Get him out of here. What were you thinking?
把他带走 你在想什么?
That’s not smart.
Get him out of here.
Come on. – Get him out.
快点 -把他带出去
What happened up there?
Up here?
I caught him trying to escape through the ventilation system.
我抓住他 他正准备逃跑 从通风系统
Who the hell are you?
Malone. Just transferred. Right there.
Malone 刚调过来 就在这里
Check that out. Bam.
看看 Bam
Do you know Malone? – No sir.
你知道Malone么? -不知道
Nobody told me about it.
Uh guys.
哦 伙计
Sorry ma’am. – Excuse me.
对不起 -劳驾
Clear out.
Let me flush please.
Didn’t know. You might not want to go in there.
你不知道 你也许 不想去那里
You got some paperwork there for me Malone?
你要为我处理好多公文 Malone
We’ve been requesting a new detective for eight months.
Suddenly you just turn up. I’ll never understand the system.
突然间你就出现了 人事系统真是搞不懂
Downtown bumble-dicks. Burglary huh?
郊区警探 盗窃科的 嗯?
Sixteen citations. Mayor’s commendation.
十六次晋升 市长的奖状
You worked out of West Covina huh?
西部的敲诈案是你搞定的 嗯?
That’s what it says right there.
You look familiar Malone. Have we met before?
你看起来很眼熟,Malone 我们以前见过么?
You wouldn’t happen to be in a bowling league would you?
不会这么巧吧 你参加过保龄球比赛 是吧?
That’s it. You’re a bowler.
这就对了 你是打保龄球的那个
I try.
We could use a guy in Burglary.
Right here. Yeah.
在这里 嘿
I thought I was going to be assigned to a desk.
Right up in here! – Are you kidding me?
就在这里 -你取笑我?
Guy like you? No you belong on the street.
像你这样的? 不 你属于街道
And also listen.
嗯 听着
Carlson needs a partner with some experience.
Carlson需要一个伙伴 有些经验的伙伴
He just got promoted.
Chief I just got a call. – Carlson Malone’s joining us.
警长 我接到一个电♥话♥ -Carlson,Malone加入了我们
Show him around.
Hi. – Carlson.
嗨 -Carlson
Let Malone do all the handcuffing okay?
让Malone自己对付 好吧?
I appreciate that.
I’ll be reviewing these.
All right. This is the bullpen here.
那好 这里是办公大厅
That’s booking up there. The holding cells are down that way.
预约处在那里 班房♥在那边
You want to see them? – Seen one seen them all.
你要去看看吗? -看到一个 就等于全看到了
Yeah sure. This is my desk here sir.
嗯 是啊 这里是我的办公桌 先生
Nice desk. – Thanks.
不错啊 -谢谢
Let’s see. Brass is on five.
让我看看 Brass在五楼
Robbery-Homicide they’re on three. Over there?
Robbery-Homicide, 在三楼 那边?
That’s the tag and bag. Sir?
那边是标签和证物 先生?
Through those doors that’s the 10-17.
穿过那些门 那边是10-17
Carlson! – Yes sir.
Carlson! -是 先生
Show him the rest later.
Come on. – Where?
好啦 -哪里?
We got a call. Burglary. It’s ours. I’ll take this.
我们接到了电♥话♥ 入室行窃案 这是我们的任务 由我来解决
We got to go outside? – That’s where the crime is.
我们要出去? -罪案发生的地方
No. See I just got here. That’s not a good thing.
不 看 我刚来 这不太恰当
I got to work in here so I know what’s going on out there.
我要在这里工作 所以我知道外面发生什么了
I might need backup.
So how long you been in burglary?
Me? All my life man.
我?一辈子了 伙计
I heard the chief say that you got 16 citations.
我听到警长说 你有16次晋升
That’s incredible. Sixteen.
真不可思议 十六次
That’s what happens when your Uncle Lou writes your file.
这就是当时让 Lou舅舅写的档案

You can ride up front if you want to.
