I don’t think you did.
我认为你录了带子 杰克 而且我认为是真的
I think you got a tape, Jack, and I think it’s the real thing.
Let me put you on the air.
在那里你可以告诉大家 那晚你看见什么 你听见什么
There you can tell everybody what you saw that night, you tell them what you heard.
然后 砰…
And then– boom.
咱们播出那带子 这是大事件 你说呢?
We play that tape. It’s a great story. What do you think?
只是些胡说 没人相信它 – 嘿 弗兰克·唐纳休相信
It’s bullshit. Nobody’d believe it. – Hey. Frank Donahue believes it.
他可有8百万观众 杰克 8百万人每晚收看他
And he’s got eight million people, Jack. Eight million people every night that watch him.
跟我一起干 我跟你保证 到明晚8点30
Go along with me on this. I guarantee you, by 8:30 tomorrow night,
every one of those eight million sons of bitches will believe Jack Terry’s story.
I promise you that.
对 那就是我听到的 就在爆胎之前
Yeah, that’s what I heard. Just before the tyre blew out.
你说对了 那是枪声
You’re right. It was a shot.
You took this to the police, huh?
对 我给警♥察♥了 我给了他们一份拷贝
Yes. I took this to the police. I gave them a copy.
他们送到实验室 发现是空白的
They sent it to the lab and it was blank.
所以有人洗掉了它 – 你肯定吗?
So somebody’s erased it. – Are you sure?
我亲手转录的 我听过回放 现在却空白了 我其它的带子也是
I transferred it myself, I heard it played back and now it’s blank, like the rest of my tapes.
好 冷静 这声音非常清晰 就是图像有点模糊
OK. Calm down. The sound is very clear. It’s the picture that’s a little fuzzy.
糟糕 没人会信
Shit. Nobody’s gonna believe it.
他们会说是我在实验室里制♥造♥的 而他们是对的
They’d say I made it up in the lab, and they’d be right.
不管主谋是谁 他已经联♥系♥过警方…
Whoever’s in on this has contacts with the police.
Because they want McRyan to sink without a trace.
They don’t wanna hear about my gunshot.
天 你打算怎么做? – 什么?
Gee, what are you gonna do? – What?
What are you gonna do?
What you mean what am I gonna do, what are we gonna do?
我跟这事有什么关系? – 你别编了 莎莉
What do I have to do with this? – You cut the shit, Sally.
I know what you were doin’ in that car.
What do you know?
你和你的朋友卡普 在陷害勒索麦克雷
You and you friend Karp were settin’ up McRyan for blackmail,
拍下你和麦克雷的艳照 就在自♥由♥日宴会后 对吧?
gettin’ scummy pictures of you and McRyan gettin’ laid after the Liberty Ball. Right?
What did you do? You tell him running water under a well-lit bridge gets you hot?
谁告诉你的? – 我看过你以前的作品 汽车旅馆里的偷♥拍♥
Who told you that? – I’ve got a look of your earlyer work. Some motel candid-camera shots.
你奶♥子♥不错 谁付钱让你秀给麦克雷看的?
You got nice tits. Who was paying you to flash ’em for McRyan?
我不在车里 你没读过报纸吗?
I wasn’t in the car. Or haven’t you been reading the papers?
How long do you think that Henry’s cover-up’s gonna last?
我刚跟一个记者谈过 他知道所有事情
I just talked to a reporter who knows everything.
他们洗掉了我的带子 他们让你消失 下一个就会是我
They have erased my tapes, they’ve made you disappear, and next it’s gonna be me.
但我可不会消失 我告诉你 – 是吗 我会
But I’m not disappearin’. I’ll tell you that. – Yeah? I am.
好 你以为不会被永久消失吗? – 那是什么意思?
Yeah, what makes you think it won’t be permanent. – What’s that supposed to mean?
我不就是在水下失事车里找到你的吗? – 对 但那是意外
Didn’t I meet you in a car wreck under water? – Yeah, but that was an accident.
