我说 “让我搭个便车” 你却说
I said, “give me a lift.” you said…
The master bedroom?
要知道 孩子们需要的是空间 他们多大了?
Boys need, you know, space. how old are they?
Steven十岁 Danny七岁 幸运的小家伙
Steven’s ten, danny’s seven. lucky kids.
Lucky dad.
Is everything
这是我的第一栋房♥子 而且 Doyle 你现在在申请贷款
It’s my first house, and doyle, you’re getting the loan.
I’m not sure i filled everything out correctly.
你被核准了 我们将在明天给你发放贷款
You’re approved. we’ll have it done for you tomorrow.
12:30来 我们可以结束这个了
12:30, and we can sign off on this.
What about you?
他购置了所有这些设备 对啊
He bought all these instruments. right.
Did you know that he built this hall?
And a gallery…
A shelter and a hospital in mexico…
And a lot of other really great things.
当我还在大学里的时候就遇上了Simon Dunne
I met simon dunne when i was in college.
I was tutoring kids from the local school
Kids who didn’t have a lot of resources.
And one of the peopie i was working with…
Said that her grandfather liked to heip children in nee.
她的名字就是Mina Dunne
Her name was mina dunne.
实际上 她就坐在我们中间
In fact, she’s sitting right over here.
因此 我朋友和我去拜访了她的祖父 而且还说
So my friend and i went to her grandfather and we said…
We have some kids who need a piayground.
因此我们需要一千元 他回答说 “我告诉你
We needed a thousand dollars. he said, “i’ll tell you what.
You can’t have a thousand dollars…
To build one playground.
You can have 10,000 to build ten.”
So we did.
你拉小提琴有多长时间了? 六年
How long have you played violin? six years.
谈谈你的想法? 我喜欢香槟
How about you? i feei llke champagne.
I understand the idea of ceiebration.
I see the bubbles in champagne…
As something good and beautiful.
Not part of my soul evaporating…
只是 只是得到了升华
But but rising…
With joy.
What i’m trying to say is…
I don’t want champagne.
I am champagne.
能活着真是太伟大了 谢谢能让我和大家分享这些
It’s great to be alive. thanks for lettin’ me share.
Thanks for sharing.
我叫迈克 我是个酗酒者 嘿 迈克!
I’m mike, and i’m an alcoholic. hi, mike!
I’ve been so ber for 15 days.
Mina 等一等!
Mina, wait a second!
My grandfather liked you for somemysterious reasot drinking..
对不起 这是今天我们让你发言的唯一理由了
Excuse me. that’s the only reasonwe allowed you ot drinking..
等一下 Mina 我们是朋友啊
Wait a minute. mina, we’re friends.
We were friends a long time ago.
Mina 我欠你太多了
Mina, i owe you so much.
What happened to you?
What do you mean?
我们法庭上见 Mina! 等一下
I’ll see you in court. mina! wait a second.
没事了 没事了 让她走
It’s okay, it’s okay. let her go.
让她走 George Melissa 你们好吗?
Let her go. george, melissa. how are you?
嗨 很高兴见到你
Hi. good to see you.
…grant me the serenity…
To accept the things i cannot change…
更赐我以智慧 让我能在二者之间作一个明智的选择
And the wisdom to know the difference…
To keep coming back.
做你的想做 做了 你值得赞美
It works if you work it, so work it. you’re worth it.
早上好 Julia 嗨 Gavin
Good morning, julia. hey, gavin.
早上好 各位
Good morning, guys.
要作为承租方的前提 然后出租方和承租方就能够
…use of the premises by lessee,then lessor annot drinking..
我不该被这么对待 我没有做错什么
I don’t deserve this. i did absolutely nothing wrong…
And now she just decides she’s gonna hate me.
等我一下 Tom 没事 没关系
Just a second, tom. no, nothing.
做你自己的事 我只是想告诉你这个消息而已
Do your thing. i just wanna tell you the news.
你晓得的 我绝对没有做错什么
You know, i did a bsolutely nothing wrong.
你说了一大堆香槟什么的 它到底是指什么?
So what is it with all this champagne stuff?
哦 那个是 那个只是 一个比喻
Oh, that was that’s just it’s a metaphor.
对 但是我并不喝酒
Yeah. but i’m not drinking…
这才是重要的 对不对?
And that’s what’s important, right?
要小心你的比喻 只是一杯 对吗?
Be careful with your metaphors. just one drink, right?