你可以坐前面的 如果你想
I knew that.
You just got to be real careful for the pedestrians coming out here.
They walk right on out here.
Am I clear to the right? – You’re clear.
我可以右拐么? -你可以
Am I clear?
Yeah I just made detective.
是 我刚当警♥察♥
No kidding. – Yeah.
真的? -是的
I worked traffic for three years. It was cool. I got good at it.
我当了三年交通警 真不错 我觉得很好
You don’t have to stop for the yellow. You could drive through.
你不需要在黄灯的时候停下来 你可以开过去
It’s all right.
Not if you’ve seen some of the accidents I’ve seen.
不 如果你见过 那些我见过的车祸
No thanks.
不 谢谢
There’s your green right there. – Yeah.
现在绿灯了 -是啊
Could I ask you a personal question? – Yeah sure!
我可以问你一个个人问题么? -是 当然可以
How many times did you take the test?
What test? – You know The test. For detective.
什么测试? -你知道的 那个测试 警官测试
Oh yeah that one. One time.
哦 是 那个啊 一次
Really? – Yeah aced it.
真的? -是 满分
Really. – Yeah took it out.
真的 -是 摆平了
Wow! Took me five tries.
哦 我用了5次
I did really well on the written part…
but my performance reviews weren’t so hot.
How many times did it take you to get your driver’s license?
Please. Wake me up when we get there.
拜托 当我们到那的时候叫醒我
Yes sir. I’m sorry.
是 先生 对不起
Goodness. Man.
天啊 伙计
That’s a nice suit sir. It’s really cool.
这西服真不错 先生 真的很好
I appreciate it.
Yeah you know? Appreciate it.
是 你知道的 非常感激
Got any music? – Oh yeah sure.
有音乐听么? -哦 是
I like to jam.
Just so long as we can hear the dispatcher.
That’s good. I’ve just never heard this station.
这音乐不错 我从来没有听过这个电台
Kind of funky huh? You like that huh?
有点胆战心惊?嗯? 你喜欢这个 嗯?
Last night these shelves were loaded with Elites.
昨天晚上 这些架子上装的都是上品
Just came in yesterday. Now they’re gone.
昨天刚来 现在它们都没了
Three dozen gorgeous rims. – They didn’t take anything else?
三打漂亮的瓦圈 -他们没有拿别的吗?
No they went for my good stuff. Chrome with gold trim.
不 他们只想要我的好东西 铬合金的瓦圈
Five grand worth.
What about the alarm? – What about it? It went off.
警报怎么样? -警报怎么样?跟没有一样
But it took you guys two hours to get here.
My wheels are probably rolling around Tijuana now.
我的轮子恐怕早已经 到了提华纳[墨西哥西北部城市]了
Here’s where they came in.
Looks like they just broke the glass…
opened the handle crawled in the window.
打开了开关 爬进窗子
Shimmied down the shelf or something. – Carlson.
把架子弄倒什么的 -Carlson
This is a waste of time. That’s not how they got in.
这是在浪费时间 他们不是这么进来的
Course it is.
Cut it out Frankie. That’s not how they got in.
算了吧,Frankie 他们不是这么进来的
This is the spot right here. That’s how I would have came in.
我们应该注意这里 这地方才是我进来的地方
If I was a thief.
If I was a thief.
The skylight. Just cut the alarm from the inside.
天花板 只要 把警报系统从里面给关上
I could take my time.
Why take your time? – Why would I take my time?
为什么要花时间? -为什么要花我的时间?
It’s heavy.
How long would it take for you to carry three dozen of those…
如果是你 你需要多久 把整整三打这些东西…
out of the store and load them in the back of a truck?
拖出商店 然后装到卡车的后座?
Long time. – It would take a very long time.
很长的时间 -这需要花很长的时间
Yeah but they probably had three or four guys working…
是 但是他们也许有三到四个人
Zip the shit up.
