最终 布兰妮通过 照片墙的视频重新露面
Eventually, Britney resurfaced via an Instagram video.
大家好 我只是想向所有关心我的人 报个平安 一切都很好
Hi, guys. Just checking in with all of you who are concerned. All is well.
我的家人最近正在经历 很多压力和焦虑
My family has been going through a lot of stress and anxiety lately,
所以我需要时间来处理 别担心 我很快就会回来的
so I just needed time to deal. Don’t worry, I’ll be back very soon.
The video only increased public speculation.
What was going on inside the conservatorship,
如果她“没事” 为什么她还需要被监护?
and why was she in one if she was, quote, “okay”?
我们了解到 2019年夏天
We know that in summer of 2019,
这是十多年来 布兰妮的监护权
after there was already beginning to be some chaos in the conservatorship
for the first time in more than a decade, that there was an incident
有一次 杰米和布兰妮的 一个儿子之间发生了冲突
where a confrontation occurred between Jamie and one of Britney’s sons.
那个儿子的父亲 也就是布兰妮的前夫凯文费德林
And Kevin Federline, you know, his father and Britney’s ex,
had a restraining order filed against Jamie,
在规定的年限内 不允许他出现在
such that he’s not allowed to be in the presence of the children
for a specified period of years.
公开记录显示 双方发生了争吵
What’s been in public record is there was an altercation,
一扇门被撞开 她的一个儿子被吓到了
a door was broken down, one of her sons was shaken.
Um, the restraining order was based on an unauthorized…
Uh, let’s just say it had to do with conduct
这与让孩子们 担心自身安全的行为有关
that put the children in fear of their safety.
How did a door get broken?
I think a door was slammed in some regard,
and, uh, it caused the door to come off the hinge or something in that regard.
At the end of 2019,
Lou Taylor resurfaced in court documents.
她给杰米发去电子邮件 声称她身为布兰妮的
She had e-mailed Jamie, saying her company, Tri Star,
had lost $400,000 in billing in 2019
for work as Britney’s business manager.
She requested a minimum of $500,000.
Yet it was a time when Britney wasn’t working.
When Jamie was sent a bill the month later,
he paid the funds the next day.
This is what Jamie Spears, in July 2020,
said of Britney Spears,
和监护权 以及其必要性时所说的话
of the conservatorship and the need for it.
Why don’t we do here?
“詹姆斯P斯皮尔斯 恭敬地提交这份最新情况报告
“James P. Spears respectfully submits this status update
to provide information in advance of and regarding some of the topics
that were addressed at the last hearing.”
被监护人布兰妮 拒绝从事任何业务活动
“The conservatee, Britney, has refused to engage in any business activities,
包括在当地专门为 被监护人开设的快闪店里
including making a non-performing appearance at a local pop-up store
做一次非表演性的亮相 而这件事所需的工作量很小
dedicated to the conservatee, where minimal effort was required,
导致在资金方面 被要求退还其收到的
resulting in the estate being required to refund the advance it had received
in the amount of $1 million.”
“这位被监护人在其自身的 财务状况方面缺乏合作精神
“The conservatee’s lack of cooperation in her own financial well-being
同时对作为偶像艺人的 持续地位的维护
and preservation of her continued stature as an iconic artist
非但没有改善 反而更加恶化
has deteriorated rather than improved.”
“As a result of the conservatee’s trajectory,
斯皮尔斯先生 一直在努力建立一种模式
Mr. Spears has been working to establish a model
不但能够保留斯皮尔斯女士 目前的生活方式
where Ms. Spear’s current lifestyle can be preserved
还能完全依靠被动收入 满足她的要求
and her needs met based solely on passive income.”
“Given the state of the economy
and this enormous cost of maintaining her lifestyle,
this is a tall order.”
Her lifestyle, which includes all these legal bills.
杰里勒科恩 杰米斯皮尔斯的律师
杰拉尔丁怀尔 杰米斯皮尔斯的律师
所有这些采访 所有这些与她交谈
All of these interviews and all of these hours talking to her
描述她、批评她 甚至限制她的时间
and describing her and criticizing her and limiting her,
and none of this led to anything.
It just all stayed the same.
他们可以进入法庭一百万次 继续进行一次又一次的听证
They could go into court a million times, keep doing hearing after hearing,
一个又一个的申请 以及一次又一次的分♥析♥
filing after filing, and analysis after analysis,
却没有带来任何改变 她依然处于这种境地
and never change anything, and she’s still in this situation.
-怎么才能摆脱? -我只是…
How do you get out? – I just…
You don’t get out until you scream.
