You don’t get that kind of training at the academy.
你在学校没有 接受过这种训练吧?
That’s old school.
You’re crushing my head!
That’s federal government training.
这是联邦政♥府♥的 训练
Like Navy SEAL stuff.
Let’s go give him a hand.
All right! All right! I’ll talk! I’ll talk!
好 好! 我说 我说!
Look at you.
It was all worth it for you baby.
这些真的值得 宝贝
What are you doing?
I’m just so happy that we keeping these drugs off the street.
我刚才正在高兴我们 没有让这些毒品外流
Get over it. They’re going right back out again.
别想了 他们要把它送回去
Because the FBI wants to take it to their lab right away.
因为FBI要拿走它 送到实验室
Roll it out.
Come on!
Let’s go.
Come on.
That heroin belongs to Jean LaFleur.
这些海♥洛♥因♥ 属于JeanLaFleur
We’ve been after him for five years…
我们已经 跟踪他5年了…
but he keeps shifting his operations between the US and Mexico.
但是他一直在 美国和墨西哥之间流窜
We’re taking it down to our lab right now.
我们要马上把这些毒品 送到我们的实验室
I don’t think that’s such a good idea.
Why not? – Why don’t we keep it with us?
为什么不是? -为什么不把这些留给我们?
LaFleur doesn’t know we have it. We could use it for bait.
LaFleur并不知道我们有这些 我们可以把它当诱饵
You mean a sting? – Exactly. A sting.
你的意思是钓鱼? -对 是钓鱼
LaFleur expects these drugs to be in San Diego in three hours.
LaFleur希望这些毒品 在三个小时内运到圣地亚哥
What kind of sting operation can you get off the ground before then?
The driver told me one of the guys on the truck was new.
You can replace him with somebody else…
then catch LaFleur when he goes to pick up the drugs.
当LaFleur去取毒品的时候 抓住他
Got him!
Let me get this straight.
You’re volunteering to escort these drugs into the hands…
你自愿护送 这些毒品到…
of the most dangerous dealer in the Northern Hemisphere?
北半球最危险的 贩毒者手里?
Hell no!
该死 不!
What do you need to make it work?
Me? – You’re the man for the job.
我? -你是执行这任务的人啊
FBI will have tactical command but we’ll follow your lead.
FBI会发出战术命令, 但是我们会跟随你的领导
That’s very brave of you Detective. Let’s go. We don’t have much time.
真的很勇敢 警官 走吧 我们没有多少时间了
Way to go.

I’m just suggestin’ some shit y’all can do.
我只不过是建议 你们能做的
We need more men like you.
All right. Hurry up. Go. Get out of here before someone sees you.
好 快点 走 在别人看到你之前赶快走
Wait. Hold up. Wait a minute.
等等 等一下 等一会
You wanted to go. I’m getting you out of here. Go!
你要走的 我这就把你从这里弄出去 走吧!
You wouldn’t still be here unless that diamond was here.
你不会一直在这里的 除非那个钻石还在
I want my cut! – Ain’t nothin’ to cut.
我要我那份! -我现在没有拿到钻石
I’m tryin’ to but I got to get the diamond first.
我会给你的 但是首先 我要拿到钻石
Go get it. I’II wait.
去拿啊 我等着
I’m trying to but first I got to run a sting on a drug dealer.
我正在努力 但是首先 我要钓到那些毒贩子
You’re a goddamn liar. – Would I make this up? Now go!
你是个该死的骗子! – 你想死么?现在 滚!
I’ll see you at Lou’s tomorrow. – I want to talk about this.
明天我到Lou那里找你 -正要跟你说呢
Wait. I don’t know what you’re doin’ but it ain’t going to work.
等一下 我真的不知道你在做什么 但是肯定不会有用的!
Let me get my gun back!
Maybe this isn’t a good idea.
Sir this is a great idea. It’ll work. – It’s brilliant.
先生 这是好办法 会起作用的
LaFleur will be lookin’ for this. – We know what we’re doing Detective.
LaFleur会找这个的 -我们知道我们在做什么啦,警官
I’m a detective now?
Detective can you give us a level please?
警官 你可以 给我们测试一下么?
All right Detective.
好的 警官
The objective is to have these men look upon you as if you were one of them…
首先 你要让那些人 认为你也是贩毒的人…
a member of the criminal underworld.
