OK, thank you for taking the time and walking me through everything.
It was very illuminating.
你要挂电♥话♥了吗 好吧 听着
Oh, you’re hanging up? OK, listen.
你随时都可以打过来 有我在
I want you to call any time. I’m right here.
如果你找不到我 可以打我手♥机♥ 我还有传呼机
If you can’t get me, I’m on a cell phone and I’ve got a pager.
好的 谢谢 请代我谢谢伊内兹
OK. Thank you, and thank Inez for me.
不客气 谢谢
No, thank you.
-那”地狱厨房♥”呢 -怎么了
-And what about ‘Hell’s Kitchen’? -What about it?
-你还希望我找他们 对吧 -不 我不想
-You still want me to pursue it, right? -No, I don’t want you to.
好吧 我不会打电♥话♥给他们 但我会发邮件
OK, I won’t call ’em, but I’ll email.
Are you not listening to…
我要挂电♥话♥了 好吗 有电♥话♥打进来
I’m gonna go, OK? I got a call coming in.
好吧 我会通知你”地狱厨房♥”的情况
OK. Alright. I’ll tell you how ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ goes.
Fucking idiot.
Oh, man.
-伊内兹 -嗨
-Hey, Inez. -Hi.
-你有跟简聊过吗 -聊过了 我刚和她聊完
-Did you talk to Jen? -Yeah, I just got off with her.
-然后呢 -然后 很糟糕
-And? -And, uh, you know, it’s terrible.
你要我怎么说才明白 我只是想煮东西
What do you want me to tell you? I just wanna cook.
Everything is going to work out.
我在加卢斯时 好几个餐厅想挖我过去呢
Half-a-dozen places tried to poach me when I was back at Gauloises.
I’m trying to line up some interviews for next week.
That’s good.
对 所以听着 在我找到工作以前
Yeah, so, listen, until this whole job thing works out,
could you keep Percy for me?
但你还会带他去新奥尔良 对吧
But you’re still taking him with you to New Orleans, right?
Is he there?
I’ll tell him.
让我 亲自和他说
Ah, let me… let me talk to him.
Put him on.
老爸 如果去不了新奥尔良 我也懂的
Hey, Dad. I understand if we can’t go to New Orleans.
Oh, man, thank you so much for saying that.
只是老爸现在工作太忙 你是最棒的
Just Daddy’s so busy with work right now. You’re the best.
Maybe some other time.
对 我们会去的 肯定会 谢谢你
Yes, we will, for sure. Thank you.
Oh, Jefecito.
最近怎样 伙计 大家看 老大来了
What’s up, man? Look, everybody. Jefe’s here.
来 给我来点喝的 高端酒
Come on, give me some drinks. Something premium.
Ketel One for the man.
老兄 到处都可以看到你
Oh, dude. Oh, you’re everywhere.
You saw it?
-真糟糕 多糟糕啊 -你看到了吗 你看到了吗
-It’s bad. How bad is it? -You saw it? You saw it?
-我看到了 无处不在 -太糟糕了
-I saw it. It’s everywhere. -It’s terrible.
-是不是很糟 -你永远找不到工作了
-Is it bad? -You’re never gonna work again.
I am, though.
不 说真的 有人 有人打电♥话♥给我
No, seriously, there are people… there are people who are calling me.
-老兄 那太棒了 我为你高兴 -是 是
-Dude. Oh, great. I’m glad to hear that. -Yes. Yes.
I knew you would have something bigger than this.
-你才不在乎回来这里上班 -对
-You don’t care about coming back here. -Yeah.
So you came back to tell me you got me a gig?
因为我也会像你那样离开加卢斯的 伙计
‘Cause I’ll leave Gauloises like that, baby.
不 相信我 第一个电♥话♥打过来就有了
No. Trust me, the first phone call as soon as something becomes real.
-别再丢下我了 -我不会的
-Don’t leave me behind again. -I will not.
-永远别再那样做 -别打我
-Don’t ever do that again. -Don’t hit me.
-这个家伙 -拜托别打我 抱歉
-This guy. -Please don’t hit me. I’m sorry.
我真的很抱歉 我很尴尬的 哥们
I’m really sorry. I was on the spot, bro.
我那天喝了酒 我 我 我不知道要做什么
I had been drinking that day. I… I… I didn’t know what to do.
我实际上是个胆小鬼 我很抱歉
I’m a pussy, basically. I’m sorry.
没事 过去了
It’s OK. It’s over.
I vouch for that.
没事 你打算接下来做什么
It’s fine. What are you gonna do?
It’s a big opport…
But then they put you on YouTube.
And I felt so responsible for that shit.
-顺便提下 那个视频很好笑 -有什么好笑的
-That shit was funny, by the way. -What was funny about it?
