…it’s already gone off.
-靠 -该死
– Damn! – Shit!
Do you see him?
Alright. Move your team two metres to the left.
好了 停
That’s it. Stop.
走到那片浅色草堆 狙击手在你的位置
Touch that light-coloured grass. Sniper at your feet.
军士长 这里没什么
Nothing here, Sergeant Major.
-该死 -他很出色
– Damn! – He is good.
很接近 他怎移♥动♥得这么快
Thatwas close. How’s he moving so fast?
我看见他 过来 一直过来 现在跑
I see him. Come in. Straight in. Now. Run!
Keep coming.
停 你的左面 你的左面
Stop. To your left. To your left.
停止 狙击手在你的位置
And stop. Sniper at your feet.
What is it?
He had lunch here.
McDonald’s quarter-pounder.
With cheese.
-该死 -四个了
– Damn! – That’s four.
这次你蠃了 出来吧
Alright, you won this one. Come on out!
士兵 你怎走得这么接近我
Soldier, how did you get that close to me?
长官 狙击手做个鬼祟的混♥蛋♥ 来接近导师
Sniper approached instructor by being a sneaky bastard, Sergeant Major!
蔡维斯 可知道在加州 丢垃圾的罚款
Do you know the fine for littering in California, Chavez?
知道 长官
Yes, sir!
我在狙击手训练中见过你 你很出色
I saw you on the sniper course. You looked good.
-中士 这里受训快完毕吗 -是 长官
– Just about finished here, Sergeant? – Yes, sir.
Looking forward to taking some leave with your wife and kids?
-长官 我没有妻儿 -你有什么
– Don’t have any wife or kids, sir. – What do you have?
你很少打电♥话♥给别人 也没有多少来往的信件
You don’t call anybody often, you don’t write or receive many letters.
长官 我可否问你是谁
Who are you, sir, if I may ask?
祁洛先生和我正策划一项行动 我的组是其中一部分
Mr Clark and I are putting together a mission. My team is a part of it.
你最多会去六个月 如果之后还活着
You’d be gone up to six months, after which, if you’re not dead,
you’d have your choice of assignments in Special Ops.
…defusing an issue that was snowballing into another scandal.
时代日报 报导你和夏是好朋友
“The New York Times” reports that you and Hardin were good friends.
不是好朋友 我们是终身好友
No, not good friends. We were lifelong friends.
是我说的 是我说的
I said that. I said that.
I told him to say that.
-什么 -我没有说什么
– What? – I didn’t say anything.
-但你在想着一件事 -没有
– But you were thinking something. – No.
我只是想着 你跟你的同僚的麻烦
I was just distracted by the trouble you were having with your ensemble.
Well, it’s not every day you have to look trustworthy.
-谁叫谁说什么 -那不重要
– Who told who to say what? – It’s not important.
-是总统吗 -是的
– The President? – Yeah.
Mom says she makes more money than the President.
她可能是对的 再见
She’s probably right. Bye.
赖博士 感谢你的资料
Thank you, Dr Ryan, for the information you’ve shared with us.
-谢谢 参议员 -我们一定要帮助哥伦比亚人
– Thank you, Senator. – We have to help the Colombians
in their struggle to curtail the drug cartels’ activities.
但我不明白 你怎么认为额外的拨款
However, I’m confused. How do you see additional funds
advancing this programme from the failure that it is?
-你明白我的意思吗 -我不大明白
– You see what I’m getting at? – No, I’m afraid I don’t.
You said this effort would be totally benign on our part.
Our assistance is limited to supply and advice only.
I’ve read that.
I’ve also read a similar finding written 35 years ago
有关在东南亚 一处鲜为人知的丛林
regarding a little-thought-of sliver ofjungle in Southeast Asia.
对不起 你把反毒拨款申请跟越南作比较
You’re comparing our request for anti-drug funds to Vietnam?
I’m comparing it to every time a committee such as this is asked
to render judgement based on less than all the facts.
I’m afraid I don’t know what to say to that.
你可以向我们保证 我们已取得所有事实
You can assure us that we have all the facts.
I thought I had.
