现在 浪子不再徘徊了 有只狗已经准备好要狩猎了
Now, move over, Rover, this dog’s ready to hunt!
噢 我的天狗啊
Oh, my dog!
准备好出发 小心不要吓到哭了喔
I just vacuumed the seats, so try not to shed.
Come on!
哇呜,我们现在正高速前进 对不对?
Wow, we’re going really fast, aren’t we?
好刺♥激♥啊!我真不敢相信 实在太爽了!
This is nice! This is enjoyable. I’m enjoying this.
你还好吧 大人物 – 我很好!
Sure you’re okay, big shot? -Fine, good.
不 不好 一点都不好
No, not good. Not good.
Yeah, I’m gonna barf.
我是探员 3293. 我已经完成任务了
This is Agent 3293. I’ve got the package.
要注意 菜鸟第一次搭总是会晕车
Careful, now. New recruits sometimes get a little woozy after their first ride.
你没事吧 菜鸟
Are you okay there, rookie?
我没事的 一点事儿都没有
Yeah, I’m good. Totally fine.
不知道为什么整个房♥间一直在转 我先在这躺一下
I’m just gonna lay down here till the room stops spinning.
该走了 超级狗狗 好玩的才要开始而已
Let’s go, superdog. The fun’s just beginning.
我怎觉得 你说的好玩的跟我想的不太一样
I think we have different definitions of “fun.”
Just wait.
现在先给你心理准备 孩子
Now prepare yourself, kid.
You’re about to experience something no human and very few canines ever see.
你好啊 布奇探员 现在启动狗掌扫描
Greetings, Agent Butch. Activate paw scan now.
This is like Petco meets Vegas.
Today’s seminar, “Harassment in the Workplace.”
Doberman or not, do not pinch her.
欢迎来到狗党总部 我们所有的联络都会经过这里
Welcome to Dog HQ, the nexus of our whole operation.
麦奇 你要不要一起吃午餐啊? 不吃了 我不喜欢你 卡尔
Mike, you wanna grab lunch? -I don’t like you, Carl.
我们都非常的单纯 毛茸茸般的单纯 不像人类那样复杂
We’re the thin, furry line between humans and total chaos.
跟上我 孩子
Try and keep up, kid.
大家快看我 我是个滑板 我是个滑板
Hey, guys, watch. I’m skateboarding, I’m skateboarding!
Our elite agents work and train 24/7…
要来打击所有敌人 刚刚才开始习惯
to combat all enemies, foreign and domesticated.
常有人说”狗是人类最忠实的朋友” 这句话对我们来说非常重要
We take the saying “man’s best friend” very seriously here.
跟不跟? – 当然要啦
All in? – Why not?
嗨 布奇 – 嗨 瘦皮
Hey, Butch. – Hey, Slim.
Why do we do all this?
To make sure it never becomes a cat-eat-dog world out there.
噢 你好啊 美人儿
Oh, hello, ladies!
我不喜欢你离开我 但我喜欢看你与我远走
Hate to see you go, love to watch you leave.
把口水擦一擦 快来 我要帮你介绍一下
Stop drooling already. Come on, I want to introduce you to someone.
Could you introduce me to them, please?
嘿 等等我
Hey, wait up.
最火的狗 要闪啦!
Hot dog, coming through!
DOG: 三 二 一 箱神发射
Three, two, one. Fire the catapult.
嘿 在这里你要留意你的脚步 不要随便碰任何东西
Hey, watch your paws in here. Don’t touch anything.
嘿 最近好吗? 伙伴
Hey, how you doing, buddy?
这里有只猫 快找掩护!
It’s some kind of cat! Get back!
喵呜?啊!我忘了摘下来 这是猫咪面具3000型
Meow? Oh, I forgot. This is the Catamatron 3000.
这能让你听懂猫话 而且看起来就跟猫一模一样
It trains you to think like the enemy. Literally.
Someone’s been playing fetch with the ugly stick.
这是皮克 他是我们最棒的技术顾问
This is Peek, tech specialist and head of Covert Ops.
你好 – 有何贵干?
Hi. – What up, dog?
皮克 你那边现在有什么实际工作?
So, Peek, you got anything that actually works?
Follow me.
布奇 你的新装备是这个 狗项圈7号♥ 通讯设备
Butch, your collar is fitted with the Rawhide-7 communications package.
自动开锁 捕捉网 低功率雷射
Lock pick, netting, helium-neon laser…
抓钩 还有能让你口气清新的 芳香剂
…grappling hook and liver-scented breath freshener.
And this is yours.
Sweet! What’s it do?
Holds your name tag on your neck.
布奇 你看起变瘦了耶
Butch, you’ve lost some weight.
真抱歉 我是迪格斯 而且我帅的多了
Sorry, my name’s Diggs and I always look this good.
山姆 我在这啦
Sam. I’m over here.
抱歉 老板希望能先见见你们
Sorry. The boss wants to see you two pronto.
把刘海剪一剪啦 你这嬉皮士
Get a haircut, you hippie.
恭喜你了 巴特卡普探员
Congratulations, Agent Buttercup…
恭喜你生了个儿子 跟儿子 跟女儿 跟儿子 跟女儿 跟女儿
…on the birth of your son, son, daughter, son, daughter, daughter…
跟儿子 跟女儿 跟儿子
…son, daughter, son.
