-莎伦 能给我介绍几个男人吗 -男人
-Sharon, do you know any men? -Men?
Men that would be good for me.
我刚搬来 一共也不认识几个人
I just moved here, so I don’t really know anybody.
如果你在旧金山都没有坠入爱河的话 去哪都是爱无能
If you can’t fall in love in San Francisco, you can’t fall in love anywhere.
Someone substantial.
好吧 你周日下午有事吗
Well, what are you doing Sunday afternoon?
Not very much.
我和托尼要参加一个派对 一起来吧
Tony and I are going to a party. Come with.
算了吧 我还没准备好面对一大群陌生人
Oh, no, no. I don’t think I’m ready for a big crowd of strangers.
Oh, come on.
这可是次大狂欢 会有各种各样的人
It’s a big bash someone’s having. There’ll be all kinds of people.
你得做出行动 不然什么都是空谈
You have to make an effort, otherwise nothing happens.
Then you blame everything but yourself.
No, I want to. It’s not that I don’t want to.
-我能带上我妹妹吗 -当精神支柱 当然可以
-Can I bring my sister? -For moral support? Absolutely.
And Tony and I will be there.
You’ll have fun. It’s a huge party.
Maybe you’ll get lucky.
你必须得来啊 要不我也不去了
But you have to come, otherwise I’m not going.
-我穿啥啊 -我会把你打扮好的
-What the hell would I wear? -Oh, we’ll find you something.
Oh, God, I haven’t shown my face socially in so long.
Sharon said there could be some eligible men there.
我很多年没参加过派对了 奇立不喜欢派对
I haven’t been to a party in years. You know, Chili hates them.
-你知道我怎么看奇立 -找个能信任的男人不容易
-Well, you know what I say to Chili. -It’s hard to meet a man you can trust.
嘿 豪尔
嘿 奈特 有啥事吗
Hey, Nat. What are you doing out here?
我在南安普顿吃饭 给你介绍艾米·穆尔
I was having lunch in Southampton and I wanted you to meet Amy Moore.
你好 我是霍尔·弗兰西斯 这是我妻子 亲爱的?
Oh, hi. Hal Francis. This is my wife. Honey?
-茉莉 -你好
-Jasmine. -Hello.
Amy will be handling your contracts for Empire Solutions and Global Innovations.
她很聪明 会帮我们处理好的
She’s brilliant. We couldn’t have done any better.
We should get together on that Empire Solutions thing as soon as possible.
-你周二中午有空吗 -我会安排出时间的
-You free for lunch on Tuesday? -I’ll make sure I am.
That’s great.
Are you having an affair with Amy?
-艾米 我的律师 -别跟我装 她很漂亮
-Amy, my lawyer? -Don’t give me that. She’s very pretty.
当然没有了 你怎么会这么想
Of course not. What makes you think that?
-有人告诉告诉我了 -告诉你啥
-Someone made a remark. -What remark?
有人看见你和她一起吃午饭 牵着她的手
They saw you having lunch with her. Taking her hand.
扯淡 谁告诉你的 我知道是谁
Oh, what crap. Who told you that? I know who.
-就那个空虚的长嘴婆莉迪亚 是吧 -你有没有
-That vacuous troublemaker Lydia, am I right? -Were you?
It had to be Lydia
because I was having a business lunch with Amy at the Four Seasons.
-莉迪亚也在那 -你牵了她的手没有
-And Lydia was there. -Did you take her hand?
你傻啊 我要是和她有一腿
Are you nuts? You think if I was having an affair,
I’d be crazy enough to have it in public at the Four Seasons?
我不知道 你中午也喝酒
Well, I don’t know. Sometimes you drink at lunch.
Maybe you were high.
-傻子都看得出来她喜欢你 -这都是你的幻想
-It’s obvious she’s got crush on you. -How’d if you’re building a case.
因为你要是劈腿了 我会很生气
Beacuse if you were having an affair, I would be pretty upset.
我没有 所以收起你的破脾气 我不喜欢这样的你
Well, I’m not, so don’t get your temper up, I don’t like that side of you.
我只是吃醋了 因为我爱你 你应该感到高兴
I’m just jealous because I love you. You should be flattered.
You know, I understand other women have a…
迷恋你 但是这是她们的厄运 你是我的
Find you attractive, but it’s their hard luck. I have you.
-我是你的 -等等
-Yes, you do. -No.
So you’re not?
No, I’m not.
Let’s make love.
要是你背叛了我 我会很生气
You know, if you were having an affair, I’d be pretty upset.
非常生气 我又不傻 你懂吗
Pretty darn angry. I don’t wanna be made a fool of, you know?
-听见了吗 霍尔 -不好意思 你是在和我说话吗
-You hear me, Hal? -Excuse me. Are you talking to me?
-嘿 茉莉 -怎么了
-Hey, Jasmine. -What?
-你好 -哦
-Hi. -Oh.
