想认识华盛顿的政♥治♥吗 四个字…
Want to know about politics in Washington? Four words.
“Watch your back, Jack.”
波比 你该是第一个知道 或者是第三 四个
Bobby, you should be the first to know, or the third or fourth.
Ryan is to be Acting Deputy Director, Intelligence.
那当然是暂时性的委任 直至哲时康复
It will be a provisional appointment, of course, until James recovers.
你向他简报一下 我们对哥伦比亚的援助计划
Get him up to speed on our aid programme to Colombia.
他要说服监督委员会 再拨款七千五百万元
He must talk the Oversight Committee out of another $75 million.
And not make a complete fool out of himself.
What about the Hardin murders?
我在跟进 总统要全力调查
I’m on it. The President’s calling for a full-court press.
So, you guys are going to be working together hand in hand.
That’s great.
马嘉丽 别动他的东西好了
Margaret, why don’t we leave all his things?
好吧 好的
OK, yeah.
赖杰克 我不能相信
Ryan. I can’t believe it!
He’s not a team player, is thatwhat you’re saying?
He’s a Boy Scout.
一个该死的白♥痴♥ 相信忠心 廉洁和婚姻
A goddamn Boy Scout. Believes in loyalty, cleanliness and knot-tying.
So leave him out of it.
他当情报局副局长 那会很棘手
He’s the Deputy Director of Intelligence. That will be tricky.
What does he need to know?
他什么也不必知道 也不会知道什么
Nothing. He needs to know nothing. He’s going to know nothing.
I want a copy of the President’s authorisation
of this new action against the cartels.
-你要什么 -你听到
– You want what? – You heard me.
He doesn’t know about it.
我给你简单地解释 这只是你的行动
Let me explain it to you very simply. This is your deal, not mine.
除非我有书面授权 否则这件事不会进行
Unless I have written authorisation, this thing is over before it begins.
我不想在出问题时 由我来负全责
I’m not going to be the only one left without a chair when the music stops.
“Reciprocity.” That’s a clever name for it.
Revenge is a very, very, very dangerous motivation.
这个行动你可否应付得来 我只要知是或否
Are you able to handle this operation or not? I’m looking for a yes or no.
You’re looking for a political mess.
-是或否 -他们要那样
– Yes or no? – Is that what they want?
They want what every first-term administration wants. A second term.
I don’t imagine the boys on the Hill have approved this.
Have they?
Is that a “no”?
我在行动之前 户口里要收到钱
I want the money in my account before I move an inch.
You got it.
-我要有通信卫星联♥系♥ -好的
– I need a Comsat link. – You got it.
-一支小队 -你可以有一支部队
– An insertion team. – You can have a brigade.
Just 12 men who understand discretionary warfare.
特别行动 西班牙语
Special Ops. Spanish speaking.
-先生 你好吗 -很好
– How are you today, sir? – Very well.
-请问你到访的目的 -公干
– The purpose of your visit? – Business.
-你做那一行呢 -我卖♥♥拖拉机
– What business are you in? – I sell tractors.
Well, I build them, then I sell them.
-你会逗留多久 -几天
– And how long will you be staying? – A few days.
我知道很冒险 但还有什么方法
I know it’s a risk, but what’s the alternative?
用六千拉德的钴切除视网膜 不会乐观
Zapping a retina with 6,000 rads of cobalt? Not a pretty picture.
Prettier than a tumour spreading in the cranial sack.
-她叫什么名字 -我正吃饭呢
– What is her name? – I’m trying to have lunch.
听着… 肚饿吗
Listen… Hungry?
-很饿 -我们别吃午餐
– Starved. – We could forget about lunch.
-我们上次也试过 记得吗 -我可记得 你呢
– We did that last time, remember? – Do I remember? Do you?
-不大记得 -也许我该提你一下
– Vaguely. – Maybe I should refresh your memory.
-也许是的 -你们有台了
– Maybe you should. – Your table is ready now.
-我们不要了 我去叫计程车 -梅丽
– We don’t need it. I’ll get a cab. – Moira?
-你好吗 杰克怎样 -他很好
– Hi! How are you? How’s Jack? – He’s great, just great.
-还在联邦调查局工作吗 -局长办公室
– You still with the FBI? – The Director’s office.
-那是谁 -我的新朋友
– Who was that? – My new friend.
Ser Roberto Landa.