-对我来说不好笑 -只是我认识的所有人都看了
-It’s not funny for me. -Just that everybody I know saw it.
-我知道 我知道 -我有点沾你的光了
-I know, I know. -I kinda felt famous by knowing you.
Is it a little bit funny?
例如 他们是 笑我还是和我一起笑
Like… Like, is it… they’re laughing at me or with me?
A little bit of both.
他们和你一起欢笑 同时也笑你
They’re laughing with you and at you at the same time.
-真丢人 -太糟糕了 真是悲剧
-It’s so embarrassing. -Oh, it is terrible. It is so bad.
But it’s funny too at the same time.
It makes you kind of likeable in a weird way.
对 那个家伙活该 大家都知道他活该
Yeah. That guy deserved it. Everybody knows that guy deserved it.
-但说真的 我很抱歉 -没问题
-But, seriously, I’m sorry. -It’s alright.
You know, I’m gonna land on my feet.
-你会的 -是啊 很好 我知道
-Oh, you will. -Yeah, good. I know.
-我会再找下一帮厨子 -我会支持你的
-I’ll get my next gig. -I’ll be there with you.
Everything will be fine.
我现在是你的副厨师长 永远都是
I’m your sous-chef now and forever.
你再也不是我的副厨师长了 你现在是厨师长
You’re not my sous-chef anymore. You are chef de cuisine.
-但我根本不会当上 -没关系
-But I wouldn’t even be there… -It doesn’t matter.
Riva’s right about one thing.
你已经准备好经营自己的厨房♥了 所以别搞砸了
You are ready to run your own kitchen. So don’t blow it.
It’s a big opportunity for you.
-为托尼的新机遇举杯 -为托尼的新机遇举杯
-To Tony’s big new opportunity. -To Tony’s big opportunity.
-为厨师长举杯 -我不喜欢以这种方式发生
-To chef de cuisine. -I don’t like how it happened.
-但我很开心发生了 好吗 -双关语 兄弟
-But I’m happy it happened. OK? -Two words, man.
两位 我爱死你俩了
You guys. I love you fucking guys.
-我爱你 托尼 我爱你 -谢谢 厨师长
-I love you, Tony. I love you. -Thanks, Chef.
Look at that.
I love both of you.
我们爱你 伙计
We love you, man.
我们在这儿来个三人行吧 来吧 来吧
Let’s have a three-way right here. Come on. Come on.
-等一会儿会儿 等下 等下 -我爱你 伙计
-Hang on a second. Hang on. Hang on. -I love you, man.
-你跟他和好了我真高兴 -谢谢 你把垃圾扔了吗
-I’m glad you made up with him. -Thanks. Did you take the garbage out?
The truth of the matter is nobody’s calling me.
I got no job prospects whatsoever.
What about those offers you got?
没有 一个都没了 全没了
No. They got none. It’s all dried up.
为什么 因为网上那些事儿
Why, from the online shit?
It must be from the online thing.
-不会吧 -我就像 我就像是那只弹钢琴的猫
-Come on. -I’m like… I’m like a fucking cat playing a piano.
I don’t even know what that means.
I’m everywhere.
好吗 我就像 就像是一个米姆
Okay? Like, I’m, like… I’m, like, a meme.
你知道什么叫米姆吗 我就是个米姆
Know what a meme is? I’m a meme.
I’m a fucking meme.
凯尔 你需要休息一下
Carl, you need to take a break.
我一直都在休息 我休息得太多了
I’ve been on a break. I’ve had too much of a break.
-不 你需要真正的休息 -我需要工作
-No, you need a real break. -I need to work.
我需要回到厨房♥工作 我无所谓了
I need to get back to work in a kitchen. I don’t care.
你不 凯尔
You don’t… Carl Carl…
I wish I never would’ve op…
I should’ve cooked the shit he wanted me to cook.
什么 你打算 你打算再到一个餐馆
What? You gonna… You gonna go work for another Riva
in some other restaurant?
自从我在这里认识你以来 你就没开心过 凯尔
You’ve been miserable here as long as I’ve known you, Carl.
这不是实话 我们过得可带劲了
That’s not true. We’ve had a blast.
是 我们是过得很带劲
Yes, we’ve had a blast.
And now it’s time for you to go.
你不再属于这里了 你知道的
You don’t belong here anymore. You know it. Come on.
这是怎 这个姑娘是谁啊
What’s th… Who’s this girl?
-凯尔 -怎么
-Carl. -What?
-认真一点 -我很认真
-Be real with me. -I am.
You’ve been ignoring a lot of things in your life
重要的东西 比如波西
that need your attention, like Percy.
如果你没注意到的话 我现在可不是个做爸爸的料
I’m not dad material right now, if you hadn’t noticed.
