-抱歉 -淡定 你去看看
-I’m sorry. -Chill out? Just take a look.
你看看 好好看看
Take a look. Please take a look.
-都是等我们吗 -等我们的
-Is that for us? -That’s for us.
-全部等我们的 -你能相信吗
-That whole line’s for us? -Can you believe that?
Oh, my God!
好吧 我猜我们得做点什么
Alright, so, I guess we gotta cook some food.
-得做点吃的才行 -好吧 准备好了吗
-We gotta cook some food. -Alright, so you good with prep?
-是的 老大 -我们可以的
-Yes, sir. -We’re gonna get through this.
-准备好了吗 -好了 老大
-You ready? -I’m ready, boss.
-好的 给我五分钟 -是 长官
-OK. Buy me five minutes. -Yes, sir.
能给我们五分钟吗 五分钟
Could you give us five minutes, please? Five minutes.
We’ll be right there in five more minutes.
一切都齐了 铁板 都是热的
Got everything… Plancha’s… Everything’s hot.
-油热了 你都准备好了 -是的 长官
-Oil’s hot. You got everything ready. -Yes, sir.
You are a superstar!
-太厉害了 -谢谢 谢谢长官夸奖
-You are a superstar. -Thank you. Thank you, sir.
你怎么弄来这一堆人的 外面可是好些人啊
Oh! And how’d you get that crowd? You got a huge crowd outside.
我没有啊 我买♥♥东西回来 就有长队等着了
I didn’t. I just came back from shopping, there was this long line.
-我以为弄错了 -是我发推特了
-I thought it was a mistake. -I tweeted it.
-什么 -你干嘛了
-You what? -What’d you do?
I tweeted the picture on your account and then geotagged it. Look.
慢着 你 什么 你定
Wait, man, you did… you did what? You geo…
我标记了位置 这样他们就能用地图找到我们了
I tagged it so they can mark us on their maps.
Look at those pictures.
你怎么 你这是
How’d you… What’d you…
-是在这里拍的照片 -对
-These pictures are from here. -Mm-hm.
How’d you get those pictures from here?
When I was going to Café Du Monde.
-然后发网上了 -嗯
-And you put it online? -Mm-hm.
你是个天才 孩子
You’re a genius, kid.
是你把大家弄来的 你知道吗
You’re the reason everybody’s here. You know that?
你是我的新任市场经理 谢谢
You’re my new head of marketing. Thank you.
好了 我得往黑板上写菜单了
Alright, so, I’m gonna hit the chalkboard.
你带他熟悉穷孩子三明治的制♥作♥过程 然后开始动手
You walk him through the prep on the po’ boys and get the plancha going.
是的 大厨 没问题 我的亲大厨
Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. Jefecito.
给铁板涂油 好吗
You butter the plancha, son, alright?
我弄这个 波西 快看
I got this. Percy, look. Whoo!
开张了 各位
Yes, sir.
排一队 各位 这边
Single file, y’all. Right here.
0-8号♥ 给你 非常感谢 餐巾纸在下面
0-8? There you go. Thank you very much. Napkins are down there.
-再来份贝奈特饼 -等下
-Another beignet coming up. -Hang on a second.
-七号♥ -给你 再来两份
-Number seven. -There you go, two more.
Cubano coming up.
等下 这是我儿子 他还在学习
Hang on, one second. He’s my kid. He’s just learning.
-把你放到推特上 -小心身后
-Put you on the Twitter? -Watch your back.
那是我儿子 都是他做的
That’s my kid. He did all that.
-多来点贝奈特饼 -三明治怎么样了
-More beignets. -How’s that po’ boy coming?
-正在放虾 -好的
-It’s coming up with shrimp. -Alright.
绝对等得值 我保证
It’s worth the wait, I promise.
准备好 德州 @凯尔·卡斯帕厨师长来了 随时更新
I’m hot just like an oven
I need some lovin’
And, baby
I can’t hold it much longer
It’s getting stronger and stronger
当我有这种感觉 我需要性♥爱♥治愈
And when I get that feelin’, I want sexual healing
Sexual healing is good for me
Makes me feel so fine
Helps to relieve my mind
性♥爱♥治愈 宝贝 正合我意
Sexual healing, baby, is good for me
Sexual healing is something that’s good for me
Whenever blue teardrops are falling
And my emotional stability is leaving me
There is something I can do
我可以打电♥话♥给你对不对 宝贝
I can get on the telephone and call you up, baby
甜心 我知道你会为我分忧解围
Honey, I know you’ll be there to relieve me
The love you give to me will…
老大 老大 上面写着”已卖♥♥完”了啊
Jefe, jefe. It says ‘sold out’, man.