-他的样子像杰克吗 -是吗 我看得不清楚
– Doesn’t he look like Jack? – Does he? I can’t quite see.
-只差是拉丁籍 -拉丁杰克 这个我得看一下
– Only Latin. – A Latin Jack? This I have to see.
我要走了 再见
I have to go. Bye.
我们知道这不是海上劫掠 海盗会偷船的
Well, we know it’s not piracy. Pirates steal boats.
They had plane tickets to Bogota the morning afterthe killings.
-达恩 -情况怎样
– Hey, Dan. – How’s it going?
我们正追查着一个动机 莫达恩 联邦调查局
We’re sneaking up on a motive. Dan Murray, Bureau.
-外♥交♥部♥ 韦乐帆 -说过什么
– Ralph Williams, DEA. – Said anything yet?
– Yeah. “We’re innocent.” – Till the DA offers them a deal.
已经提出了 普通的还是特脆的
He already has. Regular or extra crispy?
Either referring to fried chicken or the electric chair.
Are you picturing a hit?
On a respectable American businessman and his family?
You’re assuming he’s respectable.
我们有便条 信件 信♥用♥卡♥结余单
We have memos, letters, credit card statements,
电♥话♥单 你想用来破解他的密♥码♥的东西都有
phone bills, everything you could need to break his code.
-这是什么 -高中旧年报
– What’s this? – Old high school yearbook.
-甜心 足球队… -你觉得呢
– Sweethearts, football team… – You think?
-不知道 -好吧 看我们有什么
– I don’t know. – OK, let’s see what we’ve got.
-没有奶油 -用光了
– No cream? – There wasn’t any.
从生日着手 你的提款机密♥码♥一定是你的出生日期
Let’s startwith birthdays. Bet your ATM code is your birthday.
-接近了 -倒转次序
– Close. – In reverse?
Alright, his birthday is…
那太容易了 是吗 试一下倒转次序
That would be too easy, wouldn’t it? Let’s try it in reverse.
错 他太太的
No. His wife’s?
错 他儿子的
No. His son’s?
-这可以做… -几个月
– This could take… – Months.
儿子的生日倒转 这是给你的
Son’s in reverse. This is for you.
错 太太的生日倒转
No. Wife’s in reverse.
错 女儿的生日倒转
No. Daughter’s in reverse.
You’ve got to change your ATM code.
不是 不是妻子的生日 不是女儿的生日 什么都不是
No. Wife, daughter. Nothing.
Got it.
I got it!
太太的出生月份 女儿的日子 儿子的年份
Wife’s birth month, daughter’s day, son’s year.
但不是倒转次序 抱歉
But not in reverse. Sorry.
Print me out that one.
Good boy.
Three years ago, Hardin received an infusion of foreign capital
which he invested in 20 major shopping centres in the US.
在经济衰退期间 他获得破纪录的盈利
In the middle of the recession, he posted record profits,
at least to the IRS, who he feared more than his own partners.
To them, according to the stockholder statements he was giving them,
the shopping centres weren’t doing nearly as well.
But he wasjust skimming most of the profits, $650 million,
还把它存进卢森堡 巴拿马
and putting it in accounts in Luxembourg, Panama
and the Cayman Islands.
They killed him for it.
-他的拍档 -谁是他的拍档
– His partners. – Who were his partners?
It seems clear that he was laundering money for the Colombian drug cartels.
天啊 我认识了那个人四十年 我们是同学
Jesus! I knew the man for 40 years. We went to school together.
We almost went into business together.
That would have been good.
The press is going to have a field day with this.
-这房♥间以外没有人知道 -他们总有方法
– No one outside this room knows. – They will. They always do.
会揭露的 你说得不错 到时我们
It will come up, you’re right about that. When it does,
we’ll downplay your relationship with Hardin somehow.
-什么 -什么
– What? – What?
-我们把它缓和 -你不同意
– We’ll defuse it. – Do you disagree?
其实是同意 我会用另一种方法
Well, actually, yes. I would go in the other direction.
如果记者问你和夏是否朋友 我会说”好朋友”
If a reporter asked if you and Hardin were friends, I’d say “good friends”.
如果他们问你们是否好朋友 我会说”终身好友”
If they asked if you were good friends, I’d say”lifelong friends”.
令他们无从入手 没有新闻可报导
Give them no place to go, nothing to report. No story.
我意思是 既然炸♥弹♥已经引爆了…
I mean, it’s no sense in defusing a bomb after it’s already…