
adj. 一文不名的,破产的
v. 打破,断掉(break的过去式)
n. (Broke)人名;(英)布罗克




broke” 是一个形容词,通常用来描述一个人没有钱或没有足够的金钱来支付开支或债务。


  1. broke college student – 没钱的大学生
  2. Totally broke – 完全身无分文
  3. broke as a joke – 身无分文,一文不值
  4. Flat broke – 完全破产
  5. Stone broke – 赤贫一文不值
  6. Dead broke – 资金枯竭
  7. Chronically broke – 长期贫困
  8. broke and unemployed – 贫困失业
  9. broke and homeless – 贫困无家可归
  10. broke and in debt – 贫困且负债
  11. broke and struggling – 贫困而挣扎
  12. broke and frustrated – 贫困而沮丧
  13. broke and desperate – 贫困绝望
  14. broke and hungry – 贫困饥饿
  15. broke and stressed – 贫困压力大
  16. broke and underpaid – 贫困且薪水微薄
  17. broke and indebted – 贫困且负债
  18. broke and struggling to make ends meet – 贫困难以维持生计
  19. broke and living paycheck to paycheck – 贫困度日如年
  20. broke and borrowing money – 贫困借钱
  21. broke and in need of financial help – 贫困需要财务帮助
  22. broke and facing financial difficulties – 贫困面临财务困境
  23. broke and in a financial crisis – 贫困陷入财务危机
  24. broke and without savings – 贫困没有储蓄
  25. broke and in dire straits – 贫困陷入极端困境
  26. broke and looking for work – 贫困正在找工作
  27. broke and unable to pay bills – 贫困无法支付账单
  28. broke and in financial trouble – 贫困陷入财务困境
  29. broke and in need of assistance – 贫困需要帮助
  30. broke and struggling financially – 贫困在财务上挣扎
  31. broke and feeling hopeless – 贫困感到绝望
  32. broke and overwhelmed – 贫困不堪重负
  33. broke and without a safety net – 贫困没有经济保障
  34. broke and on the brink of bankruptcy – 贫困濒临破产
  35. broke and in financial distress – 贫困陷入财务困境
  36. broke and unable to afford basic necessities – 贫困无法负担基本生活必需品
  37. broke and in a financial bind – 贫困陷入财务困境
  38. broke and in financial ruin – 贫困财务破产
  39. broke and seeking financial advice – 贫困寻求财务建议
  40. broke and in a financial hole – 贫困陷入财务困境
  41. broke and struggling with debt – 贫困负债困扰
  42. broke and unable to save money – 贫困无法储蓄
  43. broke and in financial hardship – 贫困财务困境
  44. broke and living on a tight budget – 贫困生活在紧张的预算内
  45. broke and in need of financial support – 贫困需要财务支持
  46. broke and trying to make ends meet – 贫困努力维持生计
  47. broke and facing foreclosure – 贫困面临查封
  48. broke and without a job – 贫困失业
  49. broke and struggling to pay rent – 贫困难以支付租金
  50. broke and in financial despair – 贫困陷入财务绝望
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
