her four-year-old daughter a pack of cigarettes at 4:00 today.
New Jersey 税务局打电♥话♥给地方卫生局…
The New Jersey Division of Taxation called the Board of Health…
and sent me down to issue a fine.
You claimed you were working here all day.
Hence, the fine is yours.
The fine is doubled due to the incredibly young age of the child.
But I didn’t sell any cigarettes to any kids !
你卖♥♥烟给4岁的小孩? 好无♥耻♥啊!
You sold cigarettes to a four-year-old ? What a scumbag !
太恶心了 Dante
That’s sick, Dante.
我没哟卖♥♥烟给任何小孩! 我发誓!
I didn’t sell cigarettes to any kids ! I swear !
The due date is on the bottom.
This summons cannot be contested in any court of law.
Failure to remit before the due date…
will result in a charge of criminal negligence,
and a warrant will be issued for your arrest.
-Have a nice day.
-But I didn’t sell any cigarettes to any kids.
嘿 等等!
Hey, wait a minute !
Forget it.
I don’t wanna deal with a guy that sells cigarettes to four-year-olds.
我能 呃 我能帮你提吗?
Can l, uh, give you a lift somewhere ?
Sure. How ’bout the beach ?
I like the way you think.
上帝! 还要发生些什么?
Jesus ! What next ?
-Dante? -什么? Caitlin!
-Dante ? -What ? Caitlin !
-你什么时候回家? -现在
-When did you get home ? -Just now.
我真不敢相信 我这么久都没见到你了
I can’t believe it. I haven’t seen you in so long.
Dante 有顾客来了
Dante, you have a customer.
I just saw Alyssa’s Little sister outside.
-她和Rick Daress一起 -我们不要提她了
-She was with Rick Daress. -Let’s not talk about her.
-你怎么回家? -坐火车要花8个小时
-How’d you get home ? -Train. it took eight hours.
-我真不敢相信你来这里 -对不起你有…
-I can’t believe you’re here. -Excuse me. Do you have–
呃 是的在油后面 你待多久?
Uh, yeah. Back behind the oil. How long you staying ?
到星期一 之后我就得坐火车回去了
Until Monday. Then I have to take the train back.
一包香烟 嘿 恭喜你
Pack of cigarettes. Hey, congratulations.
I saw the announcement in today’s paper.
你知道 她就要嫁给一位亚裔设计师了
You know, she’s marrying an Asian design major.
So I’m told.
You’re just gonna close the store like that ?
我要跟你谈些事 我不想被打断
I wanna talk to you about something, and I don’t wanna be disturbed.
Something I read in the tabloids.
-你看到了 -我想是不是太引人注目了
-You saw it. -Very dramatic, I thought.
-it is not what you think.
-哦 不是我想象的那样
-Oh, it’s not what I think.
那是怎样 更糟?
What is it, worse ?
You’re pregnant with the Asian design major’s child ?
-到底怎么了? -我没有怀孕
-What’s goin’ on here ? -I am not pregnant.
那你想告诉我什么 你要给发个请贴?
Were you gonna tell me, or were you gonna send me an invitation ?
我要告诉你 但我们相处的很好
I was gonna tell you, but we were getting along so well,
I didn’t wanna mess it up.
You could’ve broken it to me gently.
You could’ve started by telling me you had a boyfriend.
I told you I had a girlfriend.
我知道对不起 但是当我们谈话时
I know. I’m sorry, but when we started talking,
it was like I forgot I had a boyfriend.
-他上个月向我求婚的 -你就答应了
-And then he proposed last month. -And you said yes.
呃 可以这样说吧
Well, kind of. Sort of.
Is that what they teach you in that school of yours ?
“”Kind of,”” “”sort of”” ?
Everybody knows about this except me !
Do you know how humiliating that is ?
I would’ve told you,
and you would’ve stopped calling me, like a baby.
-How do you know that ?
-Because I know you.
You prefer drastic measures to rational ones.
-那你真的要结婚吗? -不
-So you’re really getting married ? -No.
-You’re not really getting married ?
故事是这样的:他求婚 我告诉他我的想法
The story goes like this: He proposed, I told him I had to think about it,
and he insisted that I wear the ring anyway.
Then my mother told the paper we were engaged.
-哦 她怎么可以这样
-Oh, how like her.
-Then my mother called this morning…
to let me know that the announcement was in the paper.
That’s when I hopped a train to come back here,
because I knew you’d be a wreck.
-谢谢你的赞同 -我猜对了吗?
-Thanks for the vote of confidence. -Was I right ?
“”Wreck”” is a harsh term.
“情绪失常”还好点 “稍微失常”更好
“”Disturbed”” is more like it. “”Mildly disturbed,”” even.
哦 我爱男子汉的那一面 真是太刺♥激♥了
Oh, I love a macho facade. It is such a turn-on.
-What smells like shoe polish ?
-那你来这里干嘛? 让我舒服点?
-So you came here to what ? To comfort me ?
The last thing I needed was
for you to think I was hiding something from you.
-But you were !
-不 我没有 真的没有
-No, I wasn’t ! Not really.
我告诉你了 我还要看其他人的看法
I told you I’d been seeing other people.
是的 但是并不是认真的
Yeah, but not seriously.
上帝 你都准备上教堂了
Christ, you’re ready to walk down the aisle.
I think that constitutes something
more than just seeing somebody.
-到底怎么了? -我把戒指还给他了
-What’s going on ? -I’m giving him his ring back.
-什么? -我不想嫁给他
-What ? -I don’t want to marry him.
我现在不想结婚 我现正在毕业期间
I don’t want to get married now. I’m on the verge of graduation.
等毕业以后 我想开始我的事业
I want to go to grad school after this, and then I want to start a career.
我不想做了妻子后 才发现其实…
I don’t want to be a wife first and then have to worry about…
when I’m gonna fit in the other stuff.
我走了这么长一段路 学习这么努力…
I have come way too far and studied too damn hard…
to let my education go to waste
as a housewife.
And I know that’s what I’d become.