一个 地下犯罪的成员
It’s important that your actions your speech and your mode of behavior…
所以你的动作, 你的说话 你的习惯 都很重要…
is all congruent with their expectation of a fellow criminal.
要适合 一个罪犯的形象
I get it. Walk the walk. – That’s right.
我明白了 -对了
You have to look act and even think like a criminal.
你要看起来 表演起来 甚至想法也要像个罪犯
You’re going to have to change your speech patterns too.
你也要改变你的 说话方式
Most criminals like to use slang terminology profanity…
很多罪犯喜欢用 俚语 黑话…
especially with regard to police and authority figures.
尤其是跟 警♥察♥和知名人士
You mean like “Shut the hell up you dickless FBl”?
你的意思是,“给我他妈的闭嘴, 你个没屁♥眼♥的FBl”?
That’s right. That’ll do. – “You stupid ass…”
对了 就是这样 -“你的白♥痴♥屁♥股♥…”
That’ll do. – “You tight…”
就是这样 -“你的…”
Listen up. LaFleur’s a killer.
听好了 LaFleur是一个杀手
If he senses anything amiss Malone is going to be in one hell of a tight spot.
如果他感觉到有些什么不对 Malone 会被丢进地狱的
If anything happens to me forget everything I ever told you.
如果我发生了任何事 忘记我告诉过你的所有事情
You mean about Internal Affairs?
I mean about everything.
Detective saddle up.
警官 准备好
Okay? – Okay. Good luck.
好吗? -好 祝你好运
Remember. Forget it.
记住 忘记
Time to go.
If my client gets so much as a scratch while he’s in your custody…
I won’t stop until your badge is revoked and you’re thrown in jail.
我会一直告到你警徽被吊销 你会被丢进监狱
You got me?
You can’t touch me.
Detective! – He’ll be fine Counselor.
警官! -他会好好的 顾问小姐
Let’s get this show on the road.
Drive. Buckle up.
Give me video. – Let’s get one thing straight.
给我图像 – 我们直接来
This is my side over here and that’s your side over there.
这是我这边 你那边在那里
You stay on your side and I’m going to stay on mine okay?
你在你那边 我会待在我这边 好吗?
Gentlemen let’s keep the chatter to a minimum.
先生们 让我们 小一点声音聊天
You don’t like the show change the channel.
你不喜欢 换台啊
And keep this channel clear.
Who is this guy? – That’s Malone.
这是谁? -这就是Malone
I can’t drive if you do that. – Drive!
如果你这么做我没法开车 -开车!
We’re coming up on our exit.
All units this is Gray. Fall back. Keep your distance.
所有单位 我是Gray 后退 保持距离
We’re approaching the site.
LAPD take the south side. We’II take the north.
LAPD,这是南边 我们要到北边
They’re headed into warehouse three.
Focus in. Closer.
里面 近一点
This is it.
You’re sure? – Warehouse three.
你确定? – 三号♥仓库
Sit tight and keep your mouth shut.
坐好了 闭嘴
Thanks for the tip.
What the hell’s Malone doing?
They’re coming in. They’re right behind you.
他们要来了 他们就在你后面
Get ready. Here he comes.
准备好 他来了
That’s what I’m talking about!
That’s the shit. – You’re right! That’s the shit!
狗屎! -你说对了 是狗屎!
All 500 kilos!
What are you talkin’ about? Let’s get out of here ’cause I want my cut.
你在说什么? 我们离开这里 我要我那份
You still got him? – We have a signal but if’s distorfed.
你还能听见他么? -我们还有信♥号♥♥ 但是被捂住了
Can you hear him?
We can’t get out of here okay? They got cops everywhere.
我们出不去了 明白? 这里四面都是警♥察♥
So? You’re one of them.
I’m a drug dealer now.
Listen. You’re a jewel thief.
听着 你是个偷珠宝的贼
I’m a drug dealer now!
Why are you sellin’ this shit when you got that big diamond in your hand?
为什么你手里有个 巨大的钻石你还卖♥♥这些东西?
Just like old times? – I don’t believe that shit!
就像以前? – 难以置信!
Move over.
This a reunion?
Look what we got here huh? Give it up.
看看我们得到了什么?嗯? 放手吧
