Which just feels so weird.
在当时 我觉得有趣的是
At the time, I thought that it was interesting
that Jamie would give over even that small amount of control
交给一个理论上是新人 或是非家庭成员的人
to someone theoretically new or a non-family member.
随着父亲和未婚夫 成为她的共同人身监护人
With her father and fiancé as co-conservators of her person,
据报道 布兰妮签订了价值1500万 美元的协议 担任《X音素》的评委
Britney inked a reported $15 million deal to judge X Factor.
私下里 提供给我们的机密报告显示
Behind the scenes, confidential reports given to us
showed that the conservatorship was in chaos.
监护小组认为《X音素》 给布兰妮施加了过度压力
The medical team thought that X Factor put undue pressure on Britney,
而她的管理层则表示 退出节目将与
whereas her management said that withdrawing would be just as bad
as a publicly observed meltdown.
Under intense pressure from Britney’s management,
医疗小组谨慎地批准了 布兰妮参与该节目
the medical team cautiously approved Britney’s participation,
但表示 批准是否能继续 有严格的指导方针来规定
but said there would be strict guidelines for their approval to stay in place,
这包括杰森特拉维克的到场 用引用的话来讲是“强制性的”
which included that Jason Trawick’s presence was, quote, “mandatory.”
然后 最大的爆♥炸♥性新闻 是我们有直接证据显示
And then the big bombshell is that we have direct evidence
她的服药情况 如果她工作的话
that her medication, the medication that she liked to take,
was increased if she worked.
There’s different dosages on,
quote-unquote, “non-work days and work days.”
Look at the next page.
“另一方面 杰米和小组
“On the one hand, Jamie and the team
重视兴♥奋♥剂♥对布兰妮表演 带来的益处
valued the benefits of stimulants for Britney’s performance.”
她在巡演和参加《X音素》时 就是这种情况
“This had been the case for her tours and for her participation on X Factor.”
出于同样的原因 杰米希望布兰妮不要服用兴♥奋♥剂♥
“By the same token, Jamie wanted B ritney not to take stimulants.”
“This contradiction has not been resolved.”
From the public’s perspective,
布兰妮在《X音素》上的 表现是很成功的
Britney’s performance on The X Factor was a success.
但不到一年后 布兰妮与杰森分手了
Less than a year later, though, Britney and Jason would break up,
这让杰米又一次 成为唯一的人身监护人
making Jamie the sole conservator of the person once again.
“On the subject of X Factor itself,
有50%的机会 他们会邀请她回归
there is estimated to be a 50-50 chance they will invite her to return,
but at this time it appears that she would decline.”
相反 她目前的计划是 打造一部拉斯维加斯风格的音乐剧
“Instead, her current plan is to create a Las Vegas-style revue
每月一到两次 利用为期三天或四天的周末
to perform at a Las Vegas hotel over three- or four-day weekend dates
once or twice a month.”
What does it say right after that?
“I believe this is an appropriate career move
from the perspective of her psychiatric condition.”
It’s so hot.
好 所以…
Okay, so…
《破碎的我》拉斯维加斯驻唱表演 2015年8月 监护期:第七年
being single for a year…
…has been very, very, very profound.
我觉得所有的男人 都应该吸吮我的脚趾
And I feel like all men should suck my toe.
布兰妮从2013年开始 在拉斯维加斯驻唱
Britney’s Vegas residency started in 2013,
and it was called Piece of Me.
演出持续了五年 并且在世界巡演中达到了顶峰
The show would span five years and culminate in a world tour.
人们对布兰妮在这段时间的 生活知之甚少
Very little is known about Britney’s life during this time period.
The conservatorship kept her inner circle very small.
Candid Britney interviews were rare.
Unguarded public moments only seemed to happen
when she was talking to her audience.
说实话 如果没有音乐只有麦克风 感觉有点违法
Honestly, without the music, just the mic, it kind of feels illegal.
就像现在很安静 而且…
Like it’s quiet right now, and it…
我现在拿着这个麦克风 做这些事感觉有点违法
It feels kind of illegal doing this with this mic in my hand now.
It feels so weird.
新闻界和媒体充斥着我的整个生活 这真的很疯狂
Okay, so the press and the media, my whole life, it’s really crazy,
因为上一分钟他们会把你推到谷底 他们真的很 可怕
’cause one minute they tear you down and they’re really horrible,
但下一分钟 你就在世界之巅了
and the next minute, you’re on top of the world you know?
But I just want to make sure
我一直在给你们这些混♥蛋♥ 提供谈资 好吗?
I keep handing you motherfuckers something to talk about, okay?
What was it like going to the Vegas show?
当发现我在那里时 她想见见我
When she found out I was there, she wanted to see me backstage.
