谢谢 你知道 没有舞伴是不能参加舞会的
Thank you. You know you can’t go without a date.
ls there anything else?
-没有了 柯林斯小姐 -谢谢 诺玛
-No, Miss Collins. -Thank you, Norma.
Which brings us to you.
-我得去训练了 -那太糟糕了 不是么
-l have to get to practice. -That’s too bad, isn’t it?
-你不介意的话 这是我和苏之间的事 -我很介意
-lf you don’t mind, this is between us. -l do mind.
Unless you’d like to continue this discussion in Mr. Morton’s office.
What is the big deal?
因为对于嘉莉·怀特来说这是大事 这你也知道的
Because it is a very big deal for Carrie White, and you know it.
She already said no anyway.
-再努力一下 她会改变主意的 -别想当然了
-With some effort, you can change that. -Don’t count your chickens.
-不许再去了 -好 我不会的
-Just don’t try. -Fine, l won’t try.
等一下 这不行
Wait a second. lt’s not fine!
You can’t order someone not to take someone to the prom.
l can make sure you don’t hurt Carrie White anymore.
我们不是要伤害她 柯林斯小姐 我们是想要帮助她
We’re not trying to hurt her. We’re trying to help her.
嘿 汤米 嗯
Hey. Tommy…
don’t you think you’ll look silly
when you walk in the prom with Carrie?
We don’t care how we look.
Do we?
-嗨 嘉莉 -嗨
-Hi, Carrie. -Hi.
嗯 这就是你住的地方是吧
So this is where you live?
What are you doing here?
You going to ask me in?
Why not?
我妈妈在休息呢 你要干什么
Mama’s resting. What do you want?
老天 直奔主题 是不是
God, right to the point, huh?
-还是舞会的事情咯 -我都已经和你说过了
-About the prom. -l already told you.
我知道 不过可别说无论如何你都不会改变主意
I know, but nothing says you can’t change your mind.
Girls do it all the time.
-你干嘛要这样 -因为我想
-Why are you doing this? -Because l want to.
-不 你不是的 -嘉莉 听着 我不会做我不想做的事情
-No, you’re not. -l don’t do anything l don’t want.
-我不能去 -不 你能去
-l can’t! -Yes, you can.
-你最好快走吧 -除非你答应我
-You better go. -Not till you say yes.
-不 我不能去 -不 你会的
-No, l can’t! -Yes, you can.
我说过了 我不会答应的
l said, l can’t.
不 你会的
Yes, you can.
-我求你快走好不好 -除非你答应我
-Will you please go? -Not till you say yes.
Why is it so important to you?
不知道 或许是因为你喜欢我的诗吧
l don’t know. Maybe because you liked my poem.
好吧 我去
Okay, l’ll go.
很好 我8点来接你
Good. l’ll pick you up at 8:00.
这是干吗 我们是要叫这些猪起床么 噜 噜
What’s the matter? We gonna wake up the piggies? Oink, oink.
开玩笑可不是好玩的 比尔
This is a hell of a risk for a joke, Bill.
-你不想干了 -不是 只是个玩笑而已
-You want out? -No. lt’s a good joke.
-你最好是开玩笑 -是玩笑 好笑吧
-You bet it’s a good joke. -lt’s a good joke.
-看看这个 -啥
-Look at this. -What?
-这些猪啊 -你说啥呢
-All these pigs! -What are you talking about?
These painted pigs.
The stupid old man and his nitwit cousin painted them all over.
我知道 我和那个给他做模特的女孩出去过
l know. l went out with the girl that posed for him.
-她就是头猪 -你能闭嘴不
-She was a real pig. -Will you shut up?
-把我弄上去吧 -小声点儿
-Will you let me up here? -Quiet.
You’re gonna kill that pig, right?
猪啊 到这来 小猪乖乖
Piggy! Here, piggy!
l’m gonna bash your little heads in…
and you don’t have to worry about the bomb no more.
过来 猪崽子们 过来啊 蠢猪
Come here, little piggies. Come here, sucker.
-这过来一只了 -你能不能闭着嘴干活儿
-Here’s one right here. -Will you shut up and do it?
l’ve gotta give them a chance to burp.
你杵在这儿什么也干不了 把它弄过来 伙计
You can’t do it from standing out here. Get her done, man.
我可不行 你来吧
l can’t. You.
我就知道会这样 拿着这个站边上去 你这猪头
l knew this would happen. Just hold it there, you pig.
