Then it gets a little
模糊了 不过
foggy after that, but
I think it was something like this.
亚历克斯 跟你约会的其他女孩怎么办
Alex… what about that other girl you’re seeing?
What other girl?
芬奇 你从哪搞到那些照片的
So, Finch, where did you get that picture?
我不能透露来源 布拉德利先生
I can’t reveal my source, Mr Bradlee.
I mean, I really can’t.
你真是难对付 芬奇
You’re a tough nut to crack, Finch.
You’re gonna make one hell of a reporter.
You start Monday.
You look so beautiful.
好的 到时间了
OK, it’s time.
来吧 菲利普等得够长了
Come on. Philip’s waited long enough!
杰弗里斯夫人 -什么事 亚历克斯
Mrs Jeffries? -Yes, Alex?
I’m gonna go get the bouquets.
我只是想说祝贺你们 你和菲利普真是完美的一对
I just want to say congratulations. You and Philip make a great pair!
谢谢 亚历克斯
Thanks, Alex.
You know, you’re the first boyfriend of Miranda’s
I ever really liked!
什么 -有件事我必须要告诉你
Yeah? -I have something I have to tell you.
I’m in love with Miranda.
I know.
♪ 我们再次聚首♪
♪ Well, here we are again ♪
♪ 我猜这一定是命运♪
♪ I guess it must be fate ♪
♪ 我们试着自我救赎♪
♪ We ve tried it on our own ♪
♪ 但内心深处我们都知道♪
♪ But deep inside we’ve known ♪
♪ 我们得回到原点和盘托出♪
♪ We’d be back to set things straight ♪
♪ 我仍然记得当时♪
♪ I still remember when ♪
♪ 你的亲吻是如此清新♪
♪ Your kiss was so brand-new ♪
♪ 每段记忆都在回放♪
♪ Every memory repeats ♪
♪ 每步路程都令我回首♪
♪ Every step I take retreats ♪
亲爱的诸位 我们齐聚在上帝面前
Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God
to witness and bless the joining together
♪ 历经分分合合后♪
♪ After all the stops and starts ♪
♪ 我们的心又再度紧依♪
♪ We keep coming back to these two hearts ♪
♪ 两位天使从迷雾中被拯救♪
♪ Two angels who’ve been rescued from the fog ♪
♪ 我们已经历这么多♪
♪ And after all that we’ve been through ♪
♪ 一切都已安定下来♪
♪ It all comes down to me and you ♪
♪ 这是命中注定♪
♪ And this is meant to be ♪
♪ 永远在一起♪
♪ Forever you and me ♪
♪ 尘埃已落定♪
♪ After all ♪
♪ 当真爱已寻♪
♪ When love is truly right ♪
♪ 这就是命定的时刻♪
♪ This time it’s truly right ♪
♪ 时光荏苒♪
♪ It lives from year to year ♪
♪ 岁月雕刻着生活♪
♪ It changes as it goes ♪
♪ 从不间断♪
♪ On and on away it grows ♪
♪ 但爱从未消失♪
♪ But it never disappears ♪
♪ 历经分分合合后♪
♪ After all the stops and starts ♪
♪ 我们的心又再度紧依♪
♪ We keep coming back to these two hearts ♪
♪ 两位天使从迷雾中被拯救♪
♪ Two angels who’ve been rescued from the fog ♪
♪ 我们已经历这么多♪
♪ And after all that we’ve been through ♪
♪ 一切都已安定下来♪
♪ It all comes down to me and you ♪
♪ 我猜这是命中注定♪
♪ I guess it’s meant to be ♪
♪ 永远在一起♪
♪ Forever you and me ♪
♪ 尘埃已落定♪
♪ After all ♪
♪ 总是让我触碰不到♪
♪ Always just beyond my touch ♪
♪ 尽管我是如此需要你♪
♪ Though I needed you so much ♪
♪ 毕竟我还怎能为别的人而活?♪
♪ After all what else is living for? ♪
♪ 哦 历经分分合合后♪
♪ Whoa, after all the stops anod starts ♪
♪ 我们的心又再度紧依♪
♪ We keep coming back to these two hearts ♪
♪ 两位天使从迷雾中被拯救♪
♪ Two angels who’ve been rescued from the fog ♪
♪ 我们已经历这么多♪
♪ And after all that we’ve been through ♪
♪ 一切都已安定下来♪
♪ It all comes down to me and you ♪
♪ 我猜这是命中注定♪
♪ I guess it’s meant to be ♪
♪ 永远在一起♪
♪ Forever you and me ♪
♪ 历经分分合合后♪
♪ After all the stops and starts ♪
♪ 我们的心又再度紧依♪
♪ We keep coming back to these two hearts ♪
♪ 两位天使从迷雾中被拯救♪
♪ Two angels who’ve been rescued from the fog ♪
♪ 我们已经历这么多♪
♪ And after all that we’ve been through ♪
♪ 一切都已安定下来♪
♪ It all comes down to me and you ♪
♪ 我猜这是命中注定♪
♪ I guess it’s meant to be ♪
♪ 永远在一起♪
♪ Forever you and me ♪
♪ 尘埃已落定♪
♪ After all ♪