那么你可以再向我们保证 这笔额外的拨款
You can further assure us then that this increase in funds
will not be used for any covert military action.
I don’t know how you’re getting to this.
Long experience, sir.
No troops then?
我强调那点 因为我不想出错
I enunciate that clearly because I don’t want there to be any mistake.
No troops.
你可否说 我以你的话作承诺
You could say I have your word on that?
You could indeed, because you do.
听着 除下名牌 把它们传上来
Listen up! Dog tags. Take ’em off, pass ’em forward.
检查口袋里 可以认出身分的东西
Check your pockets for anything that can be used for identification.
We’re feet dry.
降落区在望 准备
LZ in sight. Get ready.
祝大家好运 去抓他们吧
Good luck, boys. Go get ’em.
好了 现在降落
OK, let’s take her down now.
快 快 快
Go, go, go!
嘿 波比
Hey, Bob.
-你好吗 -很好
– How you doing? – Good, sir.
Good to see you.
-杰克 早 -赖 进来吧
– Morning, Jack. – Ryan! Come on in.
-认识大家吗 -都认识
– Do you know everyone? – Yes, yes.
-咖啡 甜甜圈 -麻烦你 黑咖啡
– Coffee? Bagel? – Coffee. Black.
-家人好吗 -很好
– How’s the family? – Good, sir.
-我何时可认识另一位赖博士 -她很渴望认识你
– When do I meet the other Dr Ryan? – She’s dying to meet you, sir.
很好 坐下
Good, good. Sit down.
Thank you.
-那些钱仍在那里 -先生
– The cash is still there? – Sir?
-在夏彼得的离岸户口 -六亿五千万元
– In Hardin’s offshore accounts. – $650 million.
-和零钱 -和零钱
– And change. – And change.
-我们还有那个户口号♥码 -是的
– And we have the account numbers. – Yes, sir.
我们还等什么 去拿它吧
Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get it.
-去拿 -我们把这东西转过来
– Let’s get it? – Let’s turn this thing around.
$650 million and change.
It’s worth ten times that in political capital.
夏和那些毒窟的关连 只是一个猜测
Well, this connection between Hardin and the cartels is a theory.
-猜测 -我的猜测
– Theory? – Atheory of mine.
-这是个猜测 -我知道那些钱是在那里
– It’s a theory? – Well, I know the money is there.
But who exactly Hardin was working for, I don’t know.
我们在充公那笔钱之前 要先查证那一点
I think we would have to establish that before we could seize the money.
So go down there. Establish it.
-去哪里 -哥伦比亚
– Go where? – Colombia.
谁 我
Who, me?
我丢下你两个星期 你却踏进一个大陷阱里
I leave you alone for two weeks, and you walk into a big bear trap.
What was I thinking?
你想令总统留下印像 你不该那样做
You were thinking about impressing the President. You shouldn’t do that.
-十一月 -一月
– November. – January.
Of last year.
那里有一个人 他以前一直在那里… 祁洛
There’s a guy down there, at least he used to be… Clark.
我们认识了很久 是个好人
We go way back. Good man.
如果你遇上麻烦 去找他
If you hit a brick wall, look him up.
Admiral Greer?
-化疗 -该死
– Chemotherapy. – Oh, shit.
Here we go again.
How’s Ritter behaving?
雷一贯作风 没有理会我
Ritter’s Ritter. He’s leaving me alone.
真的 像一只鹰般盯着他
Are you sure? Watch him like a hawk.
-你好吗 -很好
– How are you feeling today? – OK.
我们会替你找个房♥间 给你一些毛毯 让你躺下
We’ll get you in a room, give you warm blankets, get you lying down.
然后我们带你回去房♥间 休息一下
Then we’ll get you back to your room and comfortable.
变量 这是刀子 准备通话 完毕
Variable, this is Knife, stand by to copy, over.
变量 这是刀子 准备通话 完毕
Variable, this is Knife, stand by to copy, over.
刀子 这是变量 你的讯号♥是五乘五 完毕
Knife, this is Variable, your signal is five by five, over.
鸡在锅里了 完毕
The chicken is in the pot. Over.
-煮了它 -收到
– Cook it. – Roger that.
