What if we transfer to the old corporation?
可以 相当合法
We could do that. It is perfectly legal.
没错 但那么做是错误的
Yes, but it would be a mistake to file under that name.
Definitely get in trouble for that.
-千万别签合同申报 -哈哈哈
-Just don’t file a joint tax return. -Ha, ha, ha.
别这么说 我什么都签 非常轻信
Don’t say that. I sign anything. I’m very trusting.
Famous last words.
It’s called looking the other way.
茉莉 天啊
Jasmine. My God. Oh.
-快看看你 -看看你
-Look at you. -Look at you.
Oh, I am so sorry for the wait.
-抱歉 我以为身在巴黎呢 -没事的
-Sorry, I think I’m in Paris. -It’s okay.
没关系的 今天是奥吉带孩子
No, it’s fine. Augie’s day with the boys.
Well, no wonder you’re late.
-你好 马修 我叫得对吗 -是的
-Hello. Matthew, is it? -Yeah.
-孩子们 你们好 -我给你们提起过 记得吗
-Boys, say hello. – I told you about her, remember?
-嗨 我是茉莉 -握握手 好了玩去吧
-Hi, I’m Jasmine. -Shake hands. Okay, go play.
-他们个头真大 -是啊
-They’re big. -I know.
-我先拿到 -你们两个安静点
-I’m getting it first. -Quiet, you two.
-他们可真吵 -别乱跑
-Well, they’re loud. -Stop running around.
天啊 孩子简直…叫什么来着 多动症
Christ, this kid’s got… what the hell is it? ADD?
-是的 你家真温馨 -你跟我开玩笑吗
-Yeah. Your place is homey. -Are you kidding me?
我是说 它有一种…随和的魅力
No, I mean, it’s got a very… Well, it’s casual charm.
天啊 得了吧 茉莉
God, knock it off, Jasmine.
我需要在这呆一段时间 是真的
I need to stay here for a while. No, I do.
-我没钱了 -好吧
-I’m out of cash. -Okay.
没钱交布鲁克林的房♥租 你能相信
Couldn’t pay my rent in Brooklyn. Can you believe
我得从家里搬出来 住在布鲁克林吗
I had to move out of my home, take a place in Brooklyn?
但我身无分文了 真的 政♥府♥收走了一切
But I’m dead broke. Really, the government took everything.
And the lawyers.
而我不能一个人待着 金洁
And I can’t be alone, Ginger.
I really get some bad thoughts when I’m alone.
我能说的就是 你看起来棒极了
Well, you know, all I can say is, you look great.
-哦 现在是谁在撒谎了 -是真的
-Oh. Now who’s lying? -You do.
我昨晚整晚没睡 我对搬到这里
You know, I was up all last night. I was so anxious
-非常焦虑 -是吗
-about moving here. -Yeah?
-我不知道你还有多生气 -这个…
-I wasn’t sure how angry you still were. -Oh, well…
-我能再来一杯吗 算是庆祝对吧 -当然
-Can I have another drink? We’re celebrating, right? -Of course, yeah.
-旅途太颠簸了 -嗯哼
-Oh, the flight was bumpy. -Uh-huh.
我在飞机上什么也没吃 食物太差劲了 找到了
I didn’t eat anything on the plane. Oh, the food was awful. Here it is.
你还以为头等舱有多好呢 对吧
I mean, you’d think first class, right?
You flew first class?
I don’t know how anyone puts up with those airlines.
-头等舱不是要好多钱吗 -是啊 我也吓到了
-Isn’t first class a fortune? -Yes, I was quite shocked.
-我以为你没钱了 -比这还惨 亲爱的
-I thought you were tapped out. -I’m worse than tapped out, baby.
I’ve run up some serious debts.
So how did you fly first class?
我不知道 金洁 反正就是坐了
I don’t know, Ginger. I just did.
我的意思是 如果你没钱 坐头等舱…
All I meant was, if you’ve got no money, to go first class…
你了解我 我挥霍惯了
You know me. I splurge from habit.
Would you stop staring at my luggage?
没错 是路易威登的
Yes, it’s Louis Vuitton.
-只是你刚说得卖♥♥掉所有家当 -你看看
-Only because you just told me you had to sell everything. -Look, look, look.
这些用过的旧行李箱了 还有我的名字缩写 谁想买♥♥这些
These are used, old suitcases. See, with my initials. Who’d want them?
I sold what jewels and furs I could hide from Uncle Sam.
天 真不想告诉你这些
God, I hate to tell you about that rude weakening.
珠宝是无价的 在格莱夫或梵克雅宝买♥♥的时候是很好的投资
Jewelry is priceless, a great investment when you buy it at Graff or Van Cleef
但急需钱 被迫卖♥♥掉的时候就不是了
until you’re desperate for money and forced to sell,
and then it seems you can’t give it away.
孩子们 别闹了 快
Kids, stop it, come on!
-你是收养的吗 -是的
-Were you adopted? -Yes.
We were both adopted.
不同的生身父母 但同样的爸妈养大的
Born to different moms and dads, but raised by the same mom and dad.
能别玩枪了吗 抱歉
Could you stop doing that gun thing? Sorry.
-在密封驾驶室内得了偏头痛 -马修
-Got migraine from the pressurized cabin. -Matthew.
Did you like the new mom and dad?
