这个 如果她愿意让我回去的话 那里也有我的一个位置
Well, if she’ll have me back, there’s a place for me too.
但是我不是要求现在就那样 我只是请求
But i’m not asking for that rightnow. i’m just g
她不要带走孩子们 搬到世界的那头去
She not take the boys and move halfway across the world.
你可以安排探访的 俄勒冈并不在世界的那头
You can arrange visitations.oregon is not the oth
对我来说是如此! 我要我的家庭和孩子
It is to me! i want my family. i want my boys.
我出了点交通事故 有个家伙在FDR快速路上撞了我
I had an accident. this guy hit me on the fdr.
他把我挡住了! 我急着要来到这里!
He cut me off! i wanted to be here!
如果这是我的婚姻 我早已准时到这了
If this was my marriage, i would’ve been here on time.
每个人都准时在这里 除了你 下一个案子
Everyone was here on time, except you. next case.
Thank you.
第718宗待决案 谢谢
Docket 718. thanks.
律师 请走近来点
Counselor, step up, please.
今天大家怎么样? 早上好 大人
How is everybody today? good morning, your honor.
Nice to see you again.
这个没法帮我付清电♥话♥帐单 电费单
It’s not gonna help me pay my phone bill, my electric bill.
坐在法庭里可赚不到一分钱 我就要去法庭了
I’m not making any money sittin’in court. i’m g
I’ve been sittin’ in court everyday. i’m not ma
在我们停手前 如果你和我被抓住的话
If you and i had gotten caught before we stopped…
我妻子会发现 然后我离开律师
And my wife found out, and i ieft the law…
And you died in a horribie accident at sea…
I would be better off than i am right now.
What happened?
He wouldn’t take a check.
He said he wanted to be clean in all his actions.
法官不接受支票? 那个家伙
The judge wouldn’t take a check? the guy.
What guy?
今天星期几? 星期五
What day is today? friday.
实际上 今天是耶稣受难日 愉快的星期五
Actually, it’s good friday. good friday.
愉快在哪里了? Gavin 事情怎么样了?
What’s good about it? gavin, what’s going on?
I know what’s good about it.
My file’s walking down the street.
嗨! 打搅一下
Hey! excuse me.
听着 伙计 你不认识我我知道
Listen, man, you don’t know me. i know.
你也不必一定要相信我 但是今天 的我并不是以前那样的
And you don’t have to believe me,but that was not i want money?
And i’m just so grateful, you know, to god…
And right here in front of the lord’s house.
快点上来 到车里来躲躲雨
Come on. hop in. get in the car. get out of the rain.
我叫Gavin Banek
My name’s gavin banek.
Doyle Gipson 嗨 听着 Doyle
Doyle gipson. hey, listen, doyle.
今天早上的事 我平常不是那样的
That is not what i’m like this morning.
那不是我的作风 我的意思是 我是个律师
That’s not who i am. i mean it. i’m a lawyer.
I should have never left the scene of an accident.
I should know better.
我的文件 你看见它了吗?
My file did you fllnd it?
I had an orange file. it was in my briefcase.
我想也许它掉在地上了 你兴许拣到了
I thought may be it fell out and you picked it up.
Do you have it? did you get it?
你说 “下次好运吧”
You said, “better luck next time.”
我说 “让我搭个便车” 你却说
I said, “give me a lift.” you said…
“下次好运吧 “然后就
“better luck next time,” and just
“下次好运吧” 我说的?
“better luck next time”? i said that?
听着 先生 请听我说
Listen, sir, please.
我无法原谅自己的行为 我真的很抱歉
I have no excuse for my behavior, and i am sorry.
我不知道该做什么如何来补偿你 只有
I don’t know what i can do to make it up to you, except
I will buy you a new car.
钱 你认为我要钱?
Money. you think i want money?
What i want is my morning back.
I need you to give my time back to me.
Can you give me back my time?
你能把我的时间还给我吗? 嗯 你能吗?
Can you give my time back to me? huh can you?
哦! 等一下! 哦! 好吧好吧!
Whoa! wait a minute! whoa! all right!
这样她就不会搬到俄勒冈去了! 这样她就不会把孩子们带走了!