请坐 绅士们
Have a seat, gentlemen.
不 别在那 不是要你坐在沙发
No, off. Off the couch.
给我离开那沙发 – 抱歉抱歉
Off the couch! – Sorry. Sorry.
你们刚从外面回来 满身脏
You guys were outside, and you’re dirty.
因为我们是外派探员啊 卢
Because we’re field agents, Lou.
我们可没办法跟你一样 穿着丑毛衣坐在办公室
We can’t all be desk jockeys like you, sitting around wearing ugly sweaters.
嘿 我喜欢这件毛衣耶 这可是我奶奶送我
Hey, I like this sweater. It was a gift from my grandma.
Can you give it back?
好吧 你就是那个喜欢炸房♥子的狗吗?
So you’re the dog who likes to blow up buildings.
对啦… 不过那是个意外
Yeah, that was an accident.
看来你闯的意外还不少嘛 迪格斯
You seem to have a lot of accidents, Diggs.
你就帮帮忙少说点 现在可以跟我说我来这到底要干嘛?
Can we just cut to the chase already and get to why I’m here?
当然可以 在三个小时前 我们拦截到一个讯号♥
Of course. Three hours ago, we intercepted this transmission…
…from a mysterious villain from the feline underworld.
我相信 这是传给全部的猫党同志的
We believe this was meant for all cats.
Take a look.
你好啊 我未来的喽啰们
Greetings, my future feline followers.
我是 珍珠猫
My name is Kitty Galore.
恶… 长成这样也能叫猫吗?
Is that even a cat?
请容许我介绍我最爱的小东西 小美味
And may I present the most adorable creature in my life, little Scrumptious.
问声好啊 亲爱的 – 救救我
Say hello, darling. – Help me.
狗的时代已经结束了 不再会有”人类最好朋友”这种东西
The age of the dog as man’s so-called “best friend” is over!
两天内 我会散布一种声音 只有那些口水流不停的狗能听到
In two days, I will unleash a sound only those droolbag dogs can hear.
这声音非常的吓人 非常的恐怖…
A sound so devastating, so terrifying…
…it will drive all dogs completely insane.
我把这声音命名为 野性的呼唤!
I call this sound the call of the Wild!
一旦狗狗们失了常 人类就会抛弃他们
Once the dogs go woo-hoo, humans will be forced to get rid of them…
而没狗狗保护的人类们 将会是我的囊中物
…and without their protection, I will enslave all mankind!
小喵喵 我到家了喔
MAN: Kitty! I’m home!
没有任何人可以阻止我统治这个世界 珍珠猫 参上
Nothing will stop me from ruling the world. Kitty Galore out!
That cat makes the hair on my butt stand up.
珍珠猫是我们的头号♥通缉犯 在榜单上称霸了一年之久
Kitty has been number one on our “most wanted” list for a year.
上礼拜 他跟他的忠诚的同党小豹 出现在德国
Last week, she and her henchcat, Paws, resurfaced in Germany…
and stole top-secret satellite codes.
消息来源还指出 小豹还想干掉这只鸽子 谢默斯
Our sources also tell us Paws recently tried to eliminate this pigeon, Seamus.
~我相信我可以高飞~~I believe I can fly~
~我相信天空就离我咫尺间~~I believe I can touch the sky~
没看过鸟洗澡耶 我要把这个传到网络上
Can’t a bird take a bath without it ending up on the Internet?
虽然我不知道什么原因 但谢默斯是我们追缉珍珠猫唯一的线索
We don’t know what the connection is, but Seamus is our only link to Kitty.
若我们能找到他 就能找到珍珠猫 还有我们只剩两天的时间
We find him, he can lead us to her. We have less than two days to find Kitty…
要抢在他启动 野性的呼唤 之前
before she activates her Call of the Wild.
你的任务就是 找到这只鸟并把他带回来
Your mission: Fetch and retrieve that bird.
太简单了 只要给我点面包屑 一个网子 跟一把榔头
Easy enough. Just give me some bread, a big net and a hammer.
We need him alive.
好吧 那榔头不要了
Okay, scratch the hammer.
你的任务就是 抢在小豹之前找到谢默斯
So you have your assignment. Find Seamus before the cats do.
You let Seamus get away?
It’s just impossible to find good help these days.
那些长翅膀的鼠辈 可是有毁掉我整个计划的重要讯息
That rat with wings has vital information that could destroy my entire plan.
我们不能让这种事发生 对不对啊 我的小美味
We cannot let that happen, now, can we, little Scrumptious?
What are you waiting for?
I want this pigeon Seamus in your mouth…
然后给我摆在桌上 就是现在
…on my doorstep immediately.
快去 我叫你快去
Out! I said out!
Out! Out! Out!
这个滑鼠怎么那么难用啦! 噢!
What’s wrong with this stupid mouse? Oh!
噢 小美味
Oh, Scrumptious.
我差点就压扁你了 看看你多么幸运啊
Now, now, I barely crushed you. Think how lucky you are.
你不用活在那可怕的地方 能跟我住在这么棒的窝
You could be living in that jungle instead of our new lair.
Isn’t this wonderful?
It’s perfect.