布兰妮斯皮尔斯就她的 监护权问题在法庭上发言
2021年6月23日 听证会当天
如果你能跟她讲话 你会告诉她什么?
If you were able to speak to her, what would you tell her?
What would you say?
I feel like, maybe I’d apologize.
I feel like I didn’t, you know, do enough,
and maybe I would just… let her know
我很难过 没能帮上更多的忙
that I felt bad about not being able to help more.
我不明白法律体系 竟然任这种情况持续了这么久
I don’t understand how the legal system has let this go on for so long.
也许他们是第一次遇到这种状况 他们也不知道该如何处理
Maybe it’s like the first one of its kind and they don’t know how to handle it,
但这种情况持续了如此长的时间 甚至都没有解决方案
but it seems like it’s an epic fail of the legal system that this has gone on for so long
and that there’s been no resolution even.
It just seems like it keeps getting worse.
感觉好像有什么事情会发生 没错 肯定会有什么事情发生
It feels like something’s gonna happen. Definitely, something’s gonna happen.
-我们想要什么? -让布兰妮获得自♥由♥!
What do we want? – Free Britney!
-我们什么时候想要? -现在!
When do we want it? – Now!
-我们想要什么? -让布兰妮获得自♥由♥!
What do we want? – Free Britney!
-我们什么时候想要? -现在!
When do we want it? – Now!
So you’re in?
It’s not playing anything.
It’s 4:30.
This is us trying to get into the court hearing.
Free Britney now!
Today will be the first time she will speak.
At stake is control of the 39-year-old singer’s career
and $60 million fortune.
在进行介绍履行手续时 布兰妮表示 引用如下:
Going through introductions- slash-formalities, Britney says, quote,
我有很多话要说 所以请忍♥耐一下
I have a lot to say, so bear with me.
我上次来法庭时 并没有得到任何层面的倾听
I don’t think I was heard on any level when I came to court the last time.
我手里拿着四页纸 上面长篇大论地写着
I brought four sheets of paper in my hand and wrote in length
我在来这里之前的四个月里 所经历的事
what I had been through the last four months before I came there.
那样对我的人 不该就这么轻易地置身事外
The people who did that to me should not be able to walk away so easily.
I’ll recap.
我当时在巡演 我的管理人员说如果我不这么做
I was on tour. My management said if I don’t do this,
根据合同要求 我得找个律师
I will have to find an attorney, and by contract,
如果我不继续巡演 我自己的管理人员会起诉我
my own management could sue me if I didn’t follow through with the tour.
这极具威胁性 并且相当可怕
It was very threatening and scary,
而且因为存在着监护权的问题 我甚至无法自己找律师
and with the conservatorship, I couldn’t even get my own attorney.
因此 出于恐惧 我开始巡演
So, out of fear, I went ahead and I did the tour.
当我结束巡演时 马上就要在拉斯维加斯开始新的演出
When I came off that tour, a new show in Las Vegas was supposed to take place.
我提前开始彩排 但这很难
I started rehearsing early, but it was hard
’cause I’d been doing Vegas for four years
and I needed a break in between.
但是不行 我被告知: “已经安排好了 你必须依此进行”
But, no, I was told, “This is the timeline and this is how it’s gonna go.”
I was basically directing most of the show.
I taught my dancers my new choreography myself.
我不只是优秀 而是非常出色
I wasn’t good. I was great.
他们说 如果我不想做 拉斯维加斯的新演出 那就不做
They said, if I don’t want to do the new Vegas show, I don’t have to.
It was like lifting, literally, 200 pounds off of me.
但第二天 他立即突然让我服用锂
He immediately, the next day, put me on lithium out of nowhere.
He took me off my normal meds I’d been on for five years.
锂是一种非常、非常强烈的药物 与我一直服用的
And lithium is a very, very strong and completely different medication
compared to what I was used to.
Not only did my family not do a goddamn thing,
my dad was all for it.
He loved every minute of it.
The control he had over someone as powerful as me…
100,000% he loved it.
这就是为什么我在两年后 再一次告诉你
That’s why I’m telling you this again, two years later,
在我撒了谎 并且告诉全世界 我没事 我很快乐之后
after I’ve lied and told the whole world I’m okay and happy,
it’s a lie.
我想也许我说的足够多 我可能就会变得快乐
I thought maybe I said that enough, maybe I might become happy
我一直拒绝接受现实 我一直处于震惊中
because I’ve been in denial, I’ve been in shock.
I am traumatized.
现在 我要告诉你们真♥相♥