她只能对你发怒 因为她不能对他发怒
She’s only mad at you because she can’t be mad at him.
他是你客户 而她不是 Simon Dunne才是你的客户
He was your client. she’s not. simon dunne was your client.
She’s still just incredibly angry about this.
那些是她的感觉 不是你的
Those are her feelings, not yours.
我知道 Steven 你得到所有已签署的文件
I know that, steven. you got the documents all signed.
收拾好离开 Gavin
Get in and get out, gavin.
我们没有做错任何事 当然没有
We didn’t do anything wrong. of course we didn’t.
整理好文件 出去吧
File the papers and get out.
Okay? 好的
Okay? right.
Okay Warren先生
Okay, mr. warren.
What you want is term insurance,but you’re not surnsurance card?
现在 重要的是你应该现实地面对 你想要的东西
What’s important is that you berealistic aboutyeah. are you?
This policy is never gonna cost you more than $15 a month.
That’s right.
Ellen 给法♥院♥打个电♥话♥ 说我迟点到
Ellen, call the courthouse and tell them i’m gonna be iate.
知道不? 打给考夫曼办公室
You know what? just call kaufman’s offllce…
告诉他我打过电♥话♥了 我要迟点来 okay?
And tell him that i called to saythat i’m gonna yeah. are you?
大人 今天我来为自己发言
your honor, i’m representing myself today
Because i want you to hear the sincerity of my words.
男孩需要他们的父亲 男孩需要他们的父亲
Boys need their fathers. boys need their fathers.
你没事吧? 对 你呢?
You all right? yeah. are you?
没事 你有保险卡吗?
Yeah. you got an insurance card?
有 当然有
Yeah, sure.
我们刚才接到法♥院♥来的一个电♥话♥ 我出了个交通事故
We just got a call from the court. i had an accident.
你没事吧? 对 我很好
Are you okay? yeah, i’m fine.
我很好 没事 没事?
I’m fine. it’s nothing. nothing?
谁在说话? 没有人
Who’s that? it’s no one.
对你来说也许没事 不 不要这么做!
This may be nothing to you no, don’t do that! don’t do that!
我必须去做我必须做的事 对不起 不是说你
I’ll do what i have to. i’m sorry. not you.
我要马上去做 你懂吗? 我也这么认为
I have to do this right, you know? i think so.
我愿意 好的 等一会儿!
I do. yes, hold on a second!
马上做完 等一会儿行不行 okay?
Clean in all my actions. hold on for one second, okay?
你要我做些什么? 告诉法♥院♥我正赶来
What do you want me to do? tell the court i’m on my way.
Okay 告诉他们我就要到了 Okay 谢谢
Okay, tell them i’m on the steps. okay, thank you.
只需要花费五分钟 我必须去个地方
It’s only gonna take five minutes. i gotta be somewhere.
You really should keep your cardin your glove
而不是你的公文包里 我不是在找那个
And not your briefcase. that’s not what i’m looking for.
快点! 操
Come on! shit.
谢谢你 谢谢你
Thank you. thank you.
谢谢你你真是个好人 听好了 我跟你说
Thank you. very nice of you. listen. tell you what.
我给你开张空白支票 你去把你的车修好
I’m gonna write you a blank check,and you just getsorry i’m late.
我不要你的支票 伙计 你有张诚实可靠的脸
I don’t want your check, man. you have an honest face.
不要担心 我想通过正常途径处理
Don’t worry about it. i wanna do this right.
得了吧! 行个方便! 我必须走! 我也必须去个地方!
Come on! please! i gotta go! i gotta be someplace else too!
我们要正确的处理这对我很重要 应该对你也很重要
It’s important to me we do it right.it should be imporry. i gotta go.
就这样了 我很抱歉 我必须走了
That’s it. i’m sorry. i gotta go.
你抱歉什么? 我必须走 伙计我迟到了
You’re sorry what? i gotta go, man. i’m late.
我也必须去个地方! 那么我能搭个便车吗?
I’ve gotta be somewhere too! well, can i get a lift?
对不起 你去哪里 伙计?
I’m sorry. where are you going, man?
Don’t leave me out here like this! better luck next time.
Better luck
嗨 你在逃离一场交通事故的现场!
Hey, you’re leaving the scene of an accident!
大人 我很抱歉我来迟了
Your honor, i’m sorry i’m late.
我出了点交通意外 你没事吧?
I was in a traffllc accident. are you all right?