So she won’t move to oregon! so she won’t take the boys!
这样他们就会搬到那房♥子里去了! 这样我就能还做个父亲!
So they’ll move into the house so i can be a father!
只差二十分钟! 你能把这个还给我吗?
Just 20 minutes! can you give me that?
我真希望我可以 伙计 我希望我可以
I wish i could, man. i wish i could.
I wish i could.
等一等! 等等 你有那份文件吗?
Wait a minute! wait. do you have the file?
Doyle 你拿到那份文件了吗?
Doyle, you got the file?
等一等! Doyle! 等一等!
Wait a minute! doyle! wait a minute!
Doyle 你拿到那份文件了吗?
Doyle, do you have the file?
对不起! 我没有你那份文件!
I’m sorry! i don’t have your file!
我把它给扔了! 你什么意思?
I threw it away! what do you mean?
I threw it away!
嗨 伙计 事情进展如何?
Hey, guys. how did it go?
嗯 考夫曼占了点上风
Well, kaufman did some tap dancing.
如果我提交了那些文件 他还能做什么?
But once i filed the papers, what was he gonna do?
The guy squeaked like a mouse.
I love it when they squeak.
我们有财产继承权 上帝都在我们这边
We have the power of appointment, so god’s on our side.
嗨 我明天去Southeast港
Hey, i’m going over to southeast harbor tomorrow…
To look at a boat.
Hinckley 51 .
哦 51尺高 嗯? 真是艰难的生活啊
Wow. fiftyone footer, huh? it’s a tough life.
You are not quite ready for a 51footer yet.
哦 对
Oh, right.
But as soon as i take delivery on her…
I want you and cynthia to have china bird.
Steven 我不知道该说什么好 你什么也不必说
Steven, i don’t know what to say.you don’t have t
我要感谢你帮了我的忙要知道你是我的合伙人 我女婿
I’m saying thank you to my partner and my soninlaw…
And my friend.
谢谢 非常感谢你
Thank you. thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
我还有些客户要谈 我必须马上离开
So i have a couple more interviews i gotta bang out…
这里 这样我就可以
Down the hall, so i’m gonna…
Go back down there and do some work.
好的 那么 再见了
All right, well, so long.
再见 好的
See you. all right.
你好吗 Kate? 嗨 Gavin
How are you doing, kate? hey, gavin.
事情怎么样了? 进进出出 轻松搞定
So, how’d it go? in and out. easypeasy.
这些人是何方神圣? 这位是Sarah Windsor
What kind of people have we here? this is sarah windsor.
你好 很高兴见到你
Hello. it’s a pleasure.
Tyler Cohen 你好 谁是第一个?
Tyler cohen. how are you? who’s up first?
Windsor小姐 Sarah Windsor 过来一下!
Miss windsor. sarah windsor, come on down!
Have a seat, please.
你是做什么的? Sarah Windsor
And who are you? sarah windsor.
我不是说名单 你是做什么的?
Not the name tag. who are you,as in what have nomics major.
你为什么想做个律师? 你为什么想到这里工作?
Why do you wanna be a lawyer? why do you wanna work here?
嗯 我在St Paul’s学院读过书
Well, i went to st. paul’s.
I did my undergraduate work at yale.
现在 我从耶鲁法律系毕业了
And now, i’m finishing at yale law.
I clerked last summer for thecalifornia statenomics major.
I chose law because my father wasdistrict attorney cularly strong…
I’ve always been interested in the law and politics…
And i was an economics major.
This firm is particularly strong…
In municipal finance law and public policy…
Which is the area i’m hoping to explore.
当然 我必须告诉你
Although, i gotta tell you…
I do have an eye on public service.
I know how much this firm supports pro bono work…
我非常乐意为穷♥人♥在死刑辩护上 提供援助
And i’d love to help on a deathpenalty defenseta talk to you
Why didn’t i just give him my insurance card?
I’m sorry?
对不起 这不是你的错是 我的
I’m sorry. it’s not your fault. it’s my fault.
打扰一下 Gavin?
Excuse me. gavin?
这有个非常奇怪的传真 刚过来的
This really weird fax just came in.
我想你应该看一看 好的 谢谢你
I think you should look at it. okay. thank you.
