Look, I’m gonna let you in, on a little secret, okay?
Little known cat secret.
You know why we hate dogs?
因为我们想要成为狗狗 我们有狗狗情结
Because we wanna be dogs, we have dog complexes.
但是 但是狗狗们都会做什么
But… but what are dogs do?
邋遢 打瞌睡 追自己的尾巴 嗑鞋子
Slubber, sleep, chase tails, chew shoes.
You don’t exactly need a master’s degree.
You know, most dogs living in a place like this.
啊 我也不知道 他们做些
And uhm… well, I don’t know, they do things like…
用这个 但是 但是
Out of this? but… but…
这是你的狗狗球 -哪里是
and this is your dog ball. – what is?
这 整个房♥子 猎犬就是这样的
This! the entire floor! it’s the ground goes to the hound.
How cool is that?
在寒冷的夜里 你在这儿取暖
In the cold nights, this and a ball of yarn…
Oh, doesn’t give better than that.
你 你对这种生活好像很熟悉
You… you seem to know a lot about this places.
对 是有那么一点
Yeah, I did my time in one of these, but I’m more be an alley cat heart,
Yeah, I did my time in one of these, but I’m more be an alley cat heart,
You know?
说到做到 绝不回头
Sprung out first chance I got, never looked back.
Rhino is awesome! he is so awesome!
他 他厉害透顶 他 他最厉害
He is… he is beyond awesome. he… he is “be awesome”!

He is… uh!
我 我最厉害
I… I am “be awesome”.
I think it’s about time I introduce you a regular dog peace to resistance.
把脑袋伸出来 -为什么
get your head out. – why?
Just do it.
这 这真是太棒了
This… this is awesome.
And stick your tongue out!
这里简直太棒了 你为什么不试试
This is totally awesome! why don’t you try it?
不了 谢谢 这是狗才会做的傻事
No, thanks. it’s really a dog thing.
我有这么多可以给予 我发誓
I have got so much to give, I swear I do.
我可能不能大难不死 但我有全新的生活
I may not have nine lives, but this one feels brand new.
yes i’ve lived a good one. I have tried to be true.
但有些我没有意识到 直到我遇见你
there are some things I never realized, till I met you.
微风掠过我的面颊 但我对着月亮大吼
how the wind feels on my cheeks, when i barking at the moon.
there is no home like the one you’v got,
cuz that home belongs to you.
我来了 我回来了
here I come back to you.
there is no home like the one you’v got,
cuz that home belongs to you.
well I was in trouble, bad.
I was so confused.
我可能不是蓝色的 但是我能感到忧郁
I may not see in color babe, but I sure can feel blue.
我经历过很多 也许都不是真的
I have been a lot of things, they may not all be true.
我的经历很虚幻 直到我遇到你
my experience was so mysterious, till I met you.
太阳从东方升起 可我还会对着月亮大吼
now the sun may rise in the east, but i barking at the moon.
.. there is no home like the one you’v got,
cuz that home belongs to you.
我来了 我回来了
here I come back to you.
there is no home like the one you’ve got,
cuz that home belongs to you.
there is no home like the one you e got,
cuz that home belongs to you.
there is no home like the one you e got,
cuz that home belongs to you.
嘿 波特 醒醒
Hey bolt, wake up.
快点 我有惊喜给你
Come on, I’ve got a surprise for you.
这边 这边 不许偷看
Okay, okay, no picking.
好了 可以睁开眼睛了
Alright. now, open them.
这可是极品 宝贝
Best in the globe, baby!
给你一个星际旅行 怎么样
Just let me give you a grand tour, okay?
这个 这个是我的 而这个就归你啦
This one, this one is mine. and this one is all yours.
米滕斯 我
mittens, i…
哦 我给你找了个超舒服的枕头
oh, I found this really soft pillow thing for you.
还有这个 我找到了些泡沫然后塞了进去
And get this! I found some styrofoam and I stuffed it inside.
