
定义: “Bona fide” 是拉丁语,常用于英语中,表示真实的、真正的、诚实的、真诚的意思。


  • 真实的或真正的:
    • “Bona fide” 指的是真实存在或真正的,不是伪造、虚假或欺骗性的。
    • 例句:”He provided bona fide evidence to support his claim.”(他提供了真实的证据来支持他的主张。)
  • 诚实的或真诚的:
    • “Bona fide” 描述的是诚实、真诚或可信赖的态度、行为或意图。
    • 例句:”She is a bona fide humanitarian, always working to help those in need.”(她是一个真正的人道主义者,总是努力帮助那些需要帮助的人。)
  • 法律和合同上的使用:
    • “Bona fide” 在法律和合同中用于表示真实的、无欺诈的、诚实的状态或行为。
    • 例句:”The contract was signed in good faith by all parties involved, and it is considered bona fide.”(该合同由所有相关方善意签署,被认为是真实有效的。)
  • 证明真实性的要求:
    • “Bona fide” 经常用于要求证明某些事物的真实性、合法性或真实性。
    • 例句:”Please provide bona fide identification before entering the restricted area.”(进入受限区域前,请提供真实的身份证明。)



  1. bona fide – 真实的,真正的
  2. in good faith – 诚意地,真诚地
  3. bona fide offer – 真诚的提议
  4. bona fide purchaser – 诚实购买者
  5. bona fide resident – 真实居民
  6. bona fide transaction – 真实交易
  7. bona fide intent – 真实意图
  8. bona fide marriage – 真实婚姻
  9. bona fide employee – 真实雇员
  10. bona fide agreement – 真实协议
  11. bona fide buyer – 诚实买家
  12. bona fide tenant – 真实租户
  13. bona fide residency – 真实居住地
  14. bona fide creditor – 诚实债权人
  15. bona fide claim – 真实要求
  16. bona fide error – 诚实错误
  17. bona fide relationship – 真实关系
  18. bona fide purchaser for value – 诚实购买者以实际价值
  19. bona fide occupational qualification – 真实职业资格
  20. bona fide intention – 真实意向



bona fide (BO na fied) Literally, this adjective phrase means “in good faith.” In the plural, bona fides (BO na FEE dayz), however, is roughly a synonym for the noun “credentials.”

  • The real estate agent believed the most recent bid for the lush waterside property was not a bona fide offer, for the property was worth at least twice as much.
  • At her first meeting of the International Spelunkers Association, Hanna offered several photographs of herself amid stalactites and stalagmites to establish her bona fides as a seasoned explorer of caves.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
善意的(BO na ified)从字面上看,这个形容词短语的意思是“真诚的”。然而,在复数中,善意(BO na FEE dayz)大致是名词“凭证”的同义词

  • 房地产经纪人认为,最近对这处郁郁葱葱的水边房产的出价并不是真正的报价,因为这处房产的价值至少是它的两倍
  • 在国际洞穴探险家协会的第一次会议上,汉娜提供了几张自己在钟乳石和石笋中的照片,以证明她是一名经验丰富的洞穴探险家