应该没问题 我想他们为我们留了些
We should be good. I think they’re holding for us.
Hey, Benji.
-我们尽快赶过来的 -希望还来得及
-We got here as fast as we could. -Hopefully we’re still good.
-你有啥留给我的 -那得问我们头儿
-You got anything for me? -Gotta check with the man.
-他在后面 -好 谢了
-In the back. -OK, thanks.
怎么样 帅哥
What’s up, killer?
-艾伦 -你好啊 凯尔
-Hey, Aaron. -What’s up, Carl?
-你还好吗 -感觉怎么样
-How you doing? -How you doing?
开了个通宵的车 我还行
Driving all night. Doing good.
-那东西你还有吧 -咱开始吧
-You still got the stuff? -Let’s do it.
Oh. He’s got the stuff.
-这是什么地方 -这可是个正宗的德州烤肉店
-What is this place? -This is Texas OG barbecue.
这帮家伙们得彻夜不眠 用文火慢烤
These guys gotta stay up all night and stoke those fires low and slow.
天啊 简直太正点了
Oh, man, that’s gorgeous.
-你能给我几个 -四个都给你
-So how many can I get? -I guess four.
-我照单全收 -好极了
-I’ll take it. -Alright.
好 来了来了
Yeah. Oh, there we go.
We should get some sliders.
We should do sliders, man.
-我的天啊 -咱拿点儿皇家夏威夷甜面包
-Oh, my God. -We get some King’s Hawaiian bread.
-对对 -再加腌黄瓜 烤肉酱
-Mm-hm. -Pickle, barbecue sauce.
What if we swapped this out for the pork in the Medianoche?
-你意下如何 -把里脊肉换成这个
-What do you think about that? -Swap this for the pork shoulder?
-做成什么”奥斯汀午夜”三明治 -我赞成
-Make, like, an “Austin Midnight”. -I like that.
-名字挺响亮 -我喜欢 是挺响亮的
-That’s hot. -I like that. That is hot, baby.
我再来一片 你们看看这个
Let me get one more of these. You should check this out.
Just let me cut right through.
-别 留点儿啊 哥们儿 -我知道 我会的
-Mm-mm. Save it, dawg. -I know. We’re gonna save it.
-拜托 全让你吃了 -我分你一半
-Come on you using it all up, man. -I’ll give you half.
-你知道你不应该吃老本儿 -这片吃完就拿走
-Know you can’t eat your own supply. -Put it away after this.
特拉维斯县拍我照u3000但不 我并没微笑
Travis County took my picture but, no, I didn’t smile
他们说我会呆在这里 很久都走不了
They told me I was gonna be here for a pretty long while
一天 我走在街上散心
One day, I was walking down the street
可我 这时应该还在学校
When I should’ve been walking down the hall…
-六个迷你汉堡 -69号♥的快好了
-Six sliders all day. -69’s coming up.
Ah! One is coming up.
一个午夜 一个德州
Medianoche, Texas.
Whoo! This is getting murdered.
You got that three Medianoches coming up?
65号♥ 66号♥
Order 65 and 66.
-穷孩子三明治在我这儿 -等等
-I got po’ boy right here. -One sec.
-铝盘是不是在你那 -古巴三明治好了
-You got the transfer pan? -Cubano.
谢了 好嘞 波西 你电♥话♥响了
Thank you. Good. Hey, your phone’s ringing, Percy.
-老妈 -你在哪儿啊
-Hey, Mom. -Where are you?
-我在奥斯汀 -你没事吧
-I’m in Austin. -Are you OK?
-我很好 -你老爸呢
-I’m great. -How’s your daddy?
来 你跟他说吧
Here, talk to him.
-嗨 伊内兹 -嗨
-Hi, Inez. -Hi.
-你要不要我过来接他 -别 你别千里迢迢过来
-You want me to pick him up? -No, you’re a thousand miles away.
没事 我可以搭飞机来接他
It’s OK. I can go get on a plane and pick him up.
-不用 没事 他很好 -好想他
-No, it’s fine. He’s doing great. -I miss him.
我想让你回家 我好爱他唷
I want you to come home. I love him.
他才没事 他就只有一两处烫伤
He’s fine. He’s got a couple of burns
还有被削皮刀割伤 缝了两针
and two stitches from a paring knife.
拜托 我说的是真的 让我去接他
Please, I’m serious. Let me go and pick him up.
你儿子是厨子了 你知不知道
You know your son’s a cook now?
-我是个流水线厨子 -他是个流水线厨子
-I’m a line cook. -He’s a line cook.
Be careful!
