


  1. Ill-mannered churl: 没礼貌的粗人
  2. Boorish churl: 粗鲁的粗人
  3. Uncultured churl: 没有文化修养的粗人
  4. Rude churl: 粗鲁的粗人
  5. Ignorant churl: 无知的粗人
  6. Unrefined churl: 粗俗的粗人
  7. Surly churl: 暴躁的粗人
  8. Vulgar churl: 粗俗的粗人
  9. Impolite churl: 不礼貌的粗人
  10. Arrogant churl: 傲慢的粗人
  11. Offensive churl: 冒犯性的粗人
  12. Discourteous churl: 不礼貌的粗人
  13. Unpleasant churl: 令人不悦的粗人
  14. Ill-tempered churl: 脾气坏的粗人
  15. Vulgar and uncouth churl: 粗俗无礼的粗人
  16. Contemptuous churl: 蔑视的粗人
  17. Mean-spirited churl: 心胸狭窄的粗人
  18. Insensitive churl: 不敏感的粗人
  19. Ill-bred churl: 没教养的粗人
  20. Obnoxious churl: 讨厌的粗人
  21. Disrespectful churl: 不尊重的粗人
  22. churlish behavior: 粗鲁的行为
  23. churlish attitude: 粗鲁的态度
  24. churlish remarks: 粗鲁的言论
  25. churlish manners: 粗鲁的举止
  26. churlish conduct: 粗鲁的行为举止
  27. churlish response: 粗鲁的回应
  28. churlish disregard: 粗鲁的漠视
  29. churlish behavior towards others: 对他人粗鲁的行为
  30. churlish treatment: 粗鲁的对待
  31. churlish words: 粗鲁的言辞
  32. churlish gestures: 粗鲁的姿态
  33. churlish behavior in public: 公众场合的粗鲁行为
  34. churlish actions: 粗鲁的行动
  35. churlish response to criticism: 对批评的粗鲁回应
  36. churlish behavior in social settings: 社交场合的粗鲁行为
  37. churlish treatment of guests: 对待客人的粗鲁态度
  38. churlish behavior in the workplace: 职场中的粗鲁行为
  39. churlish behavior in relationships: 关系中的粗鲁行为
  40. churlish behavior towards authority: 对权威的粗鲁行为
  41. churlish behavior in customer service: 客户服务中的粗鲁行为
  42. churlish behavior in family dynamics: 家庭关系中的粗鲁行为
  43. churlish behavior in online interactions: 网络互动中的粗鲁行为
  44. churlish behavior towards strangers: 对陌生人的粗鲁行为
  45. churlish behavior at social events: 社交活动中的粗鲁行为
  46. churlish behavior towards subordinates: 对下属的粗鲁行为
  47. churlish behavior towards peers: 对同辈的粗鲁行为
  48. churlish behavior in group settings: 群体环境中的粗鲁行为
  49. churlish behavior in public places: 公共场所的粗鲁行为
  50. churlish behavior in educational settings: 教育环境中的粗鲁行为


churl (rhymes with curl) This noun is a first cousin in sense to the unman-nerly “boor” (#7); it has been in the English family even longer, deriving from Anglo Saxon. The shade of difference is this: “boorishness” empha-sizes social cluelessness while “churlishness” moves toward a bad dispo-sition or its near-rhyming surliness.

Would it be churlish not to ask my Finnish first cousins to dinner? Not one of them speaks a word of English.

Stephen is a brilliant man, a highly skilled chemist, but in the workplace he’s a bit of a churl, not hesitant to let you know you’re slowing him down.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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