You’re just a fuck-up.
-快动手 -你给我闭嘴
-Just do it! -You shut up.
好了 过来过来 来吧
All right, move it out. That’s it.
来 出来 好的
Come on. Move it out. Yeah.
真是好宝贝 好
That’s my baby. Yeah!
Do it!
嘉莉 苹果派你一口都没吃
Carrie, you haven’t touched your apple cake.
妈妈 我吃那个长疹子
lt gives me pimples, Mama.
Pimples are the Lord’s way of chastising you.
-妈妈 -什么事
-Mama? -Yeah?
请您理解 我在努力试着改善和别人的关系
Please see that l’ve got to try to get along with people better.
你想说什么 嘉莉
What are you going on about, Carrie?
l’ve been invited to the prom.
是的 高中舞会 你知道 大家都会去的
Yeah, the senior prom. You know, everybody’s going.
是老师这么说的吧 是不是
lt’s that teacher that called, wasn’t it?
您看我和您不一样 妈妈 我总是很可笑
Please see that l’m not like you. l’m funny.
所有的同学都觉得我很可笑 我不想这样 我想过正常的生活
All the kids think l’m funny. l don’t want to be. l want to be normal.
我想趁还能补救的时候 成为一个完整的人
l want to start to try and be a whole person before it’s too late.
-那个男孩叫做汤米·罗斯 是个很可爱的男孩子 -不行
His name is Tommy Ross and he’s a very nice boy.
-他说晚上带我出去之前会来拜访您的 -我说过 不行
-He promised to meet you before and have me in by midnight. -I said. No.
-我已经答应了 妈妈 我已经答应了 -不行不行
-l’ve accepted, Mama! -No. No.
-去你的忏悔室吧 -不去
-Come to your closet. -No!
After all you’ve been taught?
不是所有的人都是坏人 也不是每做一件事都是罪过
Everyone isn’t bad. Everything isn’t a sin.
去你的忏悔室祈祷去 祈求赦免
Come to your closet and pray. Ask to be forgiven.
他是个好男孩儿 你会喜欢他的 你肯定会喜欢他的 妈妈
He’s a nice boy. You’d really like him, Mama.
男孩子 是啊 男孩子
The boys. Yes, the boys.
来月经之后就要找男人了 像发♥情♥的狗一样
After the blood come the boys like sniffing dogs.
流着口水 痴痴地笑 发狂地寻找异性的气息是哪儿来的
Grinning and slobbering, and trying to find out where that smell comes from.
异性的气息 异性的气息
Where the smell is.
我知道他们在车里干什么事 我都能看见
l know where they take them in their cars. l see it all right.
-你不许去 -我已经答应人家了
-You’re not going. -l already said l would.
告诉那男孩你不去了 不然我们就立刻搬家
Tell that boy you’re not going or we’re gonna move from here!
我们搬走了 你就再也别想看见那男孩
We’ll move. You’ll never see that boy again.
-雨吹进屋里了 -妈妈 听我说啊
-The rain’s coming in. -Please talk to me.
l’m going to close the window.
请坐下来 好好听我说
Please sit and talk to me!
我要去 妈妈
l’m going, Mama.
And things are going to change around here.
That’s Satan’s power.
lt has nothing to do with Satan.
是我 我的力量
lt’s me. Me.
如果我努力集中精神 我就能移♥动♥物体
lf l concentrate hard enough, l can move things.
Satan is clever.
妈妈 我不是特例
Mama, l’m not the only one.
别的人也能做到 我读了有关的书
Other people can do it. l read about it.
You poor child.
你难道不知道么 他附在你的身上 可是他让你对此毫无知觉
Don’t you know he doesn’t let you know he’s working through you?
妈妈 我很清醒
Mama, l’d know.
他附在你父亲的身上 并把他带走了
He entered your father and carried him off.
-妈妈 他是自己逃跑的 -是魔鬼引诱他的
-He ran away, Mama. -The devil tempted him!
他和别的女人跑了 妈妈
He ran away with a woman.
Everybody knows that.
你必须弃绝这力量 你必须舍弃它并且永不再用它
You must renounce this power. You must give it up and never use it.
我要去舞会 妈妈
l’m going, Mama.
You can’t stop me.
l don’t want to talk about it anymore.
Keep that damn light straight.
Hurry up.
小心点你这蠢货 你会把血泼一地的
Watch it, you stupid shit. You’re getting blood all over the place.
Who you calling a stupid shit?
