To tiger winning four grand slams in a row…
成为了最伟大的高尔夫球手 他拣起了一个9号♥杆
And becoming the greatest golferto ever to pick
And we end on his father…
In the crowd on the sidelines…
And tiger giving him the trophies.
All because of a father’s determination…
That no fat white man like your fathers, probably
Would ever send his son to the clubhouse…
For cigarettes and beer.
对不起 你说我们父亲是什么?
I’m sorry. what did you say about our fathers?
你最好该离开了 DoyIe Gipson先生
You better go. mr. doyie gipson.
You is now bankrupt.
And you owe me $5,000.
快点 他跑哪去了?
Come on. where’d he go?
Where is he?
你好? 是我
Hello? it’s me.
你真的买♥♥了一栋房♥子? 是的
So you really bought a house? yeah.
想玩回高尔夫吗? 真的吗? 你确实拥有了?
Wanna play a round of golf? really? you actually own it?
It’s not a mansion on the hill.
它花了我好大功夫 但它是你的了
It needs a lot of work, but it’d be yours.
它是你的房♥子了 我们走啊!
It’d be your house. here we go!
去击球! 哦 上帝
Gonna hit the ball! oh, god.
什么? 线路吵死了 我听不见你说什么
What? this line’s going dead. ican’t hear you. id off your credi
很明显 让孩子们住的离父亲近点会更好
Obviousiy, it wouid be better forthe boys to be ned off your credi
什么? 住在你的附近
What? to have you nearby.
什么? 不 我们不喜欢这样
What? no, we didn’t like it.
我待会再给你打 和你老爸说话呢
I’ll call you back. talkin’ to your daddy?
哦 上帝! 你打中我了! 我还会打你的! 你喜欢吗?
Oh, god! you hit me! i’ll hit you again! you like it?
先生 不要!
Mister, please!
我有孩子的 伙计! 是吗? 好啊 我也是!
I got kids, man! yeah? well, so do i!
DoyIe Gipson 我是Gavin Banek
Doyie gipson. this is gavin banek calling.
I have something that i wanna tell you.
首先 我想和你握手言和 好吗?
First of all, i wanted to shake hands, all right?
我想重新开始 我给你一个机会
I wanted to start over. i gave you a chance.
如果你做了 万事大吉
And you did this. fine.
I have just turned off your credit.
你现在只是个没有身体的灵魂 怎么样?
You are now a spirit without a body, all right?
现在 我能不停不停的
Now, i can go on and on…
Pulling your life down around your ears.
你能够结束这些 你能够回到原来的生活中的
You can turn it off. you can go back to the way things were.
只要把我的文件还给我! 今天
Just give me my file back! just today.
我的意思是 谢谢
I mean,just i mean thank you.
把文件还给我 你的信用也自然就回来了 Okay? 今天
Give me my file back, get thecredit turned back
Thank you.
他还没有打电♥话♥给你? 还没有
Has he phoned yet? not yet.
看看这个 什么?
Look at this. what?
这个是什么? 这是Doyle Gipson的生活
What is it? it’s the life of doyle gipson.
His whole life.
We have his bank…
他的妻子 孩子 两个男孩 Danny和Steve
His wife, kids two boys, danny and steve
他们的生日 所上的学校 信♥用♥卡♥余额
Their birth dates, the school theygo to, credit c
Health records.
他的胆固醇挺高的 但血压正常
His cholesterol is high, but his blood pressure is normal.
I’m 29 years old.
That foundation has 107 million dollars in it.
My bosses are the trustees.
So why didn’t they come to court with me?
我不知道 Mina Dunne恨死我了
I don’t know. mina dunne hates me.
我猜该有个理由的 为什么我是最后一个才知道的?
I assume there’s a reason. why ami always the lard or something
What’s in those files that i haven’t seen?
你能给我个建议吗? 关于什么?
Can you get me a messenger? what for?
我发现些东西 我想把他还给原来拥有它的人
I found something. i wanna give itback to the persoe a call today..
Is there a reward or something?
有 是什么?
Yeah. what is it?
正确的做法 还回去
Doing the right thing giving it back.
就这个? 就这个
That’s it? that’s it.
那就是奖励 那又能怎么样?
That’s the reward. how about that?
是啊 那又能怎么样?
Yeah, how a bout that?
