
catharsiscatharsis (ka THAR sis) Greek tragedies, said the philosopher Aristotle, cause viewers to undergo a figurative cleansing—a catharsis—of emotions such as pity and fear. We still use the word to talk about Greek tragedy, and we also use it for any experience that leaves an individual with a feeling of release from emotional tension.

  • The innovative musical The Gospel at Colonus uses a gospel choir to express the viewers’ sense of catharsis after the death of the protagonist, Oedipus.
  • Stephen’s argument with his dad at the Thanksgiving dinner table was embarrassing to the guests, but both father and son found it cathartic; by the pumpkin pie they were cracking jokes together.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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宣泄(ka THAR sis)哲学家亚里士多德说,希腊悲剧会让观众经历一种具象的净化——一种对怜悯和恐惧等情绪的宣泄。我们仍然用这个词来谈论希腊悲剧,我们也用它来形容任何让人从情绪紧张中解脱出来的经历。

  • 创新音乐剧《科隆努斯的福音》(The Gospel at Colonos)利用福音合唱团来表达观众在主人公俄狄浦斯去世后的宣泄感
  • 斯蒂芬在感恩节餐桌上与父亲的争吵让客人感到尴尬,但父子俩都觉得这是一种宣泄;在南瓜派旁边,他们在一起开玩笑

