
n. [机] 卡盘;抚弄;赶走;咯咯声;恰克(人名)
vt. 丢弃,抛掷;驱逐;轻拍
vi. 咯咯叫




1. Onomatopoeic dialect term for chicken, imitative of a hen’s cluck.
2. chick => chuck.
3. chock => chuck.
4. chunk => chuck.
5. 谐音“卡壳”。


chuck 扔


chuck 是一个动词,有多种含义,包括抛、扔、丢弃、解雇等。以下是包含这个单词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. chuck it away – 扔掉它
  2. chuck a ball – 抛球
  3. chuck it out the window – 扔出窗外
  4. chuck something in the trash – 丢东西进垃圾桶
  5. chuck a stone – 扔石头
  6. chuck the old clothes – 丢弃旧衣物
  7. chuck a frisbee – 抛飞盘
  8. chuck it in the bin – 扔进垃圾箱
  9. chuck a book on the shelf – 把书放在书架上
  10. chuck food in the garbage – 把食物扔进垃圾桶
  11. chuck a coin into the fountain – 投币进喷泉
  12. chuck the broken toy – 丢弃坏掉的玩具
  13. chuck a paper airplane – 扔纸飞机
  14. chuck it on the ground – 扔到地上
  15. chuck a pebble into the pond – 抛石子进池塘
  16. chuck the empty bottle – 丢掉空瓶子
  17. chuck a dart at the target – 投飞镖
  18. chuck the used tissue – 丢弃用过的纸巾
  19. chuck a basketball into the hoop – 投篮球进篮筐
  20. chuck a letter into the mailbox – 投信进邮箱
  21. chuck the worn-out shoes – 丢弃破旧鞋子
  22. chuck a ball to the dog – 把球扔给狗
  23. chuck it in the river – 扔进河里
  24. chuck the paper in the recycling bin – 把纸丢进回收箱
  25. chuck a coin in the wishing well – 投硬币进许愿井
  26. chuck the dirty dishes – 丢掉脏盘子
  27. chuck a fishing line into the water – 投钓线入水
  28. chuck the used batteries – 丢弃用过的电池
  29. chuck a crumpled paper – 扔皱巴巴的纸
  30. chuck it in the corner – 扔到角落
  31. chuck a toy in the toy chest – 把玩具放入玩具箱
  32. chuck the old newspapers – 丢弃旧报纸
  33. chuck a can into the recycling bin – 投罐子进回收箱
  34. chuck the broken computer – 丢掉坏掉的电脑
  35. chuck a ring into the pond – 投戒指进池塘
  36. chuck the spoiled food – 丢弃坏掉的食物
  37. chuck a ball into the net – 投球进网
  38. chuck it in the garbage can – 扔进垃圾桶
  39. chuck a bottle into the ocean – 扔瓶子进海里
  40. chuck the torn clothes – 丢弃破烂的衣服
  41. chuck a piece of wood – 扔块木头
  42. chuck it on the floor – 扔在地板上
  43. chuck the empty can – 丢掉空罐子
  44. chuck a letter into the postbox – 投信进邮筒
  45. chuck the used tissue in the bin – 把用过的纸巾扔进垃圾箱
  46. chuck a stone into the river – 投石子进河里
  47. chuck the spoiled milk – 丢弃坏牛奶
  48. chuck a coin in the vending machine – 投硬币进自动售货机
  49. chuck the broken glass – 丢掉破碎的玻璃
  50. chuck a ball into the basket – 投球进篮子
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
