No shit!
不 该死!
He’s down behind those Dumpsters. He’s freaking out and he’s got a gun.
他在那边的垃圾箱后面 他已失去理智 他还有把枪
Back up!
Get SWAT up here! Sharpshooters can take him out from the roof.
让SWAT过来!神枪手 可以从楼顶解决他
No sharpshooters.
Why the hell not?
Miles what are you doing here man?
Miles,你在那边 干什么?兄弟?
Who’s the talking to? – I don’t know.
他在跟谁说话? -我不知道
He high man. He’s hallucinating smoking that shit!
他很兴奋 伙计 他产生幻觉了 他吸了那个!
He’s high.
Put down the gun and come out!
放下枪 走出来!
Hold this. I’m going in.
拿着 我过去
What are you doing? What are you crazy?
你在干嘛? 什么?你疯了么?
Miles what are you doing here man?
Miles,你在那边 干什么呢?伙计?
I just want to talk to you before somebody gets hurt.
我只想跟你说话 在还没有人受伤的情况下
Go away! – Sir please put down the gun!
走开! -先生 请放下枪!
Son come on. – Shut up!
孩子 来啊 -闭嘴!
It hurts my heart…
to see a kid that has so much potential…
看到一个孩子 有这么大的潜力……
You’re smarter than that. – I’m coming out!
你很聪明的… -我要出来了!
Hold it. Listen man.
别动 听着 伙计
Goddamn it! What are you doing?
该死! 你在干吗?
What the hell are you doing? You got me out here in this shit.
你♥他♥妈♥的干什么呢? 你把我弄出去!
How many times I told you forget the safe?
多少次我告诉你 别管保险箱?
Go for the cash drawer. Get in and get out.
只要收款机 进去 就出来
He’s standing in the way. I can’t get a shot.
他挡着呢 我没法射击
I can’t either.
Why are you hitting mom-and-pop stores anyway?
为什么你要抢 妈妈爸爸商店?
You’re a driver man.
你是一个会开车的人 伙计
You got skills. You can be out on the road doing your shit!
你有这些技巧的 你可以在大街上干的
But I’m desperate because I need some money too!
但是我绝望了 我也要钱啊
Why the freak are we whispering?
Back up nigger! I saw you!
后退 黑鬼! 我看到你了
What are they talking about? – I don’t know.
他们在说什么? -我不知道
I’m working on something here and you’re blowing it for me!
我正在解决呢 你现在要搞砸我了
I’m sorry man. I’m messing up.
对不起 伙计 我晕了
I’m messing up man. – It’s all right.
我晕了 伙计 -没关系
I’m not mad at you.
I’m not mad at you but you have to give me the gun…
我没有怪你 但是你要把枪给我
and let me arrest you.
Tulley come on man. Listen.
Tulley,来吧 伙计 听着
I’ll give you ten grand. You know I’m good for it.
我会给你1万元 你知道我很厉害的
I’m thinking like 50.
Fifty? That’s pushing it man!
5万? 别逼我 伙计!
Damn! Twenty okay?
You’ll spend one night in jail. That’s the best I can do.
你会在牢里面待一晚 这就是我能做的最好的了
That’s the best I can do.
All right fine. I’m keeping my gun though.
好吧 好 我要拿着我的枪
You cannot let me arrest you and keep the gun!
你不能让我抓你但是 你还拿着枪!
Come on! – Damn!
拜托! -该死!
I just got this. This is hard to find.
我刚搞到的 这个很难搞的
It’s hard to find but you have to give up the gun.
是 它很难搞到 但是你要放弃这把枪 好吗?
What you want to do?
Give up the gun or have ’em…
放弃这把枪 或者……
put six or seven bullets in your ass man!
让他们对着你的屁♥股♥ 开上几枪 伙计!
Now give me that gun!
现在 给我那把枪!
Don’t just hand it to me. I got to take it from you.
不要递给我! 我要从你那里抢过来
They’re watching. They’re looking.
