

[verb] attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm
[动词] 吸引并保持……的兴趣和注意力;迷住


Captivate 从其拼写不难猜到该词与熟词 capture (俘虏、捕获)、 captive (俘虏、囚徒)同源。其中 captivate 由词根 captiv (俘虏)+ 后缀 ate- (使……)构成。

于16世纪20年代由晚期拉丁语 captivare (抓获、捕获)的过去分词 captivatus 进入英语后, captivate 即用来喻指“迷住、使……着迷”,常用于被动语态,主要指以某种特殊的魅力、技艺或者说显著品质(trait)而暂时捕获人的喜好(fancy)或感情,并不意味着长期的影响或控制,也可以说用来暗示一种不可抗拒的影响或吸引力时含义较弱,比如:

  • 犟孩子们被她的故事迷住了。
    The restive children were captivated by her stories.
  • 我为她的聪慧所倾倒。她性格中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急。
    I was captivated by her brilliant mind. The only flaw in her character seemed to be a short temper.


And we all know that Wickham has every charm of person and address that can captivate a woman.

出自19世纪英国小说家简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的代表作《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)。


  • Snapchat has captivated youngsters in the West with its quickly disappearing content and playful features.
    Snapchat 以其迅速消失的内容和有趣的功能迷住了西方的年轻人。
  • When he exited the airport, he was captivated by a building caged in bamboo and draped in yellow fabric, masked by haze and fog.


captivate 是一个动词,意思是吸引、迷住或引起注意。它描述了以某种方式迅速吸引和保持某人的兴趣或注意力。以下是关于 “captivate” 的详细用法和一些短语:


  1. The magician’s performance captivated the audience with his amazing tricks. (魔术师用他惊人的戏法吸引了观众的注意力。)
  2. The beautiful scenery captivated the tourists during their trip. (旅行途中,美丽的风景吸引了游客的注意力。)
  3. The charismatic speaker captivated the audience with her powerful speech. (那位富有魅力的演讲者以她有力的演讲吸引了观众的注意力。)
  4. The novel’s captivating plot kept readers engaged from beginning to end. (这本小说扣人心弦的情节从头到尾都让读者兴致盎然。)
  5. The actor’s exceptional performance captivated the critics and earned him rave reviews. (那位演员出色的表演迷住了评论家,赢得了极高的评价。)
  6. The documentary captivated viewers with its compelling storytelling and striking visuals. (这部纪录片以引人入胜的叙事和惊人的视觉效果吸引了观众。)
  7. The melody of the song captivated listeners and touched their hearts. (这首歌的旋律迷住了听众,触动了他们的心灵。)
  8. The charismatic leader captivated the crowd with his inspiring words. (那位有魅力的领导者以他鼓舞人心的言辞吸引了人群。)
  9. The artist’s painting captivated the art enthusiasts with its vibrant colors and intricate details. (艺术家的画作以其鲜艳的色彩和精细的细节吸引了艺术爱好者。)
  10. The novel’s captivating characters and rich storyline made it a bestseller. (这本小说引人入胜的角色和丰富的故事情节使其成为畅销书。)


  1. Captivate the audience: 吸引观众
  2. Captivate the imagination: 激发想象力
  3. Captivate the reader: 迷住读者
  4. Captivate the mind: 吸引思维
  5. Captivate with charm: 以魅力迷住
  6. Captivate with storytelling: 以讲故事方式吸引
  7. Captivate with music: 以音乐迷住
  8. Captivate with beauty: 以美丽吸引
  9. Captivate with humor: 以幽默迷住
  10. Captivate with suspense: 以悬念吸引
  11. Captivate the heart: 征服心灵
  12. Captivate the senses: 激发感官
  13. Captivate the market: 征服市场
  14. Captivate the attention: 吸引注意力
  15. Captivate the viewer: 吸引观众
  16. Captivate the customer: 吸引顾客
  17. Captivate the listener: 吸引听众
  18. Captivate the mind and soul: 迷住心灵和灵魂
  19. Captivate with charisma: 以个人魅力迷住
  20. Captivate with intelligence: 以智慧吸引


entrance: fill (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention
enthrall: to keep someone completely interested
fascinate: draw irresistibly the attention and interest of (someone)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