-Yes, of course… -Aunt Jasmine did.
I ran away from home as fast as my feet could carry me.
-为什么 -这个…
-How come? -Well..
Our mother liked Aunt Jasmine and not me.
-别这么说 -为什么
-Oh, stop. -How come?
-她基因更好 -别跟他们说这个
-She had better genes. -Don’t tell them that.
-不是吗 -爸爸说你很开心 我们住得远远的
-Well, am I lying? -Dad said you’re glad we lived far away.
They’re perfect for the dress that I’m wearing to the Met Gala.
怎么了 你非常心不在焉的
What’s the matter? Your mind is a million miles away.
抱歉 我…我刚接到妹妹金洁的电♥话♥
Oh, I’m sorry. No, I… I just got a call from my sister, Ginger.
天啊 她要和丈夫奥吉来纽约一个星期
Oh, God, she’s coming to New York for a week with her husband, Augie.
He is a piece of work.
我真是…哎呀 我想必须得见他们
I just… I don’t know, I guess I have to see them.
-旧金山那个建筑工人 -是的
-The one in San Francisco, the builder? -Yeah.
不 他是个承包商 我是说 他…是个杂物工
Oh, no, he’s a contractor. I mean, he’s… No, he’s a handyman.
别误会我 我爱金洁 真的 她可爱极了
No, don’t get me wrong. I love Ginger, I do. She’s a dear.
But our paths just went in totally different directions.
Okay, that happens.
我很不该说这个 但她从来都不是很聪明
It’s terrible of me to say, but she was never too bright.
你知道吗 她很叛逆 而我当然是完美小姐了
You know? And she was so wild and I, of course, was Miss Perfect.
-嗨 -哦 你们来了
-Hi. -Oh, you made it.
-见到你们太好了 -嗨 天啊
-How lovely to see you. -Hi. Oh, my God.
-欢迎 -谢谢
-Welcome. -Thank you.
-这是我丈夫 奥吉 -你好 奥吉
-Oh, this is my husband, Augie. -Augie.
-这是金妮特 -是茉莉 我改名字了
-This is Jeanette. -Jasmine. I changed it.
-茉莉 -我终于见到姐姐了
-Jasmine. -Can’t believe I’m finally getting to meet the sister.
-可不是 -很抱歉没去成婚礼
-I know. -I’m so sorry we couldn’t make it to the wedding.
Just that Hal had some business in Saint-Tropez.
-没能及时赶回来 -你知道吗
-Couldn’t get back in time. -You know what?
你错过了很棒的小派对 我的朋友丹尼斯主唱
You missed a nice little party. My friend Dennis sang.
-他很棒 丹尼斯·拉卡布托 -我知道
-He’s great. Dennis Rackabuto. -I know.
豪尔 这是金洁
Hal! You remember Ginger.
天啊 你好吗
Oh, my gosh. Hi, How are you?
-你好吗 -这是奥吉
-How are you? -This is Augie.
-您好啊 -好极了
-How you doing? -Awesome.
-房♥子太赞了 -谢谢
-Hell of a place you got. -Thank you.
-干嘛不进来坐呢 -是吧
-Why don’t you come through? -Told you.
-伊微特 泡点咖啡 -这真是…
-Yvette, can we have some coffee? -This is really…
没错 她品味很好
Yeah, she’s got taste.
It’s like what you see in the movies.
我们有太多要说的了 等不及你带我们游览纽约了
We have so much to catch up on. Can’t wait for you to show us New York.
Why don’t you take our car and driver?
我希望你能来的 我是说我好不容易来一次
Well, I hope you’re gonna come. I mean, how often am I here?
-当然 我一定会腾出时间的 -那太好了
-No, no, I will definitely make some time. -Oh, good. Heh, heh.
Where are you staying?
哦 我们…我们想问能不能跟你们住在一起
Oh, well, we… We thought about asking if we could stay with you,
但又不想唐突 所以在马里奥特订了房♥间
but we don’t wanna impose, so we got a room at the Marriott.
-哦 马里奥特很棒 非常好 -是的
-Oh, the Marriott’s perfect. It’s perfect. -Oh. Yeah.
I’ll have my office contact them and forward us the bill.
哦 不 不用 没必要
Oh, no. No, no, no, it’s not necessary.
你们是客人 我坚持
Please, you’re our guests. I insist.
那这样的话 我们坚持邀请你们今晚一起吃饭
Oh, well, then we insist on taking you two to dinner tonight.
-什么 今晚 -是啊
-What? Tonight? -Yeah.
We have dinner plans.
I don’t think we can… Something we can’t get out of.
-抱歉 -会有机会的
-I’m sorry. -There’ll be time.
我们把孩子塞给奥吉的姐姐了 我们会待上一周
We stashed the kids with Augie’s sister, we’re here for a week.
-会很棒的 -没错 好了
-It’s gonna be great. -It is. Okay.
Well, we don’t have a lot of free time,
但我们绝对会带你们去马戏团餐厅的 对吧
but we’ll definitely take you to Le Cirque, won’t we?
或者丹尼尔 我是说…
I mean, or Daniel. I mean…
-他们肯定会很喜欢的 -当然
-They’d get a kick out of that. -Yeah, absolutely.
我知道你生日就是这周了 至少让我们请你吃饭啊
I know your birthday is this week. Let us at least take you out for that.