既有创造力又有点讽刺意味 你懂我的意思
Which I thought both kind of creative and ironic. you know what I mean?
米滕斯 我不能 -试一下
mittens, I don’t think that… – check it out!
非常的自在 绝对的隔音
Total privacy and completely sound proof!
的是 但是我想我不能 -好吧 我说谎了
yeah, well, I don’t think that i… – okay, I lied.
It’s not sound proof.
但是你要知道 -米滕斯 我不能留在这
but, you know… – mittens, I can’t stay here.
什么 -我们离佩妮还有一华里
what? – we’re one waffle away from penny.
You still going back to her?
米滕斯 她是我的伙伴
Mittens, she is my person.
噢 噢 耳朵 耳朵
Ouch! ouch! ear, ear!
看着我 波特 我是真的
Look at me, bolt. I’m real.
但是这个呢 嗯 这个是真的吗
Now, how about this, huh? is that real?
你觉得这是真的吗 还有那个 那个
Is this look real to you? or that? is that real? or that?
波特 她是个演员
How about that, bolt? she is an actress.
她是在表演 -佩妮不是
she is just pretending. – not penny.
根本就没有佩妮 她是不存在的
There is no penny. she is fake.
不 你错了 她爱我
No, you’re wrong. she loves me.
不 波特 他们就是在演戏 你明白吗
No, no bolt. that’s what they do, okay?
They act like they love you. they act like they’ll be there forever.
然后有一天 他们就收拾东西走人了
And then one day, they pack up all their stuff and move away,…
…and take their love with them.
And leave their declawed cat behind to fend for herself!
They leave her…
…wondering what she did wrong.
对不起 mittens 但是
I’m sorry mittens, but…
Penny is different.
Then go.
米滕斯 我 -离开这 波特
mittens, i… – get out of here, bolt!
I never should take a pitty on you.
米滕斯 -快滚吧 波特
oh, mittens… – just get out of here, bolt!
你自己保重 mittens
You take care of mittens.
That meat lover’s pizza is not loving me back at all!
你好 雷诺 -早 猫猫
hey there, rhino. – morning, cat.
波特哪去了 -他
where is bolt? – he is… uh…
他走了 -波特走啦
he’s gone. – bolt left?
对 但他 他一定要我告诉你 他
Yeah, but he… uhm… he instructed me to tell you, that he… uhm…
He had to face the green-eyed man alone.
你去哪儿 -去找波特
where are you going? – to bolt.
But he doesn’t need us anymore.
相信我 这阵势我见多了
Trust me, I’ve seen that a million times before.
在寒冷漆黑的夜里 当恶魔的獠牙
In the cold, dark night before the battle when the steely fangs of evil…
已经削尖 当他们枕戈待旦的时候
…are sharpened and points to strike…
…the hero must go and face his greatest challenge alone.
如果波特教过我什么 那就是
But if bolt’s taught me anything,it’s that
you never abandon a friend in a time of need!
当你的队友遇到麻烦 你义无反顾
When your team mates in trouble, you go.
不论他们是否要求你的帮助 你义无反顾
Whether they ask or not, you go!
Not knowing if you’re coming back dead or alive…
He went the other way.
义无反顾 就算你要面对难堪 也义无反顾
…you go! knowing your deepest ravel it’s gonna appears your eye, you go!
不会吧 波特 我可真的是你的粉丝
No way! wow! bolt! I’m really a big fan of yours, brother.
I’m blake.
只是我的朋友汤姆 汤姆来问个好
this is my friend, tom. tom, say what’s up.
好 -哇
what’s up? – wow!
哦 不
Oh, no!
And this is our personal assistant, billy…
…who is supposed to wait up on the wire.
I’ve been admired you such a long time
And there is something I always wanted to tell you
if I ever get a chance to meet you. now i…
比利 你可真有些让人不舒服
Okay billy, that was horrifying what you just did.
Wanna make something useful?
去弄些面包屑 粗粮的 去
