救命 救命
Help! Help!
好了 好了 好了
Okay, okay, okay. Okay.
号♥码是多少 号♥码是多少
Okay. What was it? What’s the number? What’s the number?
1 2 1…
Where is it?
-911 请稍等 -不 等一下 求你了
-MALE OPERATOR: 911. Please hold. -No! Wait! Please!
-你好 911 -你好 我被埋了
-FEMALE OPERATOR: Yes. 911. -Hello. I’m buried.
你必须救我 我不能呼吸了
You have to help me. You have to help me. I can’t breathe.
-先生 -我被埋在了一个棺材里 请救救我
-Sir? -I’m buried in a coffin. Please, help.
-请派人来找我 -请说慢点
-Send someone to find me. -Sin slow down.
-你的名字是什么? -保罗 保罗 康罗伊
-What is your name? -Paul. Paul Conroy.
好的 康罗伊先生你能告诉我你的位置吗
Okay, Mn Conroy. Can you tell me your location?
I don’t know. I’m in a coffin.
我不知道在哪里请救救我 我好害怕
I don’t know where. Please, help. I’m scared.
-你在一个棺材中? -是的
-You’re in a coffin? -Yes.
就像那种老式的 木质的棺材
It’s like one of those old, wooden ones.
-你在殡仪馆吗? -不 不 不
-Are you at a funeral home? -No. No. No.
I don’t know. No.
(DISTORTED) How are you calling me right now?
如果你被埋在棺材里 那你从哪里给我打电♥话♥
If you’re buried in a coffin, where are you calling me from?
用手♥机♥ 棺材里有一个旧手♥机♥
From a cell phone. There was an old cell phone in the coffin.
-你用你的手♥机♥给我打电♥话♥? -是的
-You’re calling me from your cell phone? -Yes.
是的 是的不是 不是 这个不是我的手♥机♥
Yes. Yes. No, no. It’s not my cell phone,
但是 我确实用手♥机♥给你打的电♥话♥
but, yes, I’m calling from a cell phone.
There was a cell phone in the coffin when you climbed in?
是的 什么?
Yes. What?
-我没有爬进来 -那你怎么进去棺材的 先生
-I didn’t climb in, though. -How did you end up in the coffin, sir?
-我是被放进来的 -在一个棺材里?
-I was put here. -In the coffin?
是的 请救救我
Yes. Please, help.
-你说棺材是被埋了的? -是的
-And you’re saying the coffin is buried? -Yes. Yeah.
我是一个卡车司机 我是一个美国人
I’m a truck driver. I’m an American.
这里很热 我不能呼吸了
It’s hot in here, and I can’t breathe.
-求求你了 -你知道你的位置吗
-Please. -Do you know your location, sir?
-我告诉你了 在伊♥拉♥克♥的某地 请救我 -伊♥拉♥克♥?
-I told you, somewhere in Iraq. Please, help. -Iraq?
是的 我是一个卡车司机 一个美国人 为CRT工作
Yes. I’m a truck driver. I’m an American. I work for CRT.
-你是一个军人吗 先生 -不 你必须听我说
-Are you a soldier; sir? -No, please, you have to listen to me.
我是一个卡车司机 一个美国人
I’m a truck driver. I’m an American.
我是一个在伊♥拉♥克♥工作的平民合同商 我们在巴古拜受到攻击
I’m a civilian contractor working in Iraq. We were attacked in Baqubah.
然后 他们开枪杀了他们
And they… They shot all of them.
-他们杀了谁? -其它司机
-They shot who, sir? -All of the other drivers.
And you are saying this happened in Iraq? The country?
是的 请认真听我说
Yeah. Please, listen to me, okay? Listen to me.
他们给了我一个安全号♥码在我钱包里 但是现在我不知道哪去了
They gave me a safety number and it was in my wallet, and I don’t know where it is now.
康罗伊先生 这里是俄亥俄州的扬斯敦911
Mr Conroy this is 911 emergency in Youngstown, Ohio.
-俄亥俄州? -是的
-Ohio? -Yes, sir.
I’m not sure exactly how you called here if you’re in another country but if you’d like,
如果你想要 我可以帮你转接县郡治安部
I can patch you through to the sheriff’s department.
你不明白 算了
You don’t understand. Forget it.
好的 好的 好的
Okay, okay, okay. Okay. Okay.
接电♥话♥ 接电♥话♥
Pick up, pick up, pick up.
Pick up.
感谢致电康罗伊一家 我们现在不在家
SHANE: Thanks for calling the Conroys. We’re not home right now.
请在B声后留言 谢谢
Please leave a message after the beep. Thanks!
琳达 琳达 亲爱的 是我
Yeah, Linda. Linda, honey, it’s me.
I need you… I need you… I need you to contact the National Guard right away,
or the Pentagon.
Tell them that we were attacked in the Diyala province, in Baqubah.
They need to find me. Okay?