他们看着呢 他们在看
Now this is going to hurt a bit.
现在 这个会有点疼
Huh? – I say “This is going to hurt a bit.”
嗯? -我说“这个会有点疼”
Holy Jesus!
That’s incredible.
Remember you don’t know me anymore.
记住 你不再认识我
I sure don’t. You didn’t used to be so violent.
这个我确定 你以前不这么暴♥力♥的
So he’s like “Carlson take my jacket! ”
然后 他这样… “Carlson 拿着我的上衣!”
He steps out. He’s like “I got to do this.”
他走出去 他说“我必须这么做”
We’re like “What are you doing? ” He’s like “Believe that.”
我们问“你要干什么?” 他说“相信我”
Goes down the alley right up to the guy.
走过去 就在那人的前面
Next thing you know he’s taking the guy’s gun…
下面的你都知道了 他抢了那个人的枪……
dropped the guy with a punch… just leveled him.
把那人一下子打昏…… 直接摆平
I mean blink and you would have missed it.
我的意思是 如果你一眨眼 你就看不到了
Malone! In my office!
Not you Carlson.
Been looking through your record.
How come I never heard of you?
I was undercover on the down low.
我是卧底 在下面的时候
We need a new guy to head up Burglary. Isn’t that the real reason you’re here?
我们需要一个新人来领导盗窃科 这就是你来的真正原因?
Yeah sure. – It’s no secret.
是 没错 -这里没有秘密
Burglary’s been a problem division…
盗窃科是一个 问题分局…
ever since we lost our lead detective last year.
Usually we promote from within the ranks…
but I think these guys need someone new.
So if you want the job you got it.
所以 如果你想要 那么你就来吧
Excuse me?
You’re the new lead detective Burglary division.
你是这里的领头警官 盗窃科
Technically there’s a 30-day qualifying period…
技术上 需要30天的试用期……
before I can make it official…
在我把这些 作为官方文件上交之前…
but with your record I don’t think there’s going to be any problem.
但是因为你的档案 我想这些不会成为问题
Say something for chrissake!
Thank you.
Let’s party?
What is this high school? Listen up.
这是什么?高中么? 听好了
As of now Detective Malone is Burglary’s new acting lead detective.
现在 Malone警官 是这个分局的新领头警探
Get these processed ASAP. – Yes sir.
把这些送到ASAP处理 -是 长官
Thank you.
I got things I got to do. I’II catch up with you later.
我有些事情要做 我一会跟你汇合
And I’ll take these. – You know what to do with these?
我来解决这些吧 -你知道怎么解决这些?
Sure I do. – Okay great sir. Sorry.
是 -那好 太好了 长官 麻烦了
Captain Penelli? – I’m busy right now.
Penelli警官? -我现在很忙
Oh man.
哦 伙计
What? Yeah.
How do you want me to handle the rotation?
Rotation… I don’t understand what you mean. Rotation what?
转职…我不明白 什么意思?
The shifts.
Look Hardcastle I can’t figure out everything on the first day all right?
是这样,Hardcastle,我没法在第一天就 弄清楚所有的事情 好么?
I noticed you had a leak up here. What’s that about?
我注意到这里有点漏水 这是怎么回事?
Hot water pipe burst. Flooded all the vents.
热水管爆了 冲了所有的通风口
Vents? – They flushed out the whole system.
通风口? -他们冲了整个系统
Big pain in the ass.
This must be the new guy everybody’s talking about.
这一定是我们 大家谈论的那个新人
Captain Penelli Detective Malone.
Penelli警官, Malone警探
I hear great things.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Nice to meet you too sir.
很高兴见到你 长官
Very nice to meet you.
Glad to be here.
He’s a strange one.
Oh yeah.
哦 是的
Place is closed.
关门了 我说我们关门了 我要锁门了
Nice to see you Lou.
I’m looking for Miles.
I haven’t seen him.
I got this message from his mother. It’s really important.
我有他妈妈的口信 很重要
I still haven’t seen him.
Be quiet.