-这两天过得怎么样 很高兴你能来 -你肯定是托尼
-How are you? I’m so glad you came. -Tony, you must be Tony.
-没错 是托尼 -很高兴见到你
-Yes, this is Tony. -A pleasure to meet you.
-你觉得怎么样 很棒的派对吧 -是啊 很漂亮
-What do you think? Nice party, right? -Oh, It’s beautiful.
It’s kind of a mixed bag.
Did you bring your sister?
当然带了 她在跳舞呢
Oh, yes, she’s dancing.
-顺便介绍一下 我叫埃尔 -我叫金洁
-Hey, my name’s Al, incidentally. -Oh. Ginger.
-金洁 -没错
-Ginger? -Yeah.
-金洁 你舞跳的很棒 -谢谢
-Ginger, you dance great. -Oh.
-我没什么机会跳舞 但是我很喜欢 -是吗
-I never get a chance to, and I love it. -Yeah?
I do, yeah.
你认识萨利吗 房♥子的主人
You know Sally, the host?
-不 我姐姐带我来的 -这样啊
-No, my sister brought me. -Yeah?
不知道她在哪 我不…我也不知道她在哪
Wherever the hell she is. I don’t… I don’t know where she is.
But you’re from San Francisco?
-是啊 -是吧
-Yeah. -Yeah?
-你呢 -马林
-What about you? -Marin.
-好的 -没错
-Okay. Great. -Yeah.
你是做什么的 埃尔
What do you do, Al?
我是录音师 我帮人们往设备里录音 你知道吧
I’m a sound engineer. I put in people’s systems, you know?
-洛克曼先生也是我的客户 -挺好
-I did Mr. Lockman’s. -Okay.
他是主人的丈夫 以防你不知道
He’s the husband of the host, in case you were wondering.
音乐会和个人的活我都接 嗯…
I do concerts and private, uh…
-挺好的 -我喜欢慢节奏的舞蹈 你也是吧
-Great. -I like slow dancing better, don’t you?
-是啊 -这更浪漫 是吧
-Yeah. -It’s more romantic, right?
-确实如此 -没错
-It is, yeah. -Yeah.
It is.
-你真的很漂亮 -呃
-Hey, you’re really pretty. -Oh.
-真的很漂亮 -真的 真的吗
-Yeah, you are. You are. -Really? Really?
I’d rather be someplace else too.

-我看起来很不舒服 -全写在脸上了
-Do I look that uncomfortable? -Almost.
-我叫德怀特·温特雷克 -我是茉莉·弗兰奇
-I’m Dwight Westlake. -Jasmine French.
茉莉·弗兰奇 好迷人的名字
Jasmine French, that’s a very exotic name.
Well, my parents named me after my mother’s favorite flower.
-夜晚开花的茉莉 -嗯
-Night-blooming jasmine. -Hm.
Come to life after it gets dark.
That’s the best offer I’ve had today.
I didn’t say it was an offer.
我在那个房♥间看到你了 我希望有机会认识你
I saw you in the other room before, I was hoping I’d get to meet you.
好吧 希望我没有让你的幻想破灭
Well, hope I don’t shatter your illusion.
-你穿衣服很有一套 -有吗
-You have great style. -Do I?
香奈儿的腰带 爱马仕的包还有维维亚的鞋
Chanel belt, Hermes bag and Vivier shoes.
维维亚…天呐 你是时尚界的吗
Vivier… Oh, my goodness. Do you work in the fashion industry?
不是 但我前妻在时尚杂♥志♥社工作
No, but my former wife was. She worked at a fashion magazine.
-这样 -去年她去世了
-Right. -She passed away last year.
Oh. Oh, I’m sorry.
I’m so… And what do you do?
Nothing as glamorous as woman’s fashion.
-我在政♥府♥部门工作 -不 这很好啊
-I work in the State Department. -Well, no, that’s glamorous.
In the diplomatic corps.
-别告诉我你是个外交官 -这很难
-Don’t tell me you’re an ambassador. -No, hardly.
But I wouldn’t turn it down.
We knew the ambassador to Mexico.
My husband did.
你丈夫 你结婚了
Your husband? You have a husband?
不 不 很不幸 和你妻子一样 他去世了
No, no. Sadly, like your wife, he passed away.
But, you know, we stayed overnight in the embassy in Mexico once.
-我在欧洲工作 维也纳 -是吗
-I work in Europe. Vienna. -Really?
-我太喜欢维也纳了 -喜欢吗
-Oh, I love Vienna. -Oh, yeah?
We were there once, Hal and I.
I remember it as being two weeks of young wine and chocolate cake.
It is lovely.
My real ambition is to come back after a few years and enter politics.
-我想竞选加州的职位 -那真是太棒了
-I’d like to run for office in California. -Oh, how exciting.
听起来像是自吹自擂 但是我觉得我能当好一名国会议员
Yeah, it might just be an inflated ego, but I think I’d make a good congressman.