曼尼不会让我受伤害的 – 不就是他让你上车的?
Manny wouldn’t get me hurt. – Didn’t he get you into the car?
对 但他并不知道… – 他不知道轮胎会被射爆 他一无所知
Yeah, but he didn’t know… – He didn’t know the tyre’d be shot out. He didn’t know that.
他不可能知道 – 算了吧 莎莉
He couldn’t have. – Come on, Sally.
要不是我在那里拉你出来 你现在已经死了 还不明白吗
If I hadn’t been there to pull you out of the river, you’d be dead now. Don’t you get it?
坐下 来坐下 我要听所有事
Sit down. Come on, sit down. I wanna hear everything.
从头说起好了 说吧
Just start right from the top. Come on.
只是一份工作 就像其它工作一样
It was just a job, like all the others.
我骗他们上♥床♥ 曼尼录下来
I’d get ’em into bed and Manny’d get it on film.
好 “他们” 谁是“他们”?
All right. Them. Who’s ‘them’?
我不知道 丈夫、市政官员 大多数是小地方来的
I don’t know. Husbands, city officials, mostly small-town guys.
为钱 – 你就那么需要钱?
The money. – Oh, you need the money that bad?
得了 你知道我在哪里工作
Come on. You know where I work.
我得满脸堆笑挣钱 展示人家推销的27种不同颜色的唇膏
I get paid to smile my ass off and show the 27 different lipsticks they’re pushin’.
You know how much I make?
屁大一点 而且我根本不会打字
Shit is what I make. And I sure is how can’t I type.
所以也就剩不下多少了 知道吗?
So it doesn’t leave a helluva lot, you know?
So I did it.
你知道 我不用真的做什么事 比如跟他们搞
You know I didn’t really have to do anything like screw ’em or anything.
只要把场面弄尴尬就行 我懂
Just make it embarrassing.
对 是这样
Yeah, right.
反正 曼尼说过他们活该
Anyway, Manny said it served them right
要是一个男人把手伸进饼干筒 他活该被卡住
If a guy stuck his hand in the cookie jar, he deserves to get it cut off.
骗不了诚实男人 对吧?
Can’t cheat an honest man, right?
我想我只是愿意去这么想 这样会容易些
I guess I wanted to believe it. It just made it easier.
好了 麦克雷 他怎么回事?
OK. McRyan. What about him?
Manny got me into the Liberty Ball.
我去找麦克雷 说他多么了不起 他非常热心向我展示
I went over to McRyan, I told him what a great guy he was, and he was very hot to show me.
于是我们从后门溜走 坐他的车离开
So we slipped out the back and took off in his car.
好吧 谁雇了曼尼去拍照?
All right. Who hired Manny to take these pictures?
I don’t know.
Don’t you think Manny knew that his client was planning to shoot out the tyre?
告诉你了就拿不到钱 对吧?
It wouldn’t pay to tell you, would it?
Manny wouldn’t do that.
他不想多赚点吗? – 对 没错
Didn’t he wanna make an extra buck? – Yeah, right.
因为现在他卖♥♥照片赚了大钱 你分多少?
Cos he’s makin’ big bucks selling the pictures now. What’s your cut?
我拿到报酬了 – 是啊 可能是低报酬
I got paid. – Underpaid, probably.
你干嘛在意呢? – 我已经厌倦被这些人耍 这是我在乎的
What do you care? – I’m sick of bein’ fucked by these guys. That’s what I care.
瞧 先是亨利要我闭嘴 保全大州长的名声
I mean, look. First Henry gets me to shut up to preserve the reputation of the great governor.
接着 我发现他不是沾花惹草 而是被谋杀
Then I find instead of gettin’ laid he gets murdered
and nobody wants to know about it.
没人想知道阴谋所在 我搞不懂了
Nobody wants to know about conspiracy. I don’t get it.