Gipson先生 我是昆斯皇家联邦的Ron Cabot
Mr. gipson, it’s ron cabot at queen’s royai federai.
There’s something i need to taik to you about.
If you can give me a call today…
或方便的话来趟银行 我将感激不尽
Or if it’s convenient to stopby the bank, i’dnek calling.
谢谢你 Doyie Gipson
Thank you. doyie gipson.
我是Gavin Banek
This is gavin banek calling.
I have something that i wanna tell you.
I lied to you this morning.
在我去法♥院♥的路上 我在饭馆停下来吃了顿饭
On my way to the court, i stopped off at a diner.
我把文件带在身上 我要浏览一下
I took the files out, i looked them over.
当我离开的时候 我把它们放了回去的
When i was leaving, i put them back.
至少 我能发誓我确实放了回去的
At least, i could’ve sworn i put them back.
当我到了法♥院♥的时候 那份财产继承权就不见了
When i got to the court, the powerof appointmen?
And the court has given me until the end of the day…
拿出原件 你打电♥话♥给那个饭馆了吗?
To produce the original. did you call the diner?
我打了 所有的垃圾已经被运走了 但我们还在找
I did. all the trash has beenpicked up, but we
我想我们会把它追回来的 我只是想让你们知道而已
I think we’ll probably get it back.
Why did you lie to us?
I’m really sorry.
You’re sorry?
Who the fuck gives a shit aboutthe struggles of
滚出去 你这个狗♥娘♥养♥的!
Get out of here, you son of a bitch!
If you have to go through everyfuckin’ gar bage bt are you doing?
找到那份文件 否则你要就是我生命中的灾星!
You fllnd that file, or you’regonna be the disa
等一等 我们会把文件找到的
Wait a minute. we might get the file back.
但是如果我们不能的话 我们不得不采取一个强硬措施
But if we don’t, we have to adopt a strong position.
我需要看看那些文件 你不必去看那些文件!
I need to see those files. you’re not gonna see the files!
你为什么想看那些文件? 谁不想看? 他是我他妈的客户!
Why do you wanna see the files?who not? he’s my
嗨 你打算怎么做? 给我上堂法律课?
Hey, what are you gonna do? give me a lecture on law?
为什么你让我独自去法♥院♥? 我是你的女婿!
Why did you send me to the courtby myself? i’m
是我雇了你 你这个混♥蛋♥! Steven 冷静点!
I hired you, you little shit! steven, calm down!
安静下来 你要做什么?
Quiet, please. what are you doing?
还有个解决方法 你要做什么?
There’s a way out of this. what are you doing?
解决方法? 让他带这些文件去法♥院♥?
A way out? by letting him bring the files into court?
冷静下来 和我保持一致
Calm down and stay with me here. okay.
我们有份签名文件 对不对?
We had a signed document, right? didn’t we?
是的 Okay 现在
Yes. okay. now.
The power of appointment…
Is eight pages.
生前遗嘱 这也有他的签名 是10页
The living will, which also has his signature, is ten.
So we can reformat the power of appointment…
And using the signature page from the living will…
Attach it to the new printout of the power of appointment.
然后在页眉上编号♥ 对上文件
And code the header to match the document.
你认为怎么样? 能通过吗? 对 这能行的
What do you think? will it pass? yeah, this could work.
我没有问你 好不好? Gavin 能通过吗?
I didn’t ask you, all right? gavin, will it pass?
We forge it?
We just forge a document?
是你搞出的事 你丢了那份该死的文件
You screwed this up. you lost the fuckin’ file.
No body’s asking you to get yourself out of it alone.
We’re willing to put ourselveson the line for happened, huh?
Making a file is fraud.
伪造的才是欺骗 你明白吗?
A new file is fraud. do you understand that?
我们说了 我们也是把自己的事业托在你手里了
And we’re saying we’re gonna put ourown careers on tx04
That’s what it means to be a partner.
我们不是在造什么 不是的
We’re not inventing. we’re not. we’re not inventing.
We’re just reproducing something that already exists.
你看 Gavin 你把这个带到法庭去
Look, gavin, you take this into the court…
然后 伙计 我们就能继续我们的生活
And, buddy, we can go on with our lives…
就像什么也没有发生过 嗯?
Like this never happened, huh?
让我想想 你还要想什么?
Let me think about it. what are you gonna think about?
Your high school ethics class?