求求你 宝贝 你必须帮助他们找到我
Please, baby, you’ve got to help them find me.
-我是琳达 -不
-Hi, this is Linda. -No!
请留下你的口信 祝你有愉快的一天
Please leave a message. Thanks and have a great day.
琳达 琳达 我需要你马上打电♥话♥给我
Linda! Linda, I need you to call me right away, okay?
打这个电♥话♥给我 万分火急
Call me at this number. It’s an absolute emergency.
打你手♥机♥上显示的这个号♥码 好吗
Call me at the number that comes up on your screen right away. Okay?
我不知道他妈的到底发生了什么 但是
I don’t know what the hell is going on, but…
…I’m buried in a box.
I’m buried in a box.
I can’t breathe in here.
收到后请马上打给我 求你了
Call me whenever you can. Please, baby.
OPERATOR: What city and state, please?
我不知道 只要是FBI就行
I don’t know. The FBI, wherever they are.
Do you have a specific city you’d like to be connected to?
Anywhere. Any city. Just connect me to the FBI.
先生 可以帮你转接的有波士顿
Sir; I have FBI Held of Hoes listed in Boston,
芝加哥 纽约 费城..
Chicago, New York, Philadelphia…
-无所谓 -纽黑文市的FBI
-It doesn’t matter. -New Haven…
随便哪个城市 只要帮我转接 求你了
Any city, anywhere. Just connect me, please.
不好意思 先生 但是我们不能那么做
I’m sorry, sir; but i’m not allowed to do that.
-芝加哥 行了吧 芝加哥 行吗? -没必要这么生气 先生
-Chicago! Fine? Chicago! Okay? -There’s no need to be rude, sir.
Please, hold for your number
The number you requested…
can be connected for an additional charge of 25 cents
by pressing the number 1.
芝加哥办公室 哈里斯特别探员
Chicago field office. Special Agent Harris.
-是联邦调查局吗? -是的 先生
-Is this the FBI? -Yes, it is, sir.
好的 我从伊♥拉♥克♥电♥话♥过来的
Okay. I’m calling from Iraq.
我被埋在了沙漠的某个地方 我需要你救我
I’m buried in the desert somewhere. I need you to help me.
哇哇 请说慢点
Whoa. Whoa. Sin slow down.
-你什么时候在伊♥拉♥克♥? -现在
-When were you in Iraq? -Now.
我现在就在伊♥拉♥克♥ 我是一个卡车司机
Now. I’m there now. I’m a truck driver.
我为CRT工作 我来这里9个月了
I work for CRT. I’ve been here for nine months.
-请问你的名字是什么? -保罗 康罗伊
-May I have your name, please, sir? -it’s Paul Conroy.
保罗 康罗伊
Paul Conroy.
好的 保罗 跟我解释下到底怎么了
Okay Paul, explain to me what’s going on.
好的 好的
All right, all right. Okay.
好的 我和另外一队司机
All right, me and a convoy of other drivers
were delivering some kitchen supplies to a community center.
然后有一群孩子 他们朝我们卡车上扔石头
And then some kids, they started throwing rocks at the trucks.
然后 有个路边炸♥弹♥在前面炸毁了其中一辆卡车
And then, an IED went off up ahead and it blew up one of the other trucks.
And then these guys, they came out from behind the houses
and they started shooting everyone right there on the street.
-你中枪了吗? -我不知道
-Were you shot at? -I don’t know.
我不知道 我在车队的很后面
I don’t know. I was way in the back of the convoy.
I guess I got hit in the head by one of the other…
然后我昏迷了 这就是我最后记得的事
By one of the rocks and I blacked out, and that’s the last thing that I remember.
然后我就在这个棺材醒来 被绑着
And then I woke up here, tied up, in a coffin.
-谁把你放在里面? -我想应该是伏击我们的那些人
-Who put you there? -I guess whoever ambushed us.
-一群小孩? -不 不 不
-A bunch of kids? -No. No, no, no, no, no.
那些孩子 他们朝我们扔石头
Some kids, the kids, they threw the rocks at us.
那几个男人 应该是伊♥拉♥克♥人 或许是叛乱者 我他妈怎么知道
These guys, some Iraqis, some insurgents. I don’t fucking know.
They just… They popped out and they started shooting everybody…
-街上的人们扫射 -我想你说过他们没有射到你
-right there on the street. -I thought you said they didn’t shoot at you.
是没有 他们杀了他们
They didn’t! I don’t know. They shot them!
Sin you’re gonna have to stop shouting.
I’m shouting because you’re not listening to me!
I need you to help me!
好的 好的 我明白了
Okay. Okay, okay. I got it.
Can you trace the call? GPS or something?
Why is it that they didn’t shoot you?
我不知道 我只知道他们没有对我开枪
I don’t know. I have no idea. They didn’t. That’s all I know.
你的社会保险号♥是多少 保罗
What’s your social security number, Paul?