我来告诉你 好吗?
Let me tell you somethin’. All right?
I know what I heard and what I saw.
我不会罢休 我要让这个国家每个人听见和看见这件事
I’m not gonna stop until everyone in this fuckin’ country hears and sees the samething.
And you’re gonna help me.
没错 你 你得去找你的同伴卡普 拿到原始片子
Yeah, you. You find your pal Karp and get that original film.
因为这个没有用 我需要原始片子
Because this isn’t any good. I need the original.
要是我们不能拿它上电视给大家看 他们就会结案
Cos if we don’t get this on television for everybody to see, they’ll close the book.
任何未了结的残局 比如你我 将会被立刻收拾掉
And any loose ends happen be hanging out, like you or me, are gonna be cut right off.
所以你的选择是 要么发疯要么死 随便你
so you got your choice, you can be crazy or dead. Either will do.
All right. All right, look.
我试试去拿片子 然后你能不能放过我?
I’ll try and get the film. Then will you just leave me alone about all this?
I wish I was the only one you had to worry about.
我知道你是想吓唬我 你干得很好 – 我是想保住咱俩的小命
I know you’re trying to scare me. You’re doin’ a good job. – I’m tryin’ to save our asses.
我的小命我自己保 谢了
I’ll look after my own ass, thank you.
事情兜不拢 曼尼 知道吗 – 哦?比如什么?
Things aren’t adding up, Manny, you know. – Yeah? Like what?
给你 – 我最后怎么会困在车里?
There you go. – How did I end up in that car?
来 坐下 找个座儿
Come on, sit down. Have a seat.
How did I end up in that car in the bottom of the creek?
听着 你怎么想的?那人正往前开着车 突然之间爆胎了啊
Listen, what do you think? I mean, the guy’s drivin’ along and all of sudden he has a blowout.
那不是爆胎 曼尼 有人开枪射爆轮胎
It wasn’t a blowout, Manny. Somebody shot out the tyre.
What the hell are you talkin’ about? How do you know that?
我知道 我就是知道
I know. I just know.
好了 是谁? – 没有谁
Now, who was it? – It was nobody.
好了 曼尼 跟我说实话吧
Come on, Manny. Just level with me.
好吧 有个神经病 几周前他给我打电♥话♥
All right. This nut, he calls me a couple of weeks ago…
…and he says he’s workin’ for some candidate.
Some candidate that’s interested in gettin’ McRyan out of the race.
听起来就是个张三李四 对吧?
Sounds like a normal Joe, right?
他说我们在做离婚诈骗 就给我开价6千
He says he’s heard about our fine divorce work and offers me six grand.
Six? You told me three.
对…事前3千 事后3千
Yeah, well… three before and three after.
So when were you gonna tell me about the three after?
等我拿到钱以后 你以为呢?
After I collected it. When do you think?
是啊 当然
Yeah. Sure.
嘿 你怎么回事?
Hey. What’s the matter with you?
You think I’m pulling your legs? You don’t believe me?
听着 我怎么能知道这家伙会成功呢?
Listen. How was I gonna be sure that this guy was gonna come through?
我是说 6千对于这种活计可是一大笔钱
I mean, six grand– that’s a lotta money for this kind of a job, huh?
要我说他的钱物有所值 – 他本不应该死的 老天在上
I’d say he got his money’s worth. – He wasn’t supposed to die, for chrise sake.
他本来连受伤都不会 那是个意外
He wasn’t even supposed to get hurt. That was an accident.
你看 我后来琢磨出来了
You know. I figured it out later.
This nut’s idea was
是射爆麦克雷的车胎 导致一场小事故
was to shoot out the tyre of McRyan’s car, cause a little crackup.
警♥察♥出现 他们把他拖出车子… – 还有我?
The police show up, they pull him outta the car… – With me?
对对 还有你 然后我全拍下来
Yeah, yeah, with you. And I’d get it all on film.