


breath [breθ] n. 呼吸,气息;一口气;瞬间;微风;迹象;无声音
breath 呼吸 ←词中词→ breathe 呼吸
eg. The patient took a deep breath and began to breathe normally.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Catch your breath – 喘口气
  2. Shortness of breath – 呼吸急促
  3. Hold your breath – 屏住呼吸
  4. Take a deep breath – 深呼吸
  5. Bad breath – 口臭
  6. breath of fresh air – 新鲜空气
  7. breathalyzer test – 酒精测试
  8. breath control – 呼吸控制
  9. Slow breath – 缓慢呼吸
  10. Foul breath – 恶臭的呼吸
  11. breathlessness – 呼吸困难
  12. Bated breath – 屏息以待
  13. Short of breath – 气喘吁吁
  14. Stale breath – 口臭
  15. breath mint – 口香糖
  16. Fresh breath – 清新的呼吸
  17. Deep breath – 深呼吸
  18. breath of life – 生命之息
  19. Warm breath – 温暖的呼吸
  20. Bad breath remedy – 口臭解决方法
  21. Hold your breath underwater – 屏息潜水
  22. breath spray – 口腔喷雾
  23. breathlessness during exercise – 运动中呼吸困难
  24. Slow, deep breaths – 缓慢而深的呼吸
  25. Fresh breath strips – 清新口膜
  26. Morning breath – 早晨口气
  27. breath analyzer – 呼吸分析仪
  28. Foul-smelling breath – 臭气熏天的呼吸
  29. Shallow breath – 浅浅的呼吸
  30. Catch your breath after running – 跑步后喘口气
  31. Fresh breath gel – 清新口膏
  32. breath-holding exercise – 屏住呼吸的锻炼
  33. breathlessness at high altitudes – 在高海拔地区呼吸困难
  34. Cool breath – 凉爽的呼吸
  35. Short breath – 短促的呼吸
  36. breath sounds – 呼吸声音
  37. Bad breath bacteria – 口臭细菌
  38. breath of wind – 微风
  39. breath control exercises – 呼吸控制练习
  40. Fresh breath rinse – 清新口漱液
  41. breath-holding contest – 屏息比赛
  42. Slow, steady breaths – 缓慢而稳定的呼吸
  43. breathalyzer device – 酒精测试仪
  44. Difficulty catching your breath – 呼吸困难
  45. Foul-smelling breath odor – 难闻的口臭味
  46. breath pattern – 呼吸模式
  47. breathless with excitement – 兴奋得屏住呼吸
  48. Fresh breath capsules – 清新口服胶囊
  49. Shallow, rapid breaths – 浅浅的、快速的呼吸
  50. breath freshening spray – 清新口腔喷雾
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
