If you suck ’em back like I do.
Now, on the end around the guard pulls.
That means you, Buttler. Whoa.
Action! Frankly, I’m concerned.
I go around those kids, they start beatin’ on me.
What if I get a black eye?
Frankly, I’m concerned, honey. The kids set me on fire, they beat me.
They’re abusive.
This is how I get jobs, right here!
I’m sorry. I looked at myself in the camera.
I’m so good-looking. They set me on fire!
Sounds good to me.
All the kids wrapped in duct tape.
Maybe we can just roll, roll ourselves in duct tape
And then I can just roll you across the floor.
Together, maybe.
* When the season is near
* Will your dreams
be the same *
* As they were last year
* Will you ask for a little
* Will you ask for a lot
* And when you make your list
* Will there be something
you forgot *
* How about peace on Earth
* It can’t be bought or sold
* How about peace
this Christmas *
* And someone’s hand to hold
* How about love
in our hearts *
* And hope for you and me
* How about peace on Earth
* That’s what Christmas
should be *
* You can get all the things
* That you’ve been
waiting for *
* Snowfall and presents
* Choirs singing at your door
* This season will be perfect
* Like those picture
postcard scenes *
* But is that the answer
* Is that what Christmas
really means *
* How about peace on Earth
* It can’t be bought or sold
* How about peace
this Christmas *
* And someone’s hand to hold
* How about love
in our hearts *
* And hope for you and me
* How about peace on Earth
* And that’s what
Christmas should be *
* What would you sacrifice
* What would you give away
* For the greatest
gift of all *
* On Christmas Day
* How about peace on Earth
* It can’t be bought or sold
* How about peace
this Christmas *
* And someone’s hand to hold
* How about love
in our hearts *
* And hope for you and me
* How about peace on Earth
* How about peace on Earth
* It can’t be bought or sold
* How about peace
this Christmas *
* And someone’s hand to hold
* How about love
in our hearts *
* And hope for you and me
* How about peace on Earth
* Peace on Earth
* How about peace on Earth
* That’s what Christmas
should be *
* Christmas Day *