
vt. 轰炸;炮击
n. 射石炮
n. (Bombard)人名;(法)邦巴尔




bombard (n.)
early 15c., “catapult, military engine for throwing large stones,” from Middle French bombarde “mortar, catapult” (14c.), from bombe (see bomb (n.)). The same word, from the same source, was used in English and French late 14c. in reference to the bass shawm, a bassoon-like musical instrument, preserving the “buzzing” sense in the Latin.
bombard (v.)
1590s, from French bombarder, from bombarde “mortar, catapult” (see bombard (n.)). Figurative sense by 1765. Related: Bombarded; bombarding.


“Bombard” 是一个动词,通常用来表示不断地攻击、轰炸、炮击或向某人或某物投掷大量信息、问题或抨击。以下是与 “bombard” 相关的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. Bombard with questions – 不断提问
  2. Bombard with emails – 大量发送电子邮件
  3. Bombard with information – 大量提供信息
  4. Bombard with advertisements – 大量广告轰炸
  5. Media bombardment – 媒体轰炸
  6. Bombard the target – 攻击目标
  7. Bombard the enemy – 轰炸敌人
  8. Bombard the city – 轰炸城市
  9. Bombard the fortress – 炮击要塞
  10. Bombard the beach – 轰炸沙滩
  11. Bombard the ship – 炮击船只
  12. Bombard the building – 炮击建筑物
  13. Bombard the position – 炮击阵地
  14. Bombard the area – 轰炸区域
  15. Bombard the market – 大量营销
  16. Bombard the audience – 不断向观众传递信息
  17. Bombard the senses – 持续刺激感官
  18. Bombard the airwaves – 大量播放广播
  19. Bombard the internet – 大量信息传播到互联网
  20. Bombard the scene – 轰炸现场
  21. Bombard the runway – 轰炸跑道
  22. Bombard the region – 轰炸地区
  23. Bombard the sky – 轰炸天空
  24. Bombard the enemy position – 攻击敌人阵地
  25. Bombard the target with criticism – 大量批评目标
  26. Bombard the market with ads – 大量广告轰炸市场
  27. Bombard the competition – 大量竞争
  28. Bombard the customer with offers – 大量向客户提供优惠
  29. Bombard the website with traffic – 大量流量涌入网站
  30. Bombard the social media – 大量社交媒体活动
  31. Bombard the inbox with messages – 大量信息涌入收件箱
  32. Bombard the audience with visuals – 大量视觉内容传递给观众
  33. Bombard the market with promotions – 大量促销活动
  34. Bombard the airwaves with news – 大量播放新闻
  35. Bombard the campaign trail – 大量竞选活动
  36. Bombard the enemy lines – 轰炸敌人阵线
  37. Bombard the atmosphere with energy – 充满能量的氛围
  38. Bombard the city with flyers – 大量散发传单到城市
  39. Bombard the region with advertisements – 大量广告涌入地区
  40. Bombard the enemy stronghold – 轰炸敌人的据点
  41. Bombard the senses with stimuli – 持续刺激感官
  42. Bombard the target with questions – 大量提问目标
  43. Bombard the airwaves with music – 大量播放音乐
  44. Bombard the website with content – 大量内容涌入网站
  45. Bombard the audience with information – 大量提供信息给观众
  46. Bombard the market with products – 大量推出产品
  47. Bombard the media with press releases – 大量发布新闻稿
  48. Bombard the region with aid – 大量提供援助
  49. Bombard the competition with challenges – 大量提出挑战
  50. Bombard the battlefield with artillery – 炮击战场
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
