我不明白 你这么
You know, I don’t know how you can just go on living
with absolutely no moral sense of the world.
-看看 我活得好好的 -迈克尔 闭嘴
-Look at me, I’m living. -Oh, Michael, shut up.
可悲的观点 恶心
Your miserable complicity just disgusts me.
What happened to your sense of humor?
我就是没有幽默感 我也不需要
I don’t have one and I don’t want one.
If you ask me
the couple is the worst ordeal God has ever inflicted on us.
-新奇嘛 -夫妻 家庭
-Marvelous. -The couple and the family.
没人让你宣讲这个 迈克尔
No one’s forcing you to air this out in front of us, Michael.
-我要补充一下 这还是挺失礼的 -他没所谓的
-And I might add, it’s a little indecent. -That doesn’t bother him.
你同意的 是吧?
You agree with me, don’t you?
This is all beside the point.
艾伦 说几句啊
Alan. Say something.
He has a right to his ideas.
Doesn’t mean he has to advertise them.
Yeah, right. Maybe.
We don’t care about their marriage.
我们来讨论孩子们的事的 他们夫妻之间的事我们不管
We’re here about the kids. We don’t care about their marriage.
-是啊 除非 -除非什么?
-Yeah, except -Except what?
-这两件事有关系 -这两件事有关系
-It’s related. -It’s related.
Of course it’s related.
伊桑两颗牙齿被敲掉了 管我们夫妻问题什么事?
Ethan getting teeth busted out is related to our marriage?
-当然有 -我听不懂了
-Of course it is. -Sorry, I don’t follow you.
Look, take a step back and look at the situation we’re in.
孩子们把生活弄得一团糟 到头来
Children suck the life out of you and leave you old and empty.
我们自己白发苍苍一无所有 自然规律
That’s the law of nature.
你看看现在的小夫妻 天天开心得要命
You see these young couples laughing all the way to the altar.
他们什么都不知道 什么都不知道
You think, “They don’t know. Poor fuckers have no idea.”
他们很快活 一开始也没人告诉你这个
They’re happy. Nobody tells you about this stuff in the beginning.
I got this army buddy.
He’s gonna have a kid with his new girlfriend.
我跟他说 现在要孩子? 你傻啊?
I said to him, “A kid? At our age? What, are you stupid?
You got maybe 10, 15 good years left
或许还有十年 十五年
before you get cancer or have a stroke
and you’re gonna saddle yourself with a kid?”
-你其实没真的这么想 -我就是
-That’s not really what you think. -Yes, it is.
我就是这么想的 比这还更坏
Of course it is. I think even worse.
你这是作践自己 迈克尔
You’re debasing yourself, Michael.
Is that right?
别哭了佩内洛普 把情况弄更糟
Stop crying, Penelope. It only makes it worse.

好的 好的
Of course, of course.
-很赞是吧? -赞到无语
-It’s excellent, isn’t it? -It’s excellent.
Could I interest you in a cigar?
-不许在屋子里抽烟! -真遗憾
-No cigars in the house. -Too bad.
所以你现在还要抽雪茄了是吗 艾伦?
Were you gonna smoke a cigar now, Alan?
我想干嘛就干嘛 我想抽雪茄就抽雪茄
I do what I want, Nancy. If I wanna smoke a cigar, I smoke a cigar.
我现在不抽 是因为不想让佩内洛普更难过
I won’t smoke it because I don’t wanna upset Penelope
who’s already on edge, to put it mildly.
Oh, quit sniffling like that. She’s right.
女人一哭 男人就要崩溃
You know, when women cry, men are pushed to a breaking point.
Although, unfortunately
I must say, Michael’s point of view is completely justified.
Yeah, can I read it to you?
Yeah, sure. Go ahead.
加个纽约 在放个确切时间
Yeah, put “New York” and a specific time of day.
-无法忍♥受! -今天什么时候?
-It’s unbearable. -What time of day?
你决定什么时候 必须比媒体早
The time you send it. It has to be hot off the press.
不 不能用疑问 用惋惜 疑问太软弱无力了
Not “questions.” “Deplores.” “Questions” is wishy-washy.
I live with this night and day.
One second.
Our lives are chopped up by the cell phone.
This is very important.
-总是很重要 -继续
-It’s always more important. -Go ahead.
别的地方发生的什么事 总是更重要
What’s happening somewhere else is always more important.