塔尼娅巴伦 前伴舞演员
我们两个立即抱在一起 哭了起来
And it was like we both just immediately just embraced and just cried,
我们只是坐在那里 抱着哭
just sat there and cried and locked arms.
We hadn’t seen each other in years, hadn’t spoken.
当我看到她时 她的眼睛里仿佛有一种神采
And when I saw her, it’s like something in her eyes,
就好像是从前的布兰妮 我想可以这么说
it was like the old Britney, I guess you can say.
It was as if we were right back to where we were many, many years before.
我想这就是 我们两个崩溃大哭的原因吧
I think that’s why we both broke down and cried.
And her bodyguard walked me back to my seat,
他对我说 我记得很清楚 他说…
and he said to me, I remember this, he said, um…
他说:“我不清楚 你刚才对她做了什么
He goes, “I don’t know what you just did to her
也不知道你跟她的关系是什么 但你能经常回来吗?
and what your relationship was like, but can you come back more?”
我为她工作了九年 但我从未见她像这样笑过”
“In the nine years I’ve worked for her, I’ve never seen her smile like that.”
她的生活中并没有多少 来自从前那些日子里的人
There aren’t a lot of people in her life that are from those days.
只有我自己、费莉西亚 还有其他几个人
It’s myself, Felicia and a couple other people.
我被叫回来参演 “妮裳马戏团巡演”、“蛇蝎美人”
I got called back to do Circus Tour, Femme Fatale,
and then the four years in Vegas.
I had much less contact with her.
但我确保 每场演出她都知道我在那里
But I made sure, every show, she knew I was there.
And then did she continue to love performing?
I mean, it’s such an intense schedule.
What was her relationship like with performing?
Britney loved performing.
毫无疑问 直到现在 她都热爱表演
Hands down, still to this second, loves performing.
I think that’s probably as much as I can say about that.
我不想跟他们对抗 这对我来说不值得
I don’t want to fight with them. It’s not worth it to me.
I’m sorry.
我们明确知道的一件事是 布兰妮几乎无休无止地工作
The one thing we know for sure is that Britney worked almost nonstop
and made other people a lot of money.
《破碎的我》 拉斯维加斯 2013-2017年
售出916184张门票 票房♥销♥售♥额达1.377亿美元
《破碎的我》全球巡演 2018年
九个国家 售出260531张门票
布兰妮收入 2017-2018年
在2017年 她的收入为3400万美元
在2018年 她的净资产据估为 5900万美元
杰米斯皮尔斯收入 2013-2018年
他每个月给布兰妮 8000美元零花钱
好了各位 我们在此欢迎 拉斯维加斯的新女王
All right, everyone. We are here to welcome the new queen of Vegas!
2019年1月 布兰妮宣布 在拉斯维加斯进行新的驻唱表演
In January 2019, Britney announced a new Vegas residency.
It would be called Domination.
女士们、先生们 有请布兰妮斯皮尔斯
Ladies and gentlemen, Britney Spears!
When she walked dow n the red carpet,
it felt like she was almost about to say something.
But then she didn’t.
三个月后 通过照片墙
Three months later, via Instagram,
Britney would cancel the show, citing family health concerns.
And the world was watching.
那是关键时刻 粉丝群体开始怀疑
That was a huge moment when the fan community began to suspect
-2019年发生了一些奇怪的事情 -没错
that something weird was going on in 2019.
There was even, like, missing posters being shared around social media.
乔丹米勒 Breatheheavy.com创始人
这有点像开玩笑 但我们已经好几周
Kind of as a joke, but also like we literally haven’t seen her
in, like, weeks, if not months.
And cut to April 2019,
我们发现布兰妮在违背自己意愿的 情况下 被强行送进了一家精神病院
we find out that Britney was placed into a mental health facility against her will.
大家都认为 她正在接受 自己不愿接受的药物治疗
That’s what is believed, and she was being given medication she did not wanna take.
I know that there are a lot of voices
I’ve heard from many different quarters
人们都说布兰妮被囚禁了起来 而这实际上违背了她的意愿
that Britney is being held as a prisoner, in effect, against her will.
And when I’ve been asked do I think that’s accurate,
I think you have to say to yourself
洛杉矶可不是某种类型的 法♥西♥斯♥集中营
it’s not as if Los Angeles is some type of fascist gulag,
在那里 为了向外界传递消息
where, in order to get a message to the outside world,
人们要在一块白桦树皮上 用代码写下来
you have to write it down on a piece of birch bark and in code,
然后把它扔过带电的围栏 扔给毫无戒心的园丁
then throw it over an electrified fence to an unsuspecting gardener.
If she wanted to get a message out as far as being held against her will,
我都无法想象她有多少种方法 可以做到这一点
I can’t even imagine the numbers of ways she can do that.