
n. 嘘声;不满之声;喝倒采
vi. 发嘘声;发尖叫声
vt. 发嘘声


catcall” 是一个名词,指的是嘲笑或嘘声,通常用于表示不满、轻视或讽刺。下面是与 “catcall” 相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Receive catcalls – 遭受嘲笑
  2. Respond to catcalls – 回应嘲笑
  3. Ignore the catcalls – 忽略嘲笑
  4. catcall from the audience – 观众的嘘声
  5. catcall at a comedy show – 喜剧表演中的嘲笑
  6. catcall during a performance – 表演中的嘲笑
  7. catcall during a speech – 演讲中的嘲笑
  8. catcall in response to a mistake – 因错误而发出的嘲笑
  9. catcall from the crowd – 人群中的嘲笑
  10. catcall at a sports event – 体育赛事中的嘲笑
  11. catcall directed at someone – 针对某人的嘲笑
  12. catcall in a political debate – 政治辩论中的嘲笑
  13. catcall from a heckler – 惹事精的嘲笑
  14. catcall during a movie screening – 电影放映中的嘲笑
  15. catcall in a theatrical performance – 戏剧表演中的嘲笑
  16. catcall from the balcony – 阳台上的嘲笑
  17. catcall in a nightclub – 夜总会中的嘲笑
  18. catcall in a courtroom – 法庭中的嘲笑
  19. catcall during a stand-up comedy show – 单口相声表演中的嘲笑
  20. catcall during a public speech – 公开演讲中的嘲笑
  21. catcall aimed at a celebrity – 针对名人的嘲笑
  22. catcall from a disgruntled audience member – 不满观众的嘲笑
  23. catcall directed at a politician – 针对政治家的嘲笑
  24. catcall during a live performance – 现场表演中的嘲笑
  25. catcall at a comedy club – 喜剧俱乐部中的嘲笑
  26. catcall during a music concert – 音乐会中的嘲笑
  27. catcall in a public meeting – 公开会议中的嘲笑
  28. catcall from an opposing team’s fans – 对方球队球迷的嘲笑
  29. catcall from the audience at a fashion show – 时装秀观众的嘲笑
  30. catcall at a beauty pageant – 美丽比赛中的嘲笑
  31. catcall during a press conference – 新闻发布会中的嘲笑
  32. catcall from the opposition – 对立方的嘲笑
  33. catcall during a political rally – 政治集会中的嘲笑
  34. catcall in response to a controversial statement – 针对有争议言论的嘲笑
  35. catcall during a public forum – 公开论坛中的嘲笑
  36. catcall from the audience at a debate – 辩论中观众的嘲笑
  37. catcall in a public protest – 公众抗议中的嘲笑
  38. catcall during a televised interview – 电视采访中的嘲笑
  39. catcall from online trolls – 网络喷子的嘲笑
  40. catcall during a political campaign – 政治竞选中的嘲笑
  41. catcall during a public announcement – 公开宣布中的嘲笑
  42. catcall from a critic – 评论家的嘲笑
  43. catcall during a public hearing – 公开听证会中的嘲笑
  44. catcall at a comedy festival – 喜剧节中的嘲笑
  45. catcall in response to a controversial decision – 针对有争议决定的嘲笑
  46. catcall during a live broadcast – 现场直播中的嘲笑
  47. catcall from a rival team’s fans – 对手球队球迷的嘲笑
  48. catcall during a product launch – 产品发布会中的嘲笑
  49. catcall in a public demonstration – 公开示威中的嘲笑
  50. catcall during a public lecture – 公开讲座中的嘲笑
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
