
[verb] move in an energetic or noisy manner
[动词] 以精力充沛或闹哄哄的方式移动


从上面《纽约时报》的例句可以发现, bustle 和 hustle 是两个既形似又经常搭配在一起使用的单词。

其中 bustle 一词词源不详,可能是拟声而来,最早出现于16世纪70年代,用来表示“忙碌、奔忙、匆忙做”,主要指人以精力充沛或闹哄哄的方式四处轻快地移动,看起来非常忙碌,也可以指使某人匆忙地朝特定的方向移动,比如:

  • 喧闹的人群
    a bustling throng
  • 一个和蔼可亲的女人在厨房里忙得团团转。
    An affable woman bustled around in the kitchen.
  • 医生催促我们离开房间。
    The doctor bustled us out of the room.

反过来则可以用 bustle 形容某个地方“充满”忙碌嘈杂的活动,比如:

  • 首都熙熙攘攘,生气勃勃。
    The capital is bustling with life.

用作名词时, bustle 相应表示“忙乱嘈杂、喧闹”,比如:

  • 这个宁静的花园是块远离都市喧嚣的宝地。
    The sedate garden was a haven from the noise and bustle of the city.


The day passed most pleasantly away; the morning in bustle and shopping, and the evening at one of the theatres.
出自19世纪英国小说家简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的代表作《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)。


  • Rather than the pre-Christmas bustle, he witnessed another eerie paralysis.
  • This apartment is at the back of a four-unit complex, insulating it from the hustle and bustle of the street.


“忙碌”(bustle)是一个动词,通常用来描述人们忙碌地活动、来往、忙碌的景象或环境。以下是一些包含单词 “bustle” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. bustle around(忙碌地四处走动)
  2. bustle about(忙碌地忙活)
  3. bustle of the city(城市的繁忙)
  4. bustle and activity(忙碌和活动)
  5. bustle of daily life(日常生活的忙碌)
  6. bustle and commotion(喧闹和混乱)
  7. bustle of the marketplace(市场的繁忙)
  8. bustle of the crowd(人群的繁忙)
  9. bustle of the morning(早晨的忙碌)
  10. bustle of the office(办公室的繁忙)
  11. bustle and hustle(忙碌和喧嚣)
  12. bustle and movement(繁忙和活动)
  13. bustle of the street(街道的繁忙)
  14. bustle and energy(忙碌和活力)
  15. bustle of the market(市场的繁忙)
  16. bustle and liveliness(忙碌和活跃)
  17. bustle of daily routine(日常例行的忙碌)
  18. bustle of holiday shopping(假日购物的忙碌)
  19. bustle and busyness(忙碌和繁忙)
  20. bustle and vibrancy(繁忙和生气)
  21. bustle of the city center(城市中心的繁忙)
  22. bustle of preparations(准备的繁忙)
  23. bustle and hurry(忙碌和匆忙)
  24. bustle and noise(忙碌和噪音)
  25. bustle of activity(活动的繁忙)
  26. bustle and excitement(忙碌和兴奋)
  27. bustle and movement(忙碌和运动)
  28. bustle of the holiday season(假日季节的忙碌)
  29. bustle and action(忙碌和行动)
  30. bustle of the restaurant(餐厅的繁忙)
  31. bustle and clamor(忙碌和喧嚣)
  32. bustle of the morning rush(早晨的忙碌)
  33. bustle and liveliness(忙碌和活力)
  34. bustle of the city life(城市生活的繁忙)
  35. bustle and movement(忙碌和移动)
  36. bustle of the business district(商业区的繁忙)
  37. bustle and dynamism(忙碌和活力)
  38. bustle of the urban landscape(城市景观的繁忙)
  39. bustle and animation(忙碌和生气)
  40. bustle and motion(忙碌和运动)
  41. bustle of the shopping mall(购物中心的繁忙)
  42. bustle and buzz(忙碌和嗡嗡声)
  43. bustle and liveliness(忙碌和生动)
  44. bustle of the evening rush(傍晚的忙碌)
  45. bustle and energy(忙碌和活力)
  46. bustle of the urban environment(城市环境的繁忙)
  47. bustle and movement(忙碌和动作)
  48. bustle of the business world(商业世界的忙碌)
  49. bustle and excitement(忙碌和兴奋)
  50. bustle of the train station(火车站的繁忙)


scurry: (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps
hasten: be quick to do something
flurry: a sudden short period of commotion or excitement

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
