
英 ['kɑːnɪdʒ] 美 ['kɑrnɪdʒ]



n. 大屠杀;残杀;大量绝灭




1. carn- (谐音“砍”) “flesh”。


carnage 大屠杀
来自词根carn, 肉,来自PIE *sker, 砍,切,词源同saw, shear. -age, 集合名词后缀。


carnage” 是一个名词,意指大规模的残杀、屠杀或血腥场面,通常用来形容在战争、事故或其他灾难中的大规模伤亡和破坏。下面是与 “carnage” 相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. carnage aftermath – 屠杀后果
  2. Scenes of carnage – 血腥场面
  3. carnage and destruction – 屠杀和破坏
  4. carnage on the battlefield – 战场上的大屠杀
  5. carnage in the streets – 街头血腥屠杀
  6. carnage in war – 战争中的残杀
  7. carnage survivors – 幸存的屠杀者
  8. carnage victims – 屠杀的受害者
  9. carnage report – 屠杀报告
  10. carnage investigation – 屠杀调查
  11. carnage scene analysis – 屠杀现场分析
  12. carnage aftermath assessment – 屠杀后果评估
  13. carnage recovery efforts – 屠杀恢复工作
  14. carnage emergency response – 屠杀紧急应对
  15. carnage in conflict zones – 冲突区域的屠杀
  16. carnage during riots – 暴动期间的屠杀
  17. carnage in disaster zones – 灾难区域的屠杀
  18. carnage prevention measures – 屠杀预防措施
  19. carnage scene documentation – 屠杀现场文件记录
  20. carnage survivor testimonies – 屠杀幸存者证词
  21. carnage memorial – 屠杀纪念碑
  22. carnage aftermath recovery – 屠杀后果的恢复
  23. carnage in urban warfare – 城市战争中的屠杀
  24. carnage cleanup efforts – 屠杀清理工作
  25. carnage impact assessment – 屠杀影响评估
  26. carnage trauma counseling – 屠杀创伤辅导
  27. carnage scene investigation – 屠杀现场调查
  28. carnage in the aftermath of natural disasters – 自然灾害后的屠杀
  29. carnage response teams – 屠杀应对团队
  30. carnage scene recovery operations – 屠杀现场恢复行动
  31. carnage aftermath support – 屠杀后果支援
  32. carnage survivor assistance – 屠杀幸存者援助
  33. carnage memorial ceremony – 屠杀纪念仪式
  34. carnage investigation findings – 屠杀调查结果
  35. carnage scene cleanup crew – 屠杀现场清理人员
  36. carnage survivor testimonials – 屠杀幸存者证词
  37. carnage scene documentation process – 屠杀现场文件记录过程
  38. carnage awareness campaign – 屠杀意识宣传活动
  39. carnage aftermath recovery efforts – 屠杀后果的恢复工作
  40. carnage response coordination – 屠杀应对协调
  41. carnage aftermath resilience – 屠杀后果的恢复力
  42. carnage survivor solidarity – 屠杀幸存者团结
  43. carnage scene cleanup equipment – 屠杀现场清理设备
  44. carnage investigation process – 屠杀调查过程
  45. carnage memorial sculpture – 屠杀纪念雕塑
  46. carnage trauma recovery programs – 屠杀创伤恢复计划
  47. carnage awareness initiatives – 屠杀意识倡议
  48. carnage scene reconstruction – 屠杀现场重建
  49. carnage survivor testimonials – 屠杀幸存者证词
  50. carnage aftermath impact assessment – 屠杀后果影响评估


carnage (KAR nej) This noun refers to the slaughter inevitable in any war. The root word is the Latin for “flesh.”

  • Although Homer’s Iliad glorifies the victorious warrior, it does not spare the reader the sense of the terrible carnage of the Trojan War.
  • After the birthday party for ten four-year-olds, the family room looked more like a scene of carnage than one of celebration.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
大屠杀(KAR nej)这个名词指任何战争中不可避免的屠杀。词根是拉丁语中“肉”的意思

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