No. No, not “strategy.” “Scheme.”
用阴谋 股东会前两周的阴谋 之类的
“A scheme surfacing two weeks from the company’s posting,” et cetera.
In the street.
饭桌上打 到处都打
The dinner table. Everywhere.
研究 用引用符号♥
And “study” in quotes.
研究 都要用引用
Put the word “study” in quotes.
I don’t even protest anymore.
Unconditional surrender.
I feel like I’m gonna vomit again.
-桶在哪? -我怎么知道?
-Where’s that bucket? -How am I supposed to know?
Well, then just quote me. You know: “This is a barefaced attempt”
Can you stand over the bucket, please?
-佩! -什么事?
-Pen. -What?
没关系 这次能处理好
I mean, we’re already set up to handle this now.
“according to TW Pharma attorney Alan Cowan.”
美♥联♥社♥ 路透社
Okay, I’ll make these corrections and put it out there.
主流报纸 金融贸易日报
AP, Reuters, newspapers, trade journals.
You know, the whole shebang.
-怎么了? -她又想吐了
-What’s wrong? -She’s gonna throw up again.
你好关心啊 我好感动哦
You’re so caring. It’s touching.
-我是很着急啊 -我没看出来
-Well, I’m worried. -I didn’t get that.
-我的错 -南希 别这样啊
-My mistake. -Oh, come on, Nancy, will you?
You and I don’t have to do this.
他们的婚姻夕阳西下了 我们没必要跟他们比这个
Their marriage is going downhill. We don’t have to try to compete.
你凭什么说 我们的婚姻夕阳西下了?
What gives you the right to say our marriage is going downhill?
What gives you the right?
-沃尔特 -艾伦 新闻稿准备好没?
-Yeah. Walter. -Alan, is the press release ready?
刚整理了一遍 他们会发给你
Yeah, I just had it read back to me. They’ll send it over to you.
你是说这是个 试图
Did you say this is an attempt to?
幕后操作 操纵股价
Manipulation. Manipulation of the stock price.
沃尔特 我一会儿打给你
Listen, Walter, I’ll call you back in a minute, yeah.
-不是我说的 史蒂文说的 -迈克尔
-I didn’t say it. Steven did. -“Michael.”
-我不允许你评判我们家人 -对不起 迈克尔
-I will not let you judge our family. -Michael. Sorry.
Don’t judge our son either.
这性质不同! 你们儿子对我们儿子施暴了!
That’s different. Your son brutalized our son.
他们还小 还是孩子
They’re young. They’re kids.
孩子都在操场打闹的 一直都是这样
Kids roughhouse in the playground. Always have, always will.
-自然规律嘛 -不是的!
-It’s a rule of nature. -No, it isn’t.
Sure it is.
It takes a little education to substitute the rule of law for violence.
最原始的法律 你也知道 就是蛮力
The origin of law, as you of course know, is brute force.
Maybe if you’re a caveman
-现在这社会不适用 -那说说这个社会!
-but not in this world. -Tell me about this world.
无聊! 这话题就是无聊!
You’re boring. This whole conversation is boring.
佩内洛普 我相信杀戮之神
Penelope, I believe in the god of carnage
the god whose rule’s been unchallenged since time immemorial.
你喜欢研究非洲 是吧?
You’re interested in Africa, right?
-怎么了? -别管我
-What’s the matter? -Don’t worry about me.
-南希! -我没事
-Nancy. -I’m just fine.
All right.
See, I just got back from the Congo.
他们那里的孩子八岁 就开始被训练成杀手
They got kids there trained to kill at the age of 8.
他们那里的孩子 可能都杀过上百人了
In the course of their childhood, they might kill hundreds of people.
他们用弯刀 猎枪 步♥枪♥ 炮弹 杀人
They kill with a machete, a shotgun, a Kalash, a thumper.
所以当我儿子把别人牙齿敲掉了 甚至两颗
So obviously, when my kid busts some other kid’s tooth
even two teeth with a bamboo switch by the sandbox
I’m not quite as shocked and indignant as you are.
Well, you should be.
-是啊他们就是这么叫的 -我也这么叫
-What they call a grenade launcher. -That’s what I called it.
-你没事? -没事
-You all right? -I’m just fine.
她怎么回事? 怎么回事?
What’s wrong with her? What’s the matter?
都是怒气 没事
Bile. It’